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The Nine Hundred and Eleven Pound Gorilla -- A new 9/11 initiative

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posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 02:54 PM
This Nine Hundred and Eleven Pound Gorilla concept is being revised from the original idea portrayed in this thread. Stay tuned for more information coming soon.
(February, 2008)


Branding 9/11 Truth For "The Average Media Consumer"


While "conspiracy theory aficionados" may easily see the discrepancies in the "official" explanations for the attacks on 9/11/2001, the average person does not. In an effort to spread awareness of the possibilities of government conspiracies related to these vents, various "9/11 Truth" groups have formed throughout the world, following the lead of the main group at However, these groups tend to be populated primarily by "political activists" whose natural tendency for street-action is not getting through to the average person. As a result, the general public has either been turned off by the passion of eager activists or simply does not care.


Those who take the time to review well-presented material about the discrepancies associated with the attacks of 9/11 tend to being a cycle of questioning and doubt that leads to a concern that "something important" is being withheld. So the challenge is to find a means that effectively communicate concerns about 9/11 in a concise and "mainstream" manner so that the average person will listen, and begin to learn more.


A joint venture not-for-profit project among between, and two other groups we're currently working with -- to be named soon.
(We're working with the CEO of a publishing house, and an important 9/11 advocacy group... bringing together three leaders in their respective areas... and a "911 Pound Gorilla" book is possibly one of the items that could happen.)


The Nine Hundred and Eleven Pound Gorilla - (place holder site)

Basic Idea:

Create a "branded icon" that represents a growing frustration over discrepancies and questions related to the official explanations of the attacks on 9/11/2001.

The Gorilla is a pervasive symbol, supported by all who question the events of 9/11. "It's the 911 pound gorilla in the room everyone has heard about, but few like to talk about."

Material distributed under the 911 Pound Gorilla brand must be:
- concise and professional - short, sweet, well-written, well-designed, slick, and devoid of excitable rhetoric
- clear and simple - 9/11 factoids that get to the point and avoid sensationalist clonclusions
- avoid finger pointing - the goal is not to blame a party, president, or group, but to encourage dialog & questions

The 911 Pound Gorilla brand represents a sober look at the questions surrounding the events of 9/11 in a way that is easily accepted by anyone.
- 911 Gorilla topics should be cocktail party safe
- 911 Gorilla topics should be conversation starters
- 911 Gorilla topics should be work safe
- 911 Gorilla ads should look like they fit well in mainstream magazines
- 911 Gorilla publications should look great on Barnes & Noble shelves
- 911 Gorilla website must be supremely professional
- 911 Gorilla podcasts should sound as good as the best radio show
- 911 Gorilla outdoor advertising should look great in Times Square
- 911 Gorilla should be welcomed on the streets of any city (person in costume)

Brand Icon:

A slick and professional design is needed that looks approachable, intelligent, and above all has the potential to be an internationally recognizable brand icon on par with the world's most known consumer brands.

The "911 Pound Gorilla" brand icon needs to be slick, clear, professional, and able to become an item that can be instantly recognized as a symbol of the search for truth. So we'll be launching a contest as we search for the perfect "brand icon".

How ATS Members Can Help:

All ATS members will have a unique opportunity to help shape and refine the messaging that is delivered by the "911 Pound Gorilla" brand... both on the website, and in offline publications, ads, and pamphlets. So we'll also be looking to our members to find twenty of fewer core 9/11 topics that can be refined and presented for "mainstream consumption."

Two new threads regarding the icon design contest and content brainstorming will appear soon.

edit, spelling in title

[edit on 13-2-2008 by SkepticOverlord]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 04:09 PM
I like this guy's work very much. I found these in a monkey blog - of all places
If this is the kind of thing you had in mind, maybe he'd be willing to help us out? He could only say no.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 04:44 PM
Hey, i agree. This government and its leaders are keeping all the facts hush hush. but, here is something i found at work a couple of weeks ago. its a pamphlet from a site called the black pamphlet. the web site is
there are other links to ther sites on that page, as well as the pamphlet i have. hope that helps in the attempt to smite the 911 pound gorilla!

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by necroflesh
This government and its leaders are keeping all the facts hush hush.

The perps of 9/11 were radical islamics. They hijacked four planes and flew three of them into buildings. The fourth didn't make it to the target because it was either brought down by the passengers or the terrorists who knew they couldn't make it to DC.

Those are the facts. The 'gorilla' is really just a chimp.

[edit on 1/12/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:15 PM
Monkey Business

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Those are the facts. The 'gorilla' is really just a chimp.

I tend to agree that the most likely explanation for how the attacks were carried out is just that.

What is not clear to me, however, is who was ultimately behind the attacks. Rumors are not a fitting substitute for proof, especially in the case of atrocious mass murders such as these.

It is also not clear to me that Osama bin Laden ever left the CIA payroll.

Gorilla or chimp, there are many, many facts that have been kept from the American public. There may be good reasons for keeping some of them secret.

Those reasons may not, however, necessarily include the best interests of the people of the United States, and a government which does not answer to its citizens has no business calling itself a government of the people.

But those are just my personal opinions, and they're beyond the scope of this thread.

The goal of this project is to break the deadlock surrounding 9/11 and encourage people to ask questions and study it.

I am unable to see how that would be a problem for anyone who agrees with the principles upon which this nation was founded, and the principle of Denying Ignorance.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Majic
I am unable to see how that would be a problem for anyone ..

If folks want to hack it out .. be my guest. That's what this site is for.
But as far as I have seen, UBL himself admitted to 9/11. Seems like a
done deal to me. But whatever .. ya'll have fun with it. The gorilla is just
a little chimp. (now watch .. someone will say 'bush is a chimp'

[edit on 1/12/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:03 PM
^ Always knew there would be one to derail the thread.

Back on topic.

I'm 100% behind this idea.

I've been spreading the word locally since 9/11 of the holes in the 'official' story told by Bush / Blair / Howard.

There is a BIG movement, and i mean widespread, here in Australia wanting answers to why we went to Iraq. It is that issue alone that will lose John Howard the next election.

We need to think of localized advertising. Be specific depending on the country. Americans should be told the raw facts regarding their 'leaders', where as others in the coalition like Australia and the UK should be shown why their government is just as much to blame as Bush and that his actions on 9/11 started the snowball effect that led us to this point.

If we could somehow link the fact that our boys are on foreign soil to the downing of the towers, you would have innumerable supporters in many countries. The general public are sick of the war and are looking for someone to blame... we have to make sure it is Bush.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:29 PM
I dont have a problem with people searching for the TRUTH... using a Gorilla as a symbol IMO will get more snickers than ever. Sorry, but if your going to send out people to question the government, you need to look the part. (not like the thugs you had holding the 911 Sign)

Gorillas and Wiggas in my eyes will only make people walk on the other side of the street.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:32 PM
Nothing From Nothing

If someone who isn't interested in 9/11 continues to not be interested in 9/11 because of a gorilla, I'm not sure what was lost.

The existence of McGruff the Crime Dog doesn't keep stodgy adults from taking a bite out of crime, and people aren't driven away from preventing forest fires by Smokey Bear, so I'm not quite ready to dismiss a gorilla out of hand.

Granted, using a "totem animal" may seem silly to some people, but if they didn't work, advertisers wouldn't use them.

As another example, the Disney Company doesn't seem to have any problems reaching people because of their mascot.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Majic
Nothing From Nothing

If someone who isn't interested in 9/11 continues to not be interested in 9/11 because of a gorilla, I'm not sure what was lost.

The existence of McGruff the Crime Dog doesn't keep stodgy adults from taking a bite out of crime, and people aren't driven away from preventing forest fires by Smokey Bear, so I'm not quite ready to dismiss a gorilla out of hand.

Granted, using a "totem animal" may seem silly to some people, but if they didn't work, advertisers wouldn't use them.

As another example, the Disney Company doesn't seem to have any problems reaching people because of their mascot.

The point of the Gorilla is to assist in spreading the truth so that others will question the official reports.

All the other "mascots" (besides Smokey) are catered toward children. If the target age for the Truth Movement is 12- 15 year old boys...then you have a great mascot in the Gorilla.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:23 PM
Don't forget what the gorilla represents.

Maybe some really don't know, so I'll explain. There is an adage that says something similar to 'A burning question so unforgettable and unnoticeable as a 900lb gorilla in the room'. Meaning it is very hard to ignore the nagging questions that linger in some peoples minds-in this case; as it is terribly hard to ignore a 900lb gorilla in your room.

Just in case someone didn't make the connection.

:edit: here are a few others who use or have used a gorilla as mascot/figurehead...

Phoenix Suns
American Tourister
Gorilla Glue

Just to point out that a gorilla isn't necessarily a symbol of childishness.

[edit on 12-1-2007 by nextguyinline]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by nextguyinline
Don't forget what the gorilla represents.

Maybe some really don't know, so I'll explain. There is an adage that says something similar to 'A burning question so unforgettable and unnoticeable as a 900lb gorilla in the room'. Meaning it is very hard to ignore the nagging questions that linger in some peoples minds-in this case; as it is terribly hard to ignore a 900lb gorilla in your room.

Just in case someone didn't make the connection.

:edit: here are a few others who use or have used a gorilla as mascot/figurehead...

Phoenix Suns
American Tourister
Gorilla Glue

Just to point out that a gorilla isn't necessarily a symbol of childishness.

[edit on 12-1-2007 by nextguyinline]

Thank you.......I love finding common sense among the masses

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 10:26 PM
I would like nothing better than to help raise peoples level of conciousness regarding the events of 9/11. In fact I have been spreading the word for a few years now and most of those I have spoken to have never seriously thought about the events. They just accepted the cover story at face value, but once they look at the long list of unanswered questions or read 'The New Pearl Harbor' they quickly get up to speed and start to spread the word. Loose Change is a gateway experience as well. I look forward to future post and I will do all that I can expose the 911 gorilla.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by necroflesh
This government and its leaders are keeping all the facts hush hush.

The parts of 9/11 were radical Islamics. They hijacked four planes and flew three of them into buildings. The fourth didn't make it to the target because it was either brought down by the passengers or the terrorists who knew they couldn't make it to DC.

Those are the facts.

True, those are the fact that are given for the people to believe and move on.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 01:22 AM
Great idea! It will be nice to have a comprehensive resource to direct people towards who want to learn more about our country's most history altering event.

Just dont make it like the Truth anti-smoking people! They look like anti-smoking nazis to me. Even though they have good information, it is not presented in a pofessional way. We shouldn't crawl down to Bush's level and use fear to sell an idea.

Also, the tag lines and advertisements should stay away from the sensational "no blood for oil" bumpersticker advertisments. Maybe something like "Learn the whole truth.." or "Get all the facts at..." or "Did you know Al-Qaida is not a terrorist group? Learn more at.."

Anyways, I'll save it for the brainstorming thread. Good luck on this project.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by fooffstarr
^ Always knew there would be one to derail the thread.

Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! It was not derailed. Get a grip.

Restating the FACT that it was radical Islamic terrorists who flew four planes into buildings and crashed them is NOT derailing. It's stating a fact. Like it or not.

The general public are sick of the war and are looking for someone to blame... we have to make sure it is Bush.

I am in awe of your objectivity.

Investigate and make sure Bush gets blamed. Isn't that profesional?

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen .. one of the problems of this investigation - objectivity.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 08:22 AM
This whole thing makes me think of king kong somehow

some banners in this direction could be interesting.


posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 12:31 PM
I applaud the work of all the truth movements out there. It is the fundamental right of americans to express their ideas, and opinions and if they believe something is not right to let that be known. Unfortunaltely it is usually the minority that screams and yells the loudest that gets their way, we give in just to shut them up.

Anyway, If 9/11 was an inside job, 9/11 is not the problem but only a manifestation of a much bigger problem. Whay are we not spending our time and resources to combat the larger problem?

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 12:49 PM
I just wish people would study just how impossible it was for the forty plus core beams to have collapsed down into themselves.

Forget about all the other strange and hard to prove theories that may or may not be true, but in the end they are just too hard to really prove.

Such as mini nukes, holograms, missles and the list goes on, this discredits the truth and make it harder to believe.

Even if that stuff was used you must know by now that the general populace would never accept it.

But if you show them a a video of the towers being built and explain to them how steel of that size can't just implode into 30 ft sections for 110 stories from any degree of heat, the lightbulb might just go on. Thats what happend to me in 2006. Common sense not crazy theories(from there perspective) must be used to get the general populace to understand the truth of 9/11.

So this 911 Gorilla needs to focus on the first part of what people can understand and accept, some things that we know happened are just too hard to prove and people won't buy it. Baby steps towards the truth.

However some dead enders will never accept the truth in fact those are the same type of people that would have stayed with Hitler in his bunker to the bitter end no matter what. We will always have those types of people in this world, don't waste your time on them.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
If folks want to hack it out .. be my guest. That's what this site is for.
But as far as I have seen, UBL himself admitted to 9/11.

Well he never did admit to being involved but did say that he did not feel particularly sorry that it happened.

The FBI in fact considers the guy such a large threat to US national security that they never even bothered to update his 'wanted' poster post 9-11. Since we all know how hard it is to update such online material this probably proves nothing at all.

Seems like a done deal to me. But whatever .. ya'll have fun with it. The gorilla is just a little chimp.

Well i don't think a chimp would choke on it's food so i think we should probably consider that he might be a badly programed cyborg/android that would best explain the very strange behaviour. It's either that or he was struck by lightning at some point as that nervous system just does not seem to function as one would expect.

(now watch .. someone will say 'bush is a chimp'

I think that would be pretty insulting to his handler's as they seem to be doing a decent job of keeping most of him in working order.

How anyone on this site can still believe in the original 9-11 story is quite beyond me but i don't mind helping the less fortunate in their times of need..


[edit on 13-1-2007 by StellarX]

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