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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by IronMan

Sleeper, Can't you force this Milton to unleash these machines on humanity?

no offense but can you just send them to ironmans house first and then he can get back to us on that.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 05:18 PM
You have voted sleeper for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

Thanks for all the work you have done sleeper. I admire how you avoid being pulled down by our resident 'skeptics'. Killing them with kindness looks very good on you. Just another way to deny ignorance.

I've had two encounters that I know of in my life. The first one when I was 12 yrs old involved an EBE holding something similar to 'ziggy' in "Quantum Leap". I interacted with this gadget, felt like I accomplished something..then ET and the UFO were gone. Can you shed any light on that?

I can't remember a damn thing about my second encounter except basically the sighting. But my best friend was with me and we both had about three and a half hours of lost time. Not being able to account for that time is very frustrating, although I realize this could be a blessing in disguise.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by homeskillet

Originally posted by IronMan

Sleeper, Can't you force this Milton to unleash these machines on humanity?

no offense but can you just send them to ironmans house first and then he can get back to us on that.

Heh... please don't send the machines to my house,
I mean I'd have to come up with an idea from a movie
or a sci-fi series to foil them.
Wait, I know... I'll watch V or Star Trek or SG1 and
imply I have an inner knowledge.
That'll scare those nasty machines away and then
guess what? there'll be proof that they actually existed.


posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 06:08 PM
Huh? no reply?
Mom must have said turn that thing off and time for bed.

Mod Note: Trim Those Quotes - Please Review this link

[edit on 14-1-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

Originally posted by sensfan
You have voted abidtic for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Well said Abidtic.

Why would you vote someone WATS when they post an argument against a man who doesn't care if he is believed or not? With all the things you could spend your time posting on, you use your WATS vote to applaud those who waste sleeper's time?

Man did you loose control of your own steering wheel. It's so easy to spot out you people who have an agenda here at ATS. If sleeper didn't care what anyone said, then he wouldn't have responded and he would've spent the first page exclaiming his coming clean on extraterrestrials. Yeah, I've read the blog and what a nice story it is. I'm not saying it's true or false.....none of us know but sleeper. What I was trying to say and we'll see if you can comprehend smallpeeps is that post's are created out of thin air like our money supply to argue with people. Did you get that or did it float over your head in your race to back up sleeper?

I'm coming clean on extraterrestrials.................Yeah ok, what a joke.

Everybody has a right to their own thoughts and beliefs and I love to hear about them but stick to the script you designed to begin with. You jumped in the fire and got burnt when you didn't have anything to do with it. I guess you love to be apart of the go smallpeeps. Only a few even cares about his past stories because some people that are here for the FIRST time haven't read his past stories and experiences. All they see is someone evading questions, giving innuendos, and negatively responding to those who have questions and expectations that people stick to the damn topic that they created to begin with.

It's obvious sleeper has a fan base and that is GREAT, I would hope that he would but that doesn't mean that you can create whatever topic you choose and not back it up. As a grown adult, you look foolish and waste other's time. Is that what you want to do? If you've had all these experiences then you should be sensitive to those that have never even heard of such a thing. To me, your a fake. You have your fan base but instead of gathering the masses for your "real story", you choose to direct your dialoge to your fans and question everyone else. Of course you don't question myself and others with proof or explicit detail.......instead you immediately try to defend your position and what you believe without a link, photo, recording, or witness..........a true sign of a PHONY. Do your thang though sleeper.....if I were you I'd do as your name say's and go to sleep. Shake it off, clear the cob webs and come back giving us comments that convert because after all, that is what we are here for. Quit bashing everyone who hates to waste their time reading your empty comments and stories that carry no substance, no proof, and nothing more than a fictional story. Have you ever thought about writing a book based on your extraordianary experiences or does ATS give you enough attention???

Nough Said....and don't worry about my signature, what in the world does that have to do with anything....would you like me to change it to something more appropriate for YOU?

Mod Note: Aliens & UFO’s Forum Posting Conduct – Please Review This Link.

Mod Note: You Have a U2U- Click Here.

[edit on 14-1-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by IronMan

Huh? no reply?
Mom must have said turn that thing off and time for bed.

from me? ok, here goes. if your looking for a tv sci-fi way to defeat the machines i would look to futurama. you just have to give them a paradox and they'll get stuck in a loop and their head will explode.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 06:45 PM

Although your blog is interesting......I noticed that Mike (you perhaps) seems to talk A LOT while Milton, this inferior alien is not so quick or in depth with his to explain that or is your blog an exact memoir of your comments on the ATS board....all about YOU! Kind of Ironic isnt' it? Nice story though......even worth a second read...thanks! If I had been contacted by an alien, I know I couldn't have thought of a better way to let others know than by a "screenplay"
Please let us know of your next experience and hopefully instead of a screenplay, we can just get an accurate description of the facts. Please ask if you can take a couple of photo's if it's not too much trouble for you or the alien.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 08:39 PM
reply to a u2u sent by DontTreadOnMe regarding inappropriate posting. u2u edited out
Well, it looks like Sleeper and company have more than just a "fan" base behind them and that my reply was way out of hand. I apologize sleeper. Your story is as good as gold and I applaud you for sharing. I'm sure if I read it enough times, I will become a believer in it
In consideration of the preferential rules and regulations here at ATS, I'd rather apologize then get "banned" from responding to any posts for 3 day's.

[edit on 14-1-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 08:58 PM

We all get that way sometimes but I know I think highly of you for apologizing to Sleeper.

I think we all have to stop being so picky about stupid stuff and move on.
We all probably feel this is a good site and wouldn't want to be banned just because we are having a bad moment ......

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 09:44 PM
First, jaguar, I understand why the world governments, at least the U.S. government, wants to prevent disclosure. I can think of a number of reasons.

But I also think that the U.S. government's concerns are not shared by the populace of this planet, or by ETs, with regard to our introduction to other civilizations.

It's my hope, and belief, that fairly soon our government won't have a choice.

In fact, I love the thought that we will be allowed to think, and make decisions with regard to our place on this planet and in this universe - on our own; that this decision will soon be open to us, every individual on this planet and not just a select, powerful few (again, this is a hope and not a prediction...although I think one can see the writing on the wall...)

We aren't wearing diapers, we don't need the government's teat to survive, and we'd like to experience more than an existence burdened with labor and taxes. More than that - we want to live independently; to exercise our free will, and not be governed by deceptive criminals with self-preservation and a greed for money and power driving them.

Sleeper's story is one among many, and many others do not agree with his views concerning disclosure. I will say many are in agreeance with the fact that information - disclosure - is not immediately forthcoming for many reasons; however, the clock IS ticking.

In fact, many say that between now and 2012 that unprecedented phenomena and contact events will present the people of this planet with undeniable proof that we are not alone. Not only that, but each and every person on this planet will be given a choice to decide how they want to live.

To abidtic lol - it's cool. A lot of people are thinking what you're writing with regard to proof, etc. It's been asked of sleeper on other threads and he hasn't, for whatever reasons, produced this evidence.

Anyone who posts on threads with sleeper has come to terms there will be no evidence and simply post out of curiosity. In fact, you will be hard pressed to get evidence from many people posting "contact" experiences on ATS. That's tough for a lot of people to swallow, and because of that many people refuse to engage those claiming such things.

The subject is touchy for a lot of people, and because of that the mods are on task in the Alien & UFO threads...

Just didn't want you to feel singled out. You would have had a better chance in earlier sleeper threads to have it out lol...(I'm not advocating that, just saying...)

For me, there's plenty of evidence on the Internet of ET craft visiting our planet, so I can suspend to some degree my disbelief, because as far as I'm concerned the presence has been established in my mind.

Beyond that, "what" these beings do and "who" they contact is open for debate, but I don't disregard (if that's the right word) people's specific accounts of contact out of hand...

These stories may seem far-fetched, but truth is often stranger than fiction. Besides, how would you or I know exactly what someone would encounter "out there"?

sleeper, I wanted to say thank you for answering my questions. It's good to know your wife has a sense of humor about things. If I lose everything in my life, let me just keep that. You say your wife has been taken numerous times. I believe the number of people "taken" is actually probably a very alarming number...

I'm very suspicious of where I go at've had ufo and space travel dreams, lucid dreams, my entire life. I'm pretty sure I have an active nightlife...

You said you know of elements that would like to make statements to our planet, but they are held in check. I bet there are many more that you don't know of...I also think the clock really is ticking...

You also said 2012 is meaningless - you could be right to some extent. However, this time frame, our current evolution (many individuals' - I don't speak for the U.S. government) and level of technology make it a ripe time to say hello...2012, I think, is mostly a Mayan thing...However, there are many indicators that this time period will see unprecedented events on this planet, so about 2012 specifically, who knows?

I don't want to get stuck on that date, but there is a lot of noise being made with regard to the next five years...

I don't have anything really to ask, but wanted to post before another twenty pages were added to this thread lol...

One thing I came away from your story with was that, for the most part, this universe is an open system. That we are all travelers. That we are more than this body, and our experience has and will stem beyond this planet, either before, or after we die...

As far as life on this planet, I really have seen over my thirty-something years, an increase, acceleration and intensification of ufo and contact related phenomena.

It's almost reached a fever pitch that feels like it's about to break. And I think it will...I have a feeling that when it does you might even be surprised...I hope that's the case lol...

Anyway, thank you for posting and sharing your story. I hope to maybe have some questions for you later...and maybe you'll get the go-ahead to release some of the "juicy" stuff...

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
First, jaguar, I understand why the world governments, at least the U.S. government, wants to prevent disclosure. I can think of a number of reasons.

But I also think that the U.S. government's concerns are not shared by the populace of this planet, or by ETs, with regard to our introduction to other civilizations.

It's my hope, and belief, that fairly soon our government won't have a choice.

In fact, I love the thought that we will be allowed to think, and make decisions with regard to our place on this planet and in this universe - on our own; that this decision will soon be open to us, every individual on this planet and not just a select, powerful few (again, this is a hope and not a prediction...although I think one can see the writing on the wall...)

We aren't wearing diapers, we don't need the government's teat to survive, and we'd like to experience more than an existence burdened with labor and taxes. More than that - we want to live independently; to exercise our free will, and not be governed by deceptive criminals with self-preservation and a greed for money and power driving them.

I was so upset today when I logged onto ATS because of this very issue that I almost quit ATS altogether and moved on to other projects. And yes, sooner or later the government will have to expose the truth. The O'Hare incident, more importantly the reaction between denying and then saying yes an incident occured, is one of many i'd expect to see in the immediate future.

My rant on ATS: To make it truly huge, you (moderators and staff) should organize the forums to a bigger extent. I went off on a few members in ATS chat and almost lost hope, good thing I didn't lose it- it's too important to let my personal baggage get in the way. Moving on.

The change should be for every forum...

1) Concrete Evidence
2) Personal opinion/experience
3) Theory, speculation, debate

You (moderators and staff) did an excellent job with recreating the site. However, you can do better for making it easier for exposure, study, and getting out/getting in proper communications.

Sorry to be blunt, but right now ATS is bush-league for what it can be. With your creation comes a tremendous responsibility, and I can't thank you enough for what you have created. I am practically pleading you organize- i'm not passing judgements that are designed to create destruction- so don't ban me :-)

Onto the issue:

I respect sleeper for his mission, however I disagree completely with the group's order to keep us boxed-in to this planet without knowledge. If that order is here, or above- makes no difference, it's just a matter of time in my eyes. In my opinion, the big picture is one that could end wars and stop hatred that leads to atrocity. This is why I give two sh*** about this ET/UFO stuff. If it weren't for that, i'd say, "dude throw me a beer" and just be a regular joe (you know what I mean).

The thing is we've got the info, can do something with it, and create real change. Wether or not you agree with sleeper telling the truth- you should agree with his mission. Let's gradually bring up the awareness of new realities to the masses. We all can do it together, and the benefits will be plentiful.

What most don't realize is there is a war going on with words and power, and Earth is the stage. If you want your best interests at stake, stand up for truth, and do it with courage and honor.

Sleeper, you know I respect you, but you've got this thing going on where it seems you can't wait to get off this place. Part of me thinks that's pretty crappy, and the other part says thanks for taking the job- I'm conflicted on your attitude towards humanity. But you know what, I still know you've got courage, and still know you're doing, so thanks.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 10:34 PM
Look, I don't like the title of skeptic, mostly because I believe in aliens. I just don't think everyone should get a blank check when it comes to telling their stories, you know?

Anyway, sleeper, I am just curious since you said you have been abducted, if I was abducted and taken on a lengthy starflight, what could I expect to be on the menu, and do you have any recomendations?

Thanks, mate and no hard feelings,

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself
I've had two encounters that I know of in my life. The first one when I was 12 yrs old involved an EBE holding something similar to 'ziggy' in "Quantum Leap". I interacted with this gadget, felt like I accomplished something..then ET and the UFO were gone. Can you shed any light on that?

Thanks HaveSeen,

Those you encounter placed the info into your subconscious mind, and you may not think you understand what went down at that time---you do on a higher mental level. Have you ever worked on a problem for days and weeks then out of the blue the solution comes to you---it’s on that order.

They have gadgets with animate qualities that will freak the heck out of most people---and they are not easy to get use too---in most cases they are harmless learning tools.

I can't remember a damn thing about my second encounter except basically the sighting. But my best friend was with me and we both had about three and a half hours of lost time. Not being able to account for that time is very frustrating, although I realize this could be a blessing in disguise.

When you’re left with a blank slate it could be a number of reasons, you had a horrible time---is one, and another one is that they show you things that are not allowed to be remembered on earth because it would impede living a normal life, those are the two main reason.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by jaguarmike

Sleeper, you know I respect you, but you've got this thing going on where it seems you can't wait to get off this place. Part of me thinks that's pretty crappy, and the other part says thanks for taking the job- I'm conflicted on your attitude towards humanity. But you know what, I still know you've got courage, and still know you're doing, so thanks.


I have family on this planet and friends, including you and anyone who would have me. So it’s not like I want to just up and leave. All of us are going to leave this planet some will be returned kicking and screaming, many will go on to more fantastic planets and star systems.

Most people don’t know what is out there---I do, and earth is not on the list for utopiaville for some time, most alive today will not see it or will only catch a glimpse of it before they expire.

Life on this plant will improve considerably in our lifetime for billions of people but billions will remain in the pain---that’s why they were put here.

I applauded your enthusiasm to make this world a better place and the world will be a better place if there are more like you who want it and demand it.

I’m here for the long haul because my contract is not due to expire for awhile---unless the terms change---lol

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by HankMcCoy

Anyway, sleeper, I am just curious since you said you have been abducted, if I was abducted and taken on a lengthy starflight, what could I expect to be on the menu, and do you have any recomendations?

Thanks, mate and no hard feelings,

Hanky panky---just kidding---lol

Well hank hate to be the one to break it to you but no long trips for you buddy, nothing personal and definitely not my doing.

But say you got lucky somehow and won a trip of a lifetime, the food would be literally out of this world---pun intended---lol

The food is the best and never any heartburn or indigestion no matter how much of it you eat---I don’t know where it goes once you eat it---it simply disappears!

Everything on the menu is fantastic

Chew on that for awhile---

PS you will not be taking any long trips but that doesn’t mean you will not be abducted---think you are ready for it?

[edit on 14-1-2007 by sleeper]

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 02:12 AM

And yes, sooner or later the government will have to expose the truth.

Now suppose that "the truth" is that the Government doesn't know The TRVTH either.

What then? What if they don't know any truth to expose, other than one giant multibillion dollar whiskey tango foxtrot?

what are they supposed to say? Why 'disclose' anything if it's only a problem without a solution?

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 03:58 AM

Good to see you once again. Thankyou for your refreshing comments, I'll take time to read your blog.

I feel I have all the answers I need to get me through this life

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by abidtic
reply to a u2u sent by DontTreadOnMe regarding inappropriate posting. u2u edited out
Well, it looks like Sleeper and company have more than just a "fan" base behind them and that my reply was way out of hand. I apologize sleeper. Your story is as good as gold and I applaud you for sharing. I'm sure if I read it enough times, I will become a believer in it
In consideration of the preferential rules and regulations here at ATS, I'd rather apologize then get "banned" from responding to any posts for 3 day's.

Please don’t believe anything on my account; I’m not selling anything and I’m not interested in making ET believers of anyone

Unlike some skeptics I don’t look down on non believers but I sometimes respond to them when they attack my integrity, which happens often.

Do we live in a fish bowl or a toilet bowl? Depends on one’s perspective, the fish don’t think they live in a toilet.

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by sleeperBut say you got lucky somehow and won a trip of a lifetime, the food would be literally out of this world---pun intended---lol

The food is the best and never any heartburn or indigestion no matter how much of it you eat---I don’t know where it goes once you eat it---it simply disappears!

Everything on the menu is fantastic

Chew on that for awhile---

Posted by sleeper, on April 17, 2005 at 21:03 GMT

I like having my three squares a day, yet I don't recall ever eating or drinking while I was a possession of the aliens.

Well??? What is it sleeper??? Food or no food??

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795

Originally posted by sleeperBut say you got lucky somehow and won a trip of a lifetime, the food would be literally out of this world---pun intended---lol

The food is the best and never any heartburn or indigestion no matter how much of it you eat---I don’t know where it goes once you eat it---it simply disappears!

Everything on the menu is fantastic

Chew on that for awhile---

Posted by sleeper, on April 17, 2005 at 21:03 GMT

I like having my three squares a day, yet I don't recall ever eating or drinking while I was a possession of the aliens.

Well??? What is it sleeper??? Food or no food??

That's food for thought---

In case you didn't notice I have told things in the blog that I had not disclosed in my previous thread,

In my first thread where you got that quote I was still putting together pieces of the puzzle, every day more pieces are added, should I withhold them if they contradict things I have said in the past?

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