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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Beamish
Hi sleeper

I posted a question on this thread (with reference to the theory of UFOs being organic) about a hundred years ago, which you kindly answered, and was wondering if you'd be so kind as to answer another?

Please forgive me if this has been asked before (as you can imagine, it's difficult to trawl through all of the previous questions). Even though I have formed a personal opinion that ET exists through a lifelong study of the phenomena, why haven't I ever seen a UFO? Gotta tell you, it's seriously annoying!!

Am I doing something wrong?

Most who have been inside UFOs are not allowed to remember because those over them have deemed it---I give countless explanations in this thread on why that is---and there are countless more reasons that are not mine to give.

Just because you don’t remember doesn’t mean you’ve been left out.

Some visits are horrific and it’s a blessing that you don’t remember but others are quite nice.

Once you been in the candy store nothing else will do---you don’t remember but you still crave it

How would you focus on this life if you were allowed to remember all the sensations in the candy store?

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Blackdude
Hey sleeper,

You say there are thousands of Earth type planets in this galaxy that are mirror images of our little rock, in terms of culture, race, and technology levels. My question is does ET keep themselves behind the scenes on all Earth-type planets like this one, or is there presence common knowledge on some, but not all.

Hi Blackdude,

All planets on this level are treated more or less the same---like a large city with hundreds of schools all following a basic plan---yet the principle and teachers have some unique input on how things get done in their own schools.

There are many levels higher and lower, and ETs are known and interact on the higher up ones and also the very bottom ones.

Also, under what circumstances do they reveal themselves?

Almost any circumstance---but they decide what if anything those they interact with will remember.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Ectoterrestrial
While I'm probably always going to be stuck in the world of not knowing what is going on, that never seems to stop me from asking questions of people who's intent seems good. I have a very small question to ask, I hope it is not too small to be a bother:

Assume you experience a particularly traumatizing event. One that is not easy to handle. The kind most people don't get until very near the end of their lives.

Then assume that through some perseverance and perhaps a lot of luck, you manage to come up with what seems to be a solution to the problem.

Later, you remember a conversation with a disembodied voice asking you how you arrived at the solution. When you explain the answer, the voice simply says, "Fascinating."

What is going on? Do you have any take on that situation?

The voice is family on the other side poking through the membrane into this side---some people might mistakenly call them poltergeist because they can manifest body and voice into our reality here on earth.

And on the premise that we are not in (complete) isolation tanks for a reason, here's a wide open question:

Is there anything we can do to help each other with integrity, or it is entirely an internal battle?

For the most part it is on each one of us alone to achieve---but sometimes an unexpected kindness from others will spark us to improve

For example, AA seems to help some people focus on their families and off of the bottle. Should people take pleasure from helping the other people in the group, or is that indicative of ego?

That is an easy trap to fall into---and is a touchy subject to breach because we all cherish doing good for others and then taking credit for it.

But this life is a tricky business and integrity has to be real and there are many variations and situation that will expose any and all flaws---that’s why we have many life times to get it right.

Any time we help someone we in fact helped ourselves---so the pat on the back we like giving ourselves is over the top and undeserved---

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by plumranch
Do you think that if we vote for say a politition that wants to give us health care for free that it will probably earn us another go round in this "hell hole" or similar?

If a politician promises “free” anything and people vote them in they might get more than another tour down here---

Certainly many people get a free ride but that’s only because others have to pay for that free ride---nothing is free on this side of the fence.

Or can we ask for a free ride from time to time and get by with it?

Able bodied and mind people can get free rides but they will have to make up for it somewhere down the line

We all know how difficult life down here can be---carrying a double load is not advised, there are many on earth now that are doing just that---and they are not very happy

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Rudolph_X

Some folks predict that in the near future there is a point where machines, like ones more advanced than our computers will become self conscious. I have even heard about biological computers that are in the works which might also relate to this question. Will machines eventually attain the same kind of self consciousness that humans and other higher entities have?

No manmade machine will “ever” achieve “Hal 9000” type consciousness---machines will mimic humans and be able to interact as if they had personality and consciousness but that's where it stops.

And, will these machines ever develop into creatures who can possess or have souls of their own (a sort of deus ex machina, etc.)?


Would the AI entities become somewhat similarly as useful as, or even more useful than human soul containers are in playing a part in the development of super-souls?


Can you tell us about the relationship the so called 'over-soul' plays in all this?

The souls plus many bags of chips are way beyond the physical silicon and flesh and blood stuff.---they don’t even associate with such matter---
---I’m so bad---

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by tommyknockers
Sleeper, 50 LIVES! Holy replay button batman!

You mean to tell me there are people here from the time of Christ and beyond?

Does that really surprise you?

Man I think its time to just sit back and enjoy the ride. I was guessing at best this was my second time around, if that’s the case I am going to have to settle in for the long run. That sure puts a different perspective on everything. What will earth be like in 3500 years?

They are not consecutive and they don’t all take place on this planet---for the good little boys and girls there are nice long vacations in between

Do you know how many trips around the soul machine you have takin?

I try to avoid the soul machine whenever possible---but I have been around a few and then some

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:12 AM
Hello Sleeper.

Thanks for your commets.

I suppose you heard the 'chatter' going round about Jim Marrs coming on the ATS forum to share some of his ideas with the members here on ATS?

I don't think you need to ask Jim Marrs about anything, but I was wondering if you were going to participate in his forum, just in case he might have some questions for you?

Anyway, I really appreciate your straight forward comments and replies and answers you give us. I would think that for many of us it is like being a stranger in a foreign land, and finally finding someone who speaks the same language that you do, finding someone you can have a coherent conversation with instead of only being able to talk to your own hat.

Thanks again.

[edit on 8/15/2007 by Rudolph_X]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:22 AM
Hey Sleeper, that's a new one for me, the soul machine. What is it? (I hope you'se are not talking about the soul machine Capt. John Lear says is located on the moon? I thought you said that wasn't really there?)

Also, I heard that in some reincarnations, like say if you were a predator type here on Earth, you could reincarnate in some kind of sentient octopuss type body on some distant water world? Or perhaps as an intelligent insectoid, reptilian, or other even more unusual forms like a big-foot or something even stranger than that?

Am I right in assuming that not all reincarnations are on Earth, and are not always in the human type containers, some soul containers being a little better and some being a little worse?

Are there many water worlds in our neck of the Galaxy? Perhaps some partially frozen over, etc.?

Also, is it true that not all soul containers are of the human type, that some are really wierd and different from us, like in the case of the octopuss type soul containers living on water worlds and such? How many different types of soul containers are there for reincarnating souls to inhabit?

And also, my earlier guess that the average current Earthling types, on the upward path, usually reincarnate around 1200 more times... and then escape from the wheel of reincarnation into a more stable environment. Was that even close?

Thanks again.

[edit on 8/15/2007 by Rudolph_X]

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 02:46 AM
Hi sleeper again...i am right now enjoying a very good vacation somewhere in TX (lets say is a island...famouse in tx)..and its nice to see and feel the with newphews...and check from time to time ats forum...

Anyway ..sleeper its normal to dream with Jesus.?? i mean i am catholic. and I supouse many with the same background would....and well i had a dream long time ago tha shook me..well in a sense of sadness...was strange dream,,,i remeber very few bits..and stuff..but i was walking with jesus and some other folks..of course we were all dressed like ancient times (or on that time that jesus live)..anyway we enter a small town..and they ask fro money (like a small feed so you could enter) i try to reach my pocket but somebody else gave the money and we all get in..after it i dont remember much..then i remember we all were gathered and some place and some romans came..and took jesus ...i started to cry..but cry a lot..and run to try to do something...after it..i woke up much..tears flowing...but i remember his face..yes he kind looks like some paintings..but just ind off..his eyes are very prenetating and you see so much innocence that makes you just cry..well not cry but like..dismantling your soul in pieces...

Anyway i just want to share this and to see what do you think sleeper..

Nice to see you agai and hope your family is fine and well...


posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
pure evil truly can be clever

This small comment, perhaps more than any other you've made, really stood out to me.

For years now I've been of the opinion that Evil has no greater power or ability than the talent to disguise itself or else very cleverly slip under the radar enough to avoid being held accountable.

So very many tend to only view Evil as something that makes itself obvious such as in the case of murder, child molestation, or even an angry and uncivil forum member to provide a few examples... Most such cases however serve as better examples of mental weakness, insanity, uncontrollable urges and anger issues rather than true Evil.

Evil in it's truest form exists in a much less obvious sense within people, and conducts itself through small, ingenious and seemingly innocent manipulations and influences which wreak utter havoc upon the lives of those unfortunate enough to be in the crosshairs.

True Evil achieves it's goals in very indirect, very clever ways... and the consequences of it's schemes are beyond words in the harm they can inflict upon innocent souls.


My apologies for going off topic, the certain thing you said compelled me to comment. For any who wish to discount my words as the babblings of a madman, you have my blessing

On topic: Your thread and blog provide for a very interesting read Seeker...

Much respect,

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

Most who have been inside UFOs are not allowed to remember because those over them have deemed it---I give countless explanations in this thread on why that is---and there are countless more reasons that are not mine to give.

Just because you don’t remember doesn’t mean you’ve been left out.

Hi sleeper

Thanks for your prompt reply, but I have to say I'm a little confused. My original question was why hadn't I seen a UFO, and you've answered it as if I'd been inside one. Are you trying to tell me something or was it a long, long night for you?

Thanks in advance


posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 11:23 AM
Hello Seeingevil.

Thanks for your comments.

I read your post and found it to be very interesting. I remember the quote from Sleeper that you used above, and who it was directed against.

However, I think that Sleeper was talking in a somewhat jocular manner, being a little steamed-up at the time, and was meant more as a stinging joke. At least that's the way it seemed to me? Because no one on Earth is 'pure' evil, no matter how bad you might think they are. Hopefully, Sleeper will comment on your post, so lets see what he's got to say?

In your description of evil, I think a word that you could have also used in your description is 'insidious'.

Thanks again.

PS: In a recent post Sleeper jokingly said: ---
---I'm so bad---

(I think he borrowed that line from Lou Costello, the old time comedian and movie star from Paterson, NJ, who used to use that line, flipping his tie and tipping his hat, while talking to his co-star buddy Bud Abbott, or to one of his girlfriends on the long running TV Shows they had. Costello used that line a lot. It was part of his comedic routine, and he meant is as a joke.)

[edit on 8/15/2007 by Rudolph_X]

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia

Is global warming real or just a variation in the solar cycle?

Your answer to that question was posted on 18/6/07 @ 16:17 page 153 ,

Originally posted by sleeper

The sun is the culprit

Hi Sleeper,

You said, the sun is the culprit.

So I understand then that the sun is the main course of global warming as we see it now.
But what can we Humans do about that?
I think that, in this case, we Humans can do absolute nothing about that thread, so if our ET friends [the Miltons] are not planning to help us, it means for us here on Earth “People Fasten your seatbelts” We became toast.right?

Or is there still hope?

Perhaps you want to look at this to.
I have open a tread with the title,
Is Nuclear Energy the reason for Global Warming?


What is your take on that?
Is that a real possibility or is that out of the question?

I have another question, that’s intrigue me very very much.
Mike, so yourself, in your blog has the following experience,
finds himself looking down an immense hallway stretching to infinity with doorways on both sides of the hall.
First thing that came to Mike's mind is that he must have been put into a bigger ship.

I have read more of the same testimonies of that phenomenon, and I wonder has this something to do with the fact that that ship is partly in more then one dimensions?
That the small part is in our dimension and that the big part is in another dimension?
Have you an explanation or info for that.

Another question, that’s intrigue me very very much.
Can you explain the following,
what is the reason that when people observe a UFO in very close distance, their motor and everything electrical stops, and when the UFO is disappeared the motor and everything electrical starts again as there was nothing special happened.
They don’t have to start their engine, it starts by itself.

I wish you well.

[edit on 15/8/07 by spacevisitor]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Rudolph_X

Hey Sleeper, that's a new one for me, the soul machine. What is it? (I hope you'se are not talking about the soul machine Capt. John Lear says is located on the moon? I thought you said that wasn't really there?)

I wasn’t talking about the soul machine---what I meant was that I have been on this planet more than once

Also, I heard that in some reincarnations, like say if you were a predator type here on Earth, you could reincarnate in some kind of sentient octopuss type body on some distant water world? Or perhaps as an intelligent insectoid, reptilian, or other even more unusual forms like a big-foot or something even stranger than that?

Well I certainly don’t want to be some stinking octopus---no offence to octopuses and those who cherish them---I think they are neat creatures personally just don’t want to be one---

And since I eat meat, poultry and fish—those animals might consider me a predator---

Am I right in assuming that not all reincarnations are on Earth, and are not always in the human type containers, some soul containers being a little better and some being a little worse?

Kind of

Are there many water worlds in our neck of the Galaxy? Perhaps some partially frozen over, etc.?

Unlike my neck of the woods where this hot as Hades summer is roasting away my once green lawn for lack of water---H2o is abundant all over the rest of our galaxy.

Also, is it true that not all soul containers are of the human type, that some are really wierd and different from us, like in the case of the octopuss type soul containers living on water worlds and such? How many different types of soul containers are there for reincarnating souls to inhabit?

Like I said before ETs can put a soul into a piece of wood it they wanted to---and I’m not talking Pinocchio.

There is no number that would suffice to describe the variety of “containers” in this endless and borderline sadistic universe---some would make you puke for the rest of your life---and talk about being scared straight---if people only knew how much worse it can get for those thick of skull.

And also, my earlier guess that the average current Earthling types, on the upward path, usually reincarnate around 1200 more times... and then escape from the wheel of reincarnation into a more stable environment. Was that even close?

Is that what you are shooting for?---

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:28 PM
I have wondered and really have not seen much on it, but from 1400 to as resent as 1900 the earth has been in a mini ice age. This is basic fact, but I have not seen it addressed that just maybe this global warming is the earth just getting back to its normal state and the massive glaziers that have now receded were actually abnormal.

This mini ice age was a combination of the sun going through a cycle of less solar energy and a few major volcanos that started a chain reaction of ice forming and then this ice reflecting the suns energy back just to create even more ice. You do not need to go back very far to read reports of extreme winters that stopped around the late 1800s.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:28 PM
Sleeper, What is the relation between demons and ets why every time i ever had a paranormal encounter they introuduce themselves as a demon they seem to be very proud of that title.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by pak88]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by AlexDJ
Hi sleeper again...i am right now enjoying a very good vacation somewhere in TX (lets say is a island...famouse in tx)..and its nice to see and feel the with newphews...and check from time to time ats forum...

Hi Alex,

Some people have all the fun---

Anyway ..sleeper its normal to dream with Jesus.?? i mean i am catholic. and I supouse many with the same background would....and well i had a dream long time ago tha shook me..well in a sense of sadness...was strange dream,,,i remeber very few bits..and stuff..but i was walking with jesus and some other folks..of course we were all dressed like ancient times (or on that time that jesus live)..anyway we enter a small town..and they ask fro money (like a small feed so you could enter) i try to reach my pocket but somebody else gave the money and we all get in..after it i dont remember much..then i remember we all were gathered and some place and some romans came..and took jesus ...i started to cry..but cry a lot..and run to try to do something...after it..i woke up much..tears flowing...but i remember his face..yes he kind looks like some paintings..but just ind off..his eyes are very prenetating and you see so much innocence that makes you just cry..well not cry but like..dismantling your soul in pieces...

Anyway i just want to share this and to see what do you think sleeper..

Jesus is one of many faces of god---and it sounds like you had a pleasant visit---certainly count your blessing---they usually increase when you do!

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:04 PM
Hi Everyone,

just some "Mod" reminders...

Please watch those large quotes, if you feel that you need to quote what someone has said, try to trim it down to include only what is needed to make your point.

Also, this one hasn't been very bad, but just remember to watch the one-liners.

Other than that, the thread is progressing nicely and I applaud everyone for thier good behavior.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by seeingevil

So very many tend to only view Evil as something that makes itself obvious such as in the case of murder, child molestation, or even an angry and uncivil forum member to provide a few examples... Most such cases however serve as better examples of mental weakness, insanity, uncontrollable urges and anger issues rather than true Evil.

Evil in it's truest form exists in a much less obvious sense within people, and conducts itself through small, ingenious and seemingly innocent manipulations and influences which wreak utter havoc upon the lives of those unfortunate enough to be in the crosshairs.

True Evil achieves it's goals in very indirect, very clever ways... and the consequences of it's schemes are beyond words in the harm they can inflict upon innocent souls.

Thanks for your perspective---

But souls here on earth are guilty until they prove themselves innocent---and worthy---zero excuses

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Beamish
Hi sleeper
Thanks for your prompt reply, but I have to say I'm a little confused. My original question was why hadn't I seen a UFO, and you've answered it as if I'd been inside one. Are you trying to tell me something or was it a long, long night for you?

Hi Beamish,

It was a long night---

But seeing a UFO is not required---most abductees never see them coming---or leaving

Whether you have been inside one is not for me to say---I know I have told others in the past but they prefer I not tell.

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