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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 08:55 PM
Hey Sleeper,

Ya know, it takes a great leap of imagination toward truth to get to where Sleeper is coming from. But I did over time.

My 3 cents, to anyone interested.

Anything that we humans are engrained in and conditioned to ie. religious dogma, societal expectations, TV reality shows, style in haircuts and clothes and the incessant double talk politicians not to mention the psuedo scientists ... Well, it does make it hard to sort through the BS. Gee, I just might be humiliated and embarrassed when I find out I was used or misinformed. Ego embarrassment. Period.

My daughter is scholarshiped in a new computer graphic design program which spared no expense (40 million) in tech and getting the top Adverstising gurus to intstruct.

That a new tech 3D tv algorythem is almost a done deal for TV and that it is so simple that Al Gore would have taken claim of that before the internet makes ya wonder.

Todays ad folk are not playing around. It is not a question of what or when you will buy anything, but what color.

The current cigarette warning ad campaign, trippled consumers and corportate profit to the point that politicians jumped on and are now banning it in public to incite more revenue. Now this is real alien, little green man, swamp gas reality--just say no???

Fifth layered avaricious class action Lawyers convinced us folks with help from our phamacutical/hospital folk that second hand smoke killls, ...we bought it and the cigarette sales are through the roof. BTW, number one killer of humans--hospital mistakes, surgical and drug related.

There is a huge curtailing of cases being heard or tried---mute... no real evidence--go ahead, try to find it--it's right next to the MacDonalds Big Mac calorie kill and coffee in the lap case. LOL. Even liberal judges run.

Daughter is taking a recommended Morals in advertising course, which I am sure will be a requirement soon.

We are hook, line and fooled .....and this is where Sleeper slips in.

But, but, but, no it is called integrity. We all know truth and we ignore it cause its easier to blame someone else to feel better.

There really is no right or wrong here, but only what smacks as truth.

Sorry for the rant. My first.

Oh, and when you get that little bit of earth stuff, jump into the big huge of what Speeper is talking about and pee your britches....LOL,,,,

Thanks Sleeper

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 12:44 AM

That’s strong language that I would never use against a proud child that scribbled on a piece of paper and asked me to tape it to the fridge door.

Everything has already been done; nothing we “discover” in our labs is new---just like a child who draws a masterpiece believes that they are the first to do so.

But there is nothing wrong with believing we are the originators of our intelligence---it’s kind of cute

I do agree that we discover and not invent, but are you saying everything we do has ET influences? That is the part I would love to believe but can’t without solid empirical data to back it up. A good start would be to have physical proof of ET out in the open and in the flesh, and that has not happened yet. There are a few other aspects I question too that lead me to believe that the suggested ET scenario of many kinds living among us with direct influence on us does not exist.

If it did exist then the big story would not be that of ET but more of the society that has been able to keep them hidden. Just off the top of my head I can think of a few questions/concerns.

If EQ was imbedded with us why is it just America? I’m sure ET would not look at us as different countries and then choose, but more as a human race as a whole. If ET is throughout the world then that would greatly increases the difficulty of keeping them hidden since the world cannot agree on anything.

It takes about three years for a huge change to become a norm. If ET was dumped out in the open on us chaos would erupt, but within three years all would settle down again. Add in a flood of advance ET tech and most of the world problems today would disappear. I just do not see the logic in keeping it a secret all these years.

If they are so advance then there really is no reason to work with us to keep it all a secret. They can do what they want to us for good or evil as we would be able to do to a primitive race of humans. They hold all the cards and call all the shots, but once again they find the need to work with us in secret, sounds just a little too convenient for me.

A person could say God gave us our intelligence or say ET did and both have as much weight in where our intelligence came from. Nothing cute about it, show undeniable proof or stand next to the “God” crowd.

But then the idea of ET giving it to us is so much sexier…

I don’t know about sexy but factual yes

Something cannot be factual without the empirical data to back it up. I witness accounts is only a small step, and tons of photos, documents, or testimonies do nothing that just one ET in the flesh or a true ET items that open studies showed it didn’t come from this world would do. This is what you need for a leap in the factual direction and not just a small baby step that we have seen this past 50 years. For generations of government to be able to prevent this from happening is astounding to say in the least, or maybe it is because ET is not there as many think he is.

It is much like believing in ghost. Millions can say they exist, and you can look at thousands of photos and film, but not until you personally experience it in an undeniable way would it really become factual to you. Give me one apparition that picks up a lamp and carries it across the room in front of me or some other physic defying feat and I’ll believe, but until then I can only wish.

I been in the military for 27 years and flew into a few of those sites in Nevada in the 80s and I even have a close friend who was at Bentwaters working on the flightline with some interesting stories, but no matter how credible he is to me I can’t say 100% it all happened as he says it did. Just as a magician can easily trick our senses or how really limited our ability to correctly comprehend everything that goes on around us creates a common situation where a person who thinks they have seen the real truth, but doesn't, and ends up not even being close.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by Rudolph_X
So, the Neanderthals were containers for something much more different than what we call souls. But most of us haven't got the foggiest ideas about what our own souls are, much less some kind of variation of the soul. Sure would like to hear more about that one.

And that’s the problem, as you say many people don’t believe they have a soul much less know---or care---what the heck it is.

A little bit about the soul, you whoever is reading this are a soul in what we call physical form---there really is no physical---only stages of ethereal---we perceive solid things for instance our desks our computers our thick skulls and so on---
--- but solid is an illusion, what we see in the mirror is too.

Some of the earlier containers Neanderthals for instance held "thicker" souls

Believe it or not things can get a lot thicker---and I’m speaking souls---most human souls on earth today are not of that classification---and variation

I’m sure that has cleared it up---
---believe me it is not easy putting into words concepts that don’t exist in the human mind---I might even end up looking like a fool or something if I don’t get it right---but then again how do you get it right if we are not on the same page to begin with?

There is a madness to my reasons---

Also, any additional information on the Native American Indians, whose ancestors are still with us, would certainly be something of great interest to those of us who would like to know more about their past.

You know not what you ask---and so I have to leave it there---there is forbidden knowledge---especially at these politically correct levels we are restrained to in the western world.

It would probably be a whole lot easier for everybody if you had your own radio talk show where folks could call in with their questions?

I’m holding out for a similar offer that “shock Jock” Howard Stern got, what did he get $500 million for his intellectual fortitude---

I know I know I have to give my stuff away because no one would ever pay for such dribble---such is life---

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Kappo
Ok so, I'm only thirteen and so I don't really think or talk about politics (so I don't actually know what a congressmen is), but from what I've heard, aren't they only in the US? I'm also from england.

In America we have the Congress, and in your neck of the woods you have Parliament---these are people who represent the people---you---in theory anyway

Will they show you a “UFO”---probably not. Have they see UFOs, a few have seen them and fewer still have entered into one of them bad boys.

They can’t admit to it because if they do they will lose their jobs.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by zenfish
I can't seem to get that supplied youtube link to work right. Maybe this will work.

Wow! I like the music that’s the same stuff Milton plays in his ship when I visit him---

Maybe not

It sure looked real but the spoilsports upstairs don’t want me to spoil the fun by getting into the habit of identifying the real ones from the fakes.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by adica1
Hi Sleeper,
Thanks for your responses, and yes being nice isnt rocket science but its sure in short supply here.

Hi adica,

It’s not popular to be nice---because misery loves company---lots of company.

You stated in you past blogs that there are souless humanoids here on the planet...that was interesting to me....are they here for observation and information?

Kind of, they do the mundane and dirty work that is beneath the dignity of the higher up entities---
---but if you’ve seen some of the dirty work they have to do you would understand why they have machines do it for them---please don’t ask for the gory details.

What kind of lives do they lead?

Very boring lives like our washing machines, computers, cars, airplains---they exist only to serve their masters.

Do they all act like Condoleezza Rice?

Rice is all human---like the rest of us.

I realize the sun is heating our solar system not our Ford Expeditions, but is the sun dangerous as the media and wishy washy medical community says it is for us?

You know the saying you can’t live with it and you can’t live without it---isn’t that a nice saying?

It doesn’t necessarily apply to the sun---we can’t live without the sun period. Not only do our bodies need the sun but so do our souls---

The medical community tends to use lots of hype across the board---for a number of reasons, but none of them are good reasons.

We live in a sue-happy society with oodles of hypochondriacs---and doctors are stuck in between the two---so they act funny and not always in the best interest of those they serve.

The short of it---people who get more sun in their lives are better off than those who get less sun

Many cancer cures are worse than the cancer---there are fewer deaths from cancer now days because some doctors have figured that out.

Also whay is Milton contacting bloggers from this blog? What is his reason for this? Is it just part of his intergalactic diplomacy here? Would he like to visit Arizona? Its only 113 degrees today :

Who knows why Milton does what he does? He is not on any diplomatic duty. And Arizona suits him fine even if it’s only 113.

Me personally, I like hot weather but I’m sure glad that the “gods” created air-conditioning for us monkeys down here!

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by muse801
But, but, but, no it is called integrity. We all know truth and we ignore it cause its easier to blame someone else to feel better.

Hi muse,

I like the way you broke it down---

Speaking of the truth unfortunately the truth doesn’t buy much in the way of job security or profits in the minds of some folks.

What would lawyers do if everyone told the truth? They wouldn’t have many cases---What about car mechanics? You aren’t getting paid if you don’t find a problem under the hood to fix.

Doctors have high overhead and so do hospitals and they need lots and lots of sick people to pay for it all.

So it’s hard to turn away a sucker even if he is not sick or there is nothing wrong with the car, or he really didn’t injure himself at work.

Things like that wouldn’t happen if people knew someone was watching and taking notes

Some might even suspect that this life is nothing but a sting operation---

Integrity pays large dividends---too bad so few invest in it.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia

just came across the following video whilst surfing the net of a UFO crashing into the desert. dont know the source or when it was taken but by golly, it looks pretty darn real to me and fantastic to boot.

care to share your thoughts on this one mate?

That looks interesting. One of the biggest problems I have with videos are the ones that happened to be in the right place at the right time and ready to go. This one has the look that the cameraman knew something was coming ahead of time and if it was a extremely fast crash I don't think anyone could get their camera up and running without a heads up. It is too bad they didn't run over to the crash site to further their discovery on film.

There was a smoking trail and so I think is is something real but man made, with maybe some editing of the actual object. But as I said it looks like a real object and that is interesting.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
If EQ was imbedded with us why is it just America? I’m sure ET would not look at us as different countries and then choose, but more as a human race as a whole. If ET is throughout the world then that would greatly increases the difficulty of keeping them hidden since the world cannot agree on anything.

Maybe some assume that ET is only in America because of the technological advantage but that is not the way it works.

Earth is on many different levels of development only in the eyes of us humans---but not so for higher up entities who can actually see with their eyes.

It takes about three years for a huge change to become a norm. If ET was dumped out in the open on us chaos would erupt, but within three years all would settle down again. Add in a flood of advance ET tech and most of the world problems today would disappear. I just do not see the logic in keeping it a secret all these years.

The world doesn’t have any problems to fix---the problems are between the ears of many humans who are down here---that’s why we humans are down here---the earth is like a hospital for the mentally impaired---me for instance---

Once people are fixed up they get transferred to other places, but if they need more extensive work they are shifted to other departments here on earth or sent back to other places who may have the expertise that is not available here on earth.

If they are so advance then there really is no reason to work with us to keep it all a secret. They can do what they want to us for good or evil as we would be able to do to a primitive race of humans. They hold all the cards and call all the shots, but once again they find the need to work with us in secret, sounds just a little too convenient for me.

It sounds convenient because it is convenient---they worked most of the bugs out of the system many eons ago---now things are moving along quite smoothly---well kind of---

Something cannot be factual without the empirical data to back it up. I witness accounts is only a small step, and tons of photos, documents, or testimonies do nothing that just one ET in the flesh or a true ET items that open studies showed it didn’t come from this world would do.

Empirical data only works for those on the same page as each other---for instance take your house cat---it sees no difference between your house and a cave---the microwave, refrigerator, stove, makes no more sense to it than a rock in the backyard.

But we humans are smarter than a cat you might say----we certainly are---but the cat is on one page, humans are on another page and ET is in a whole other book---on the very top shelf---where most people can’t seem to reach it.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

Originally posted by zenfish
I can't seem to get that supplied youtube link to work right. Maybe this will work.

Wow! I like the music that’s the same stuff Milton plays in his ship when I visit him---

Maybe not

It sure looked real but the spoilsports upstairs don’t want me to spoil the fun by getting into the habit of identifying the real ones from the fakes.

This is another camera in the right place at the right time perfectly set and ready to go that I have problems with. I love the Mexico videos that have the people running with the camera from inside the house to outside then trying to get it on the object with many people being heard on the video making comments. That type of video is truly un-staged and has a lot of credibility with me. On this video where the object is zoomed into and it then flies in a small circle I see some wavering and small tilting that suggest the hovering power is from a fan. I would bet an antigravity ship would be rock solid unless there were some fluxes in the gravity field. The final zoom out of sight is easy to photoshop.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

Maybe some assume that ET is only in America because of the technological advantage but that is not the way it works.

Earth is on many different levels of development only in the eyes of us humans---but not so for higher up entities who can actually see with their eyes.

So what you are saying is there are different levels of humans and majority of us are on the lower level, so is ET ET? Or is ET a higher level of human that us lower level can not comprehend.

The world doesn’t have any problems to fix---the problems are between the ears of many humans who are down here---that’s why we humans are down here---the earth is like a hospital for the mentally impaired---me for instance---

So far you seem to be talking on a more metaphysical or dimensional level than the physical level I am talking about, and so I guess I cannot really debate that since they deal more with enlightenment and faith than something I can hold in my hands.

But everything seems to jump from the physical world of hidden bases of ETs, reverse engineered ET tech, sightings that cannot be fully factualized to your “it’s all around us but you cannot comprehend” world of ET, and so which one is it? If it is both than I’m sure there are parts of the physical world of ET I could comprehend.

Once people are fixed up they get transferred to other places, but if they need more extensive work they are shifted to other departments here on earth or sent back to other places who may have the expertise that is not available here on earth.

I must need extensive work for I seem to be stuck in the janitor closet of enlightenment.

But to be honest it would not take very much to get me out. I just cannot find the light switch nor find someone else who knows where the light switch is.

It sounds convenient because it is convenient---they worked most of the bugs out of the system many eons ago---now things are moving along quite smoothly---well kind of---

Sounds a lot like Star Trek...

You are not very convincing in that you suggest this assembly line of enlightenment has been part of the human race since day one, but it still has bugs to be worked out. Yes it could be that we are a huge experiment or some other lab rat project, but then if that was the case then it really doesn’t matter for it would be a situation that we have zero control over. Kind of like trying to figure out what was before the big bang.

Empirical data only works for those on the same page as each other---for instance take your house cat---it sees no difference between your house and a cave---the microwave, refrigerator, stove, makes no more sense to it than a rock in the backyard.

But we humans are smarter than a cat you might say----we certainly are---but the cat is on one page, humans are on another page and ET is in a whole other book---on the very top shelf---where most people can’t seem to reach it.

I disagree for that cat can leave its house and after being gone all night it will come back to its house, so it can differentiate. The cat also knows that its owner does exist and can recognize its owner in a crowd. I do agree that ET would be in a totally different book, but that doesn’t help me to understand as to why the part of ET that I could understand on my little page is missing or at best very incomplete. Unless I need to spend a year in the desert chewing peyote buttons I think the extremely limited knowledge I would need to move on to the next page should be easily available, but it is not.

BTW Sleeper,

Since I am new here what level of human are you?

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

I need a vacation! ~ And I'm not talking about the Bahamas...

If it were up to me Mea, I would ask Milton for the keys and give you that vacation---but Milton keeps carping about I don't have insurance---the same thing my dad used on me when I was sixteen and wanted to borrow the car to take my friends out for joyrides---

How sweet of you! Even if you would NEVER be able to make my long-overdue vacation happen, its still the thought that counts.

I truly value you and your writing, Sleeper. I'm sure countless others here would agree with me; not only the ones that post, but the "secret" readers who have never said a word to anyone here. You are very much loved and respected for what you do!

Cheers to Milton (or whoever else granted the authority) for keeping you here longer.

A rare gem sitting among a heap of picayune soot, you are!


posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

Originally posted by zenfish
I can't seem to get that supplied youtube link to work right. Maybe this will work.

Wow! I like the music that’s the same stuff Milton plays in his ship when I visit him---

Maybe not

It sure looked real but the spoilsports upstairs don’t want me to spoil the fun by getting into the habit of identifying the real ones from the fakes.

No problem. I just thought it was interesting whether real, or not. I thought Milton would be into reggae.

I'm diggin the the whole philosophy, but I have something that is not resolving for me. It has to do with energy and its capacity to record. I had a near death experience guy explain to me that energy is recording the experiences it goes through. Whether its a molecule, a rock, a blade of grass, an insect, a raccoon, a dog, a dolphin, or a human. THe energy involved records the experience of being whatever form. It is only that in humans energy has gained the capacity to be aware of itself. It can self-reflect on the experience it is recording. The problem is that it would mean all of those other experiences as other "beings," as shamanism would say, kind of negates your view that everything else is soul-less, other than humans. I'm finding that one hard to digest, unless you mean that the conscious self-reflective ability is what the soul is. I believe that all things do have soul and are recording their experiences with that soul. They are possibly just not conscious of the experience as we are. They don't have an "ego, " or a sense of "I am."

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 08:34 PM
Hello Sleeper.

Thanks for your comments.

Remember, in my last post I said, "It would probably be a whole lot easier for everybody if you had your own radio talk show where folks could call in with their questions?"

And you said, "I’m holding out for a similar offer that “shock Jock” Howard Stern got, what did he get $500 million for his intellectual fortitude..."

Well, can you imagine, those two dopey fellows (no offense intended), Dave Rabbit and Johnny Anonymous, from the ATS Mix, are looking for folks who started interesting threads here on ATS to interview on their show!

Here is their link, which sort of explains what it is all about:

Interview Threads on ATS Mix - Member Participation, Etc.

PS: I nominated this thread already (only once so far). Sleeper might want to throw his old tin-foil hat into the ring, so to speak. Also, other posters here can go to the link and post their comments and nominations if they want to see Sleeper on ATX Mix... and get involved.

So what are you waiting for?

Thanks again.

[edit on 8/12/2007 by Rudolph_X]

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 03:25 AM

there really is no physical---only stages of ethereal---we perceive solid things for instance our desks our computers our thick skulls and so on--- --- but solid is an illusion, what we see in the mirror is too.

we can’t live without the sun period. Not only do our bodies need the sun but so do our souls

Why do our bodies need the sun if they are just illusions?

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 04:07 AM
I would say because we're living inside the illusion... our very reality is what makes up the illusion -- and only those that are not living inside our reality, can see the illusion for what it is. As such, they (higher ups/ET's) are not affected by the rules and laws that we are confined to in this world.

Theres the real reality, the one which we share with all other higher beings... Then theres our little reality, the illusion that only we humans live in. Even though the physical aspects of our world are illusions -- we're still effected by them, as we are part of the illusion -- restricted to physical bodies.

Thats the way I saw it anyway. Just thought I'd put my 2 cents in as an excuse to once again thank Sleeper for everything hes doing.

Cheers mate.

[edit on 13/8/07 by Navieko]

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:38 AM
Hi sleeper,

you may have answered these so just say so and I will go and find it, however if you havn't here goes.

If we all have a blueprint then why is it necessary to know that, we can carry on living this existance non the wiser.

If we are not supposed to know, why are you telling us with there blessing ?

Is it not there policy to keep us from knowing so we will not purposely alter our lives or interfere with the masterplan.

Why is it important to tell some people now, or has this clandestine informing been going on forever ?

Is this the modern word of God to guide us ?

Damn I can't believe I wrote that, makes me sound like some kind of Theologian, arr what the heck I am going to post it.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
So what you are saying is there are different levels of humans and majority of us are on the lower level, so is ET ET? Or is ET a higher level of human that us lower level can not comprehend.

Some ETs are souls higher up the ladder; other ETs have never been in our shoes

But everything seems to jump from the physical world of hidden bases of ETs, reverse engineered ET tech, sightings that cannot be fully factualized to your “it’s all around us but you cannot comprehend” world of ET, and so which one is it? If it is both than I’m sure there are parts of the physical world of ET I could comprehend.

Most people can’t handle being inside of a UFO because their ships exist between our reality and their reality---our reality is also their reality. But their reality is definitely not our reality---and can be extremely freaky.

How do we back engineer their stuff?---we don’t. That would be like back engineering a cartoon---silly

So how do we get their technology into our reality? ---that’s another stranger than fiction chapter.

I must need extensive work for I seem to be stuck in the janitor closet of enlightenment.

You are further ahead than a lot of people

You are not very convincing in that you suggest this assembly line of enlightenment has been part of the human race since day one, but it still has bugs to be worked out. Yes it could be that we are a huge experiment or some other lab rat project, but then if that was the case then it really doesn’t matter for it would be a situation that we have zero control over. Kind of like trying to figure out what was before the big bang.

That’s what many people don’t get about me---I’m not here to convince anyone of anything---it’s simply my .02

This life is a rat maze of choices between right and wrong and it is lopsided because most of the rats are stuck at one end of it---the wrong end---but few want to leave the wrong end because that is where all the action is---they don’t care that it smells to high heaven because of all the crap---it’s more important to look cool to the other rats than to wimp out and go to higher and cleaner pastures.

I disagree for that cat can leave its house and after being gone all night it will come back to its house, so it can differentiate.

Cats leave their scent at every opportunity---they don’t drop bread crumbs like Hansel and Gretel

The cat also knows that its owner does exist and can recognize its owner in a crowd.

The owner has the cat’s scent on him, also the cat knows from where its food comes from---a survival mechanism

BTW Sleeper,

Since I am new here what level of human are you?

I’m many notches below the janitorial crew---or more appropriately known as maintenance engineers---

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea

How sweet of you! Even if you would NEVER be able to make my long-overdue vacation happen, its still the thought that counts.

Don’t worry Mea you will get your vacation in due time, certainly not by me though---

Thanks for your kind words!---

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

The cat also knows that its owner does exist and can recognize its owner in a crowd.

The owner has the cat’s scent on him, also the cat knows from where its food comes from---a survival mechanism

This is still going on? Wow. I was gone for ages...and that was in a different monster thread...

Anyway, that's total bull. I was away from my cats for nearly a year. I wasn't carrying their scent when I came back. And I certainly wasn't the one feeding them during my absence. Yet they knew who I was. One of them was at my side 24/7 beginning the moment I returned. And she's a scaredy-cat -- hides from strangers and even from people she's known for years. She knew who I was, and even more, she missed me. Give them some credit for existing.

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