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Universe is infinite even at the smallest level?

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posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:14 AM
Not so much a conspiracy as an idea

First post so pleaze be nice

But, now some of you may be thinking, "But wait a minute the planet earth is not everything in the universe, it is just one small part." Ah, but now with growing spiritual insight you can begin to understand something very magical about the universe. And that is that every part of the infinite universe is also infinite. The paradox of infinity is that the whole is created of parts but that the parts are also simply different reflections of the whole. It is only an illusion that parts are separate from the whole. There is a very important distinction to understand here. Every single part of creation is the whole of creation pretending to act as a part of creation. And that includes the idea of individual people as well. Every individual person is the infinite whole creation of all that is acting like a part of all that is. Each individual person is a different perspective that the totality of creation has of itself. Each individual person, place and thing in creation is just another way that the infinite creator has of seeing itself within creation, of understanding what it is in relation to all of the other ways in which it sees itself.

From a channeling session from a multidimensional being / alien 'Bashar' (

The thought that came in to my head was the structure of an atom and its simularity with that of our solar system, (sun, vulcan, orbiting planets and so on).

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:39 AM
Forgive me if i am wrong but i think i know exaxtly what you are saying, infact i have thought of this too. Are you saying that Our solar system could be an atom within a much larger object? The objects in our reality ie the computer moniter we are looking at is made up of atoms which could be the equivalent of immensly smaller solar systems? This would mean that they would also have objects made up of 'atoms', this would mean the universe is infintely small as well as the opposite way.

Its a crazy concept and i may have misunderstood what u mean but not impossible.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:54 AM
That is exactly what I am saying. Man, I know were going into this blind, but we know an atom is created by the same entity that created our solar system. So my gut feeling is this, the atom has roughly the same shapes, objects and behaviour (electron motion) like that of our solar system, coincidence I think not.

Thinking of this splits my mind up like a bomb.

There has been channelers in touch with something who calls itself 'the galactic oversoul' and it has been known to say similar things such as:

1. The one is all and the all is one.
2. Find the center of yourself than you will find the universe
3. You are the eye of creation and the creator

Jesus has said things like:

The spirit of god is within you.

Something to think about!

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:45 AM
I get you - at least I think I do. Except that transdimensional entity session mumbo jumbo anyway. I've wanted to start philosophical threads on this site before but have not found the proper category to do so. I supose this place is as good as any. Have you by chance ever dabbled with shrooms or salvia, Selmer?

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by oxygen_kills
I get you - at least I think I do. Except that transdimensional entity session mumbo jumbo anyway. I've wanted to start philosophical threads on this site before but have not found the proper category to do so. I supose this place is as good as any. Have you by chance ever dabbled with shrooms or salvia, Selmer?

transdimensional means that he or she (Bashar) has the technology to exist in multiple dimensions.

No, unfortunately the closest time I got to drug use was a puff of a cannibis joint when I was 16, At that time I thought I was the coolest ever, nothing could be further from the truth.

For the record Bashar claims he is a peaceful Grey / Something hybrid.

I bet im not the only one whose thought of this, do you guys think this is a possible thing, cause the 'infinite' or 'creator' or 'God' is always saying we are at the heart of creation and the universe. /end rant

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 10:14 AM
Then, oh wise one, what does multidimensional mean to you? You are not expressising yourself very clearly I'm afriad. This Bashir fellow sounds interesting.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by oxygen_kills
Then, oh wise one, what does multidimensional mean to you? You are not expressising yourself very clearly I'm afriad. This Bashir fellow sounds interesting.

Forgive me, Im not trying to be wise here im new, just trying to create a healthy discussion with nothing but good intentions. To be honest that is why I am posting, hopeing that others (potentially you) will offer insight that is beyond my intelligence. That is why we share information.

This is the information I have recieved from the website ( It is not my assumption. I have no evidence to say that this is legitimate or fake.

Multdimensional being is my understanding that bashar is existing in two dimensions at the same time maybe our dimension and a non physical one too. I have know idea if this bashar shares the same conciousness in both or not.

With that in mind and if you what me to explain my view in certain areas please respond oxygen_kills because I value anyones imput.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 04:27 PM
I like the idea of Sun-Planets being atoms etc etc as i have thought of this myself for years and often wondered if there was anything in it.

Then i think if we are made of the same what makes them atoms molecules hold together in the form of a person. Most of all why would it want to replicate itself in the form of another 6 billion people and also another 1 billion forms of animals, trees, insects, fish etc etc

Im sort of hoping that on the day i die in the distant future (I hope) that on my arrival at the pearly gates i will be handed a book with all the answers and told to sit and read until i have finished. (Obviously whilst 12 virgins make me beer an feed me strawberries just wouldnt be the same without them)

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 04:51 PM
Maybe we are all just one fractal equation, an infinitely repeating work of art...

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
Forgive me if i am wrong but i think i know exaxtly what you are saying, infact i have thought of this too. Are you saying that Our solar system could be an atom within a much larger object? The objects in our reality ie the computer moniter we are looking at is made up of atoms which could be the equivalent of immensly smaller solar systems? This would mean that they would also have objects made up of 'atoms', this would mean the universe is infintely small as well as the opposite way.

Its a crazy concept and i may have misunderstood what u mean but not impossible.

This is not a new idea. Kabbalists have been saying this for centuries. Very cool to think about!

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by kokoro

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
Forgive me if i am wrong but i think i know exaxtly what you are saying, infact i have thought of this too. Are you saying that Our solar system could be an atom within a much larger object? The objects in our reality ie the computer moniter we are looking at is made up of atoms which could be the equivalent of immensly smaller solar systems? This would mean that they would also have objects made up of 'atoms', this would mean the universe is infintely small as well as the opposite way.

Its a crazy concept and i may have misunderstood what u mean but not impossible.

This is not a new idea. Kabbalists have been saying this for centuries. Very cool to think about!

If this idea turns out to be truthful, then I can understand the 'creator' or 'infinite' turning out to be every living thing.

'God' I think is a human misconception for the 'infinite' or 'creator' (this is hard for me to say cause im Catholic) because it doesn't need our worshipp nor does it want it. And it doesn't specifically need us but it need life forms. I think that there is a real chance once our soul is promoted high enough it 'becomes' or 'merges with' the creator. /end rant

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