posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:25 AM
In an unprecedented scientific and military breakthrough today, the Department of Defense unveiled Americas newest secret weapon in the War on terror.
The idea derived from one of Americas most overlooked resources and the cost was a matter of peanuts compared to stadard every day Military manpower.
The newest additions to the War On terror are being shipped on newly designed boats that will accomodate thousands of these eager to fight warriors
which are basically self-propelled conveyor type engines. One scientist who declined to give his name due to the sensitivity of the matter proclaimed
" The energy these fighters have is just amazing!" They will be outfitted with all the newest technology, including night vision goggles, real-time
video cams,and specially tailored kevlar vests. The enemy will never see these troops coming. They have been specially trained in Urban and tree
fighting and make excellent snipers. Specially formed units will be suited up with special gear that will allow them to glide down from trees or
building tops silently. President Bush remarked at how resourcesful his new team of scientists were and how this new revolutionary team of Combat
fighters may just win the WOT for America. He stated that "America is taking a stance and we will be attacking them from all sides, even the trees
will never be safe again". In parting he stated "If we had these guys in Vietnam the world may have been a different place.". Today the President
was onhand to present the Medal of Honor to the newly formed troop commander only identified as Commander "Alvin".