posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 03:25 PM
The good work from you truth seekers has reached down under. The whole world is waking up and thinking about 911. Good on Ya!
Here's my major thought. Has anyone looked into the 911 commission as I have done. What a conflict of interest. There are 10 on the commision. Look
here to see how many are CFR members and how many have direct interest in OIL shares and deals with the Middle East. I found this wonderful site with
so much info. you guys should check it out.
The biggest red flags should be the passport found intact near the WTC. The plane impact and resulting fireball destroyed the building. We're talking
pulverised concrete and melted steel columns here, but a PAPER passport miraculously lands nearby un-singed....COME ON, who writes this stuff. The
other big RED FLAG would have to be the report that the hijackers were having lap dancers do their thing, whilst drinking lots of beer and talking
about terrorism plots, oh yeah and don't forget they left their Qoran's behind. Any muslim will tell you alcohol and titty bars are forbidden but to
take your precious Qoran with you and accidently leave it under the seat in a titty bar..... sounds a lit bit supsicious doesnt it