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Global Warming experience

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posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 06:54 AM
So i started this post,to know how real is the global warming!!I dont want to hear or read links about what have said scientists or prognoses about what will come!!I want that we share whats is changing in my/your place that you see!!
I live in Latvia,and it is in Europa/Scandinavia and i can say that in last 5 years we have moust hottest summers ever!!Earlier we have medium summer whit +18 til +25,now its +21 til +30!Winter is becoming shorter and shorter,nearly 10 years ago we have snow already in November,but last 3 years only in Januar and Februar.This year we dont have snow at all and temperatur is holding about +2.But we also have some new things,last 4 years every spring we have very strong wind about 25-35 m/s!!Earlier that was very rear!some of our birds dont migrate in winter!!I see that every summer beach is becomming shorter and shorter!!Average in my country we have only one cropcircle per year.This year some of our flora have bloom twice!!!In summers we always had a lot of rain,now we have dryness wery large periods!!
thats all folks for me!!Now i want to see whats happenig in your home!!
P.S.I know my english is bad,but im learning!!!

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 04:54 PM
lol - dont worry m8 - your english is better than mine

I live in Kent... born in London... so all my life in the South East of England...

When i was a child (1970's) we got snow every winter... i havent seen snow in about 5 years now... Summers are hotter... winters are wetter and warmer... less insects in my garden and the bulb plants have started to bloom (normally doesnt happen until march/april)

I had tomatoes in November (normally late Aug - early sept) and my local forrest still had leaves in early dec.

Altogether bloody strange weather (even for el nino year)

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:19 AM
Thx for the post!!!
It is really hapenning!Earlier I thought that GW is something far,but now I have changed my point of wiew!!
It would be very good when someone will share what is happening near ekvador!!!

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 04:24 AM
Here in the Netherlands, we are having an extremely mild winter, there has been no frost at all where I live.
Looks like winter is going to completely skip us this year.
There's alot more insects still around (including Mosquitoes), I even saw a butterfly last week!

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:36 AM
Yep, me too.

Every bone in my body tells me this feels wrong.

I live in London, is this is the mildest damn winter i have ever experienced.

Squirrels are mating...thats not right, birds are nesting, there are BEES flying about, baby squirrels are STILL being born, TINY little buggers, wont survive a cold snap. On the MetCheck weather forum, EVERYONE around the country are saying the same things, reporting birds nesting, seeing baby hedgehogs....

Seriously man, whats going on. This is SUCH a quick climate change, maybe HAARP is invovled, this is the EXACT thing they can do by messing around with the Ionosphere.

And remember its not just the Globe thats warming, Its the WHOLE solar system.

The Sun's magnetic field increased by 230 percent since 1901 There's a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appellation National Laboratories in California, who has been investigating the Sun. He has discovered that since 1901, the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become 230 percent stronger than it was before.

More than just Earth Changes So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just what they call Earth Changes. Some people get into the idea that there is an interaction between the Earth and the Sun that's going on here. Very, very few people are aware oft he work that is being done in the Russian National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in Novosibirsk, where they are doing this research. They've come to the conclusion that the only possible thing that could be causing this energetic change all throughout the Solar System is that we are moving into an area of energy that is different - that is higher

The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently increased 1000 percent Now, check this out. The Sun itself has a magnetic field, of course, and that magnetic field creates an egg around the Solar System, which is known as the heliosphere. The heliosphere is shaped like a teardrop, with the long and thin end of the drop pointing in the opposite direction from the direction that we're travelling. It's just like a comet, where the tail is always pointing away from the Sun.

The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere, and they have observed glowing ,excited plasma energy there. This plasma energy used to be 10 astronomical units deep (an astronomical unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, 93,000,000 miles). So ten astronomical units represents the normal thickness of this glowing energy that we used to see at the front end of the Solar System.

Today, that glowing plasma has gone to 100 astronomical units deep. Although Dmitriev's paper does not give an exact timeline, we can assume that this increase happened in the same 1963 to 1993 period as the increase he found in natural disasters. Whenever it happened, that's a 1,000 percent increase in the overall brightness of the energy at the front end of the Solar System.

And this means that the Solar System itself is moving into an area where the energy is more highly charged.

That higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more brightness. This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the energy and spreads it out along its equatorial plane, which is called the Ecliptic.

This in turn is saturating interplanetary space, which causes the solar emissions to travel more quickly and charge up the energy on the planets

Solar Warming

The people would REALLY be worried if they knew it wasn't "all our fault", and in my opinion thats why you never hear this side of events along side global warming news articles......keep us busy by making us think we have to undo the damage we alone have do..

hmmm....interesting times

[edit on 12-1-2007 by Anomic of Nihilism]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:33 AM
I was born in 1952 and currently live in a town less than 30min away from where I grew-up as a child (northeastern USA). As a child we had alot of snow. My dad's home movies show snow piled higher than the lamp post in front of our house year after year. Each year seems to get warmer and there's les snow. We may get a nasty snow storm a few times a year but much later: Feb-Mar. This year it's crazy. It was 70deg last week. Several shrubs have leaves as do the rose bushes. It's certainly conceivable to have an abberant winter once in awhile but in my personal experience, having lived in largely the same place for 54 years, things have changed and are doing so at an increasing rate.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 11:12 AM
A few months ago I also started a thread about how weather is changing in my country The Netherlands.

Weather is changing rapidly in the Netherlands

At the moment we have still warm weather for the time of the year, it's about 13 degrees were it normaly should be around 5 or even lower.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 12:54 PM
I live in the U.K. minutes away from the Cheshire boundary in Staffordshire. My home is 204 metres above sea level with open views of around ten miles. At this altitude wind is a perminant feature and fog can descend suddenly subject to conditions.
In November my winter flowering jasmine was a sight to behold and just one metre away my non hardy fuschias came into bloom.
I have always acknowledged nature as the most reliable barometer of climate fluctuations and change.
The mild weather here (around 13/15 degrees ) has been a winter norm.
Flooding of lower lying land on the Cheshire Plains has worsened with regular rainfall.
I do hope that this trend of global warming can be halted and reversed.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:03 PM
Just two years ago.....

Cold snap grips western Europe
A cold snap is gripping much of western Europe with temperatures dipping below zero and snow and ice affecting traffic in many areas.

Whole Story

Weather patterns are changing. Everything changes, nothing remains static. There are many causes, global warming is probably one of them.

We will adapt and survive, maybe even thrive. Worry and panic is not warranted.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by darkbluesky
Just two years ago.....

Cold snap grips western Europe
A cold snap is gripping much of western Europe with temperatures dipping below zero and snow and ice affecting traffic in many areas.

Whole Story

Weather patterns are changing. Everything changes, nothing remains static. There are many causes, global warming is probably one of them.

We will adapt and survive, maybe even thrive. Worry and panic is not warranted.

If the climate continues to rise us in the UK especially might have to not worry about not seeing much snow or ice. If fresh water keepsmelting into the Atlntic it could affect the Gulf stream and the warm water currents to the UK. This could spark a 'mini ice age'


Whether or not it is just a natural cyle of the planet or man made, it wont harm taking action to reduce greenhouse emissions.

It has been calculated by someone that if every house in the UK fitted three energy saving bulbs the energy saved could light all our cities at night. Plus you get lower bills.

If everyone in the UK did this imagine the reduction in the amount of electricity used... I urge everyone in all parts of the world to replace ALL of their lightbulbs!

Lets have a green year and see i we can get it to snow next winter!!!


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