posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 03:51 AM
Just a curiosity thread, but i would be interested in seeing the types of paranormal experiences that you yourself have had over your life so far- no
detailed and long written explanations, just a list of the types of experiences you have had and the place or situation/circumstances you experienced
them in.
I want to see which are the most common or widely experienced types of paranormal experiences the members of this forum had have so far, i think in
the long term it could help us gain a better understanding about the types of paranormal experiences people experience and in what situations or
circumstances one is most likely to experience them in etc.
As for me, from the top of my head, these are the types of experiences i have had so far;
a. Witnessed shadow people- on my own- always in a building that i was currently living in.
b. Physical contact with paranormal entities- sometimes a soft touch, sometimes aggressive push, always on my own.
c. Strange noises: Baby/human screams, sounds of stuff crashing (sometimes the sound of a single object, other times many and very loud), footsteps,
sound of things being moved, talking (never clearly spoken), doors slamming. Always in a building that i was living in, sometimes i heard the noises
on my own and other times i was with other people who heard them too.
d. Seeing stuff being moved or pulled, like bed covers- always in place I was living at, with other person but other person was not awake.
e. Huge unexplained sensation of fear (related to paranormal events)- always on my own- always in place I was living at.
f. OBE’s (don’t know if they count as paranormal experiences)- always in building during sleep or in bed.
g. Physically seen bright orb like things whizzing around- in a my old home, on my own.
h. Animals freaking out- normally nice and sand dog or car fiercely growling and intently staring with hair on end at invisible thing, always on my
own in a place I was living at currently.
i. Seeing a pet dog in a room when it was actually not there (dog was currently living at a friends place in a far away location)- although I
experienced this on my own at my old home, I was not the only person to witness this.
Well those are the types of experiences I’ve had that I can think of for now, how about you guys?