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Beached Dolphins and Whales; Related to Bird Deaths?

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posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 01:53 PM
dolphin's are animals, so of course they're capable of attacking. i've actually read that the friendly smile you see them make all the time is actually a way to know they are about to attack.

i'm from MA and didn't hear anything about the cape cod beachings, but if i had to guess about the nature of them, the tectonic shift theory with gas being releasedseems to make sense, considering the gas smell in NYC and the mass bird deaths. the whales/dolphins might have come up for air only to find toxic gases, and it could intoxicate them to the point where they didn't know what they were doing. that's an unsubstantiated train of thought, though

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 12:15 PM
another whale tidbit...
I heard this one two days ago but couldn't find a supporting link till now.

Brazil: Whale found in Muria river
Friday, January 12, 2007 (Para):
A young whale measuring some nine meters, who beached itself on the Muria river in Brazilian state of Para has been successfully returned to the ocean with the help of rescue teams and volunteers.

The large sea mammal became more and more agitated as many curious bystanders gathered to watch the drama unfold.

According to specialists, whales usually do not enter rivers. This behaviour could indicate that the animal is sick.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Sacreligion
dolphin's are animals, so of course they're capable of attacking. i've actually read that the friendly smile you see them make all the time is actually a way to know they are about to attack.

i'm from MA and didn't hear anything about the cape cod beachings, but if i had to guess about the nature of them, the tectonic shift theory with gas being releasedseems to make sense, considering the gas smell in NYC and the mass bird deaths. the whales/dolphins might have come up for air only to find toxic gases, and it could intoxicate them to the point where they didn't know what they were doing. that's an unsubstantiated train of thought, though

I agree with you, that´s what I have been thinking too.

What would happen if a bird flies in a place where the magnetic field is having a strange "lapsus" and gases are being released?

Would they become thirsty? Have trouble to breath?
What about their organs after death? How would such a magnetic change affect their body?

It sounds possible.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 03:23 PM
all the beached whales, birds ect or any other animals that die in question leet me say this. as i drink my rum. i worked in the military and electronics type decices on my own.the military use sonar and radar microwave waves to track the enemy. when any species is in the wave they get hit by these microwaves and act funny. it is like putting an egg or a cat in the microwave , they are never the same again. it boils them from the inside out. they beach themselves cause they are disorentated when these microwaves hit the whales or mammals, it kills them from the inside out. they then beach themselves and die. you only hear about the whales because they are a big mamal, how many times do you hear of a shark beached on tv. check out how many beached whales there are before the invention of the sonar machine. im sure the numbers are much more staggering. sure a whale will beach itself when it dies, check out the numbers before the sonare and after.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 06:55 AM
it's hard to say...there are so many variables out there that it could be literally anything.

I'm just going to say that I wouldn't be surprised if all this bizarre wildlife activity was linked to either of those theories(the magnetic pole shift and the sonar/microwave devices).

Perhaps all these sea mammals just said "Nuts to this water...I'm trying my luck on land"

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 10:33 PM
More news and it looks like warm weather or warm waters will be the blame for beachings and strandings of marine life.

Dolphins Stuck In Shallow Waters Of East Hampton(NY)
CBS) EAST HAMPTON, N.Y. About two dozen dolphins are struggling for survival in the unlikeliest of places, and thanks much in part to the unlikely winter weather. Rescuers in East Hampton have been working to free the mammals from shallow waters, worried they will die from hunger.

but I am not so sure it can be easily explained away by just warm waters...

Beached whale may provide clues to other endangered whale deaths(FL)COCOA BEACH, Fla. - A dead female humpback whale discovered on the beach over the weekend may help explain why so many of the endangered species - nearly 30 - have died in the Atlantic Ocean in the last 12 months.

Eight dolphins strand themselves in Boston Harbor(MA)
QUINCY, Mass. (AP) - Eight dolphins were discovered early yesterday morning on a beach in Quincy in what scientists are calling an extremely rare mass stranding in Boston Harbor.

Giant whale washed ashore on Trisik beach, Yogyakarta(Indonesia)The decomposed body of the giant whale was first discovered by Muji, a local fisherman, about one kilometer east of fish auction port at the beach.

Muji said the sea mammal most probably had died in the sea for more than a week before it was washed ashore on the beach because it began to decompose when he found it.

granted whales and dolphins die and beach themselves every year but I am the only one who finds the number of these incidents to be alarming for so early in the year? If there's any marine biologists out there who can shed some light, we'd love to hear from you.

[edit on 1-15-2007 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 12:50 PM
I also find the statistic very alarming. I don't think it happened before. At least, not at this scale.

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 04:32 PM
another dead whale on Florida's beaches.

Second whale washes ashore in Fla
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — For the second time in less than a week, a whale has washed ashore dead on Florida's Atlantic coast.

Marine biologists are trying to determine whether something in the water was responsible for the deaths of the great mammals

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 07:22 PM
I was hoping that the number of these stories would be on the decrease now, if this was type of behavior was caused by geomagnetic activity triggered by solar flares, and while it does seem to be calming down in new reported cases of beached whales and dolphins, I am still concerned.

I found this article to particulary interesting since these living fossil sharks live so deep under water and that it could be a sign that whatever is causing this distress in the sealife is originating from deep within the earth and not from above.

Rare primitive shark captured on film
"We believe moving pictures of a live specimen are extremely rare," said an official at the park. "They live between 600 and 1,000 metres under the water, which is deeper than humans can go."

"We think it may have come close to the surface because it was sick, or else it was weakened because it was in shallow waters," the official said.

The shark died a few hours after being caught. Frilled sharks, which feed on other sharks and sea creatures, are sometimes caught in the nets of trawlers but are rarely seen alive.

the words "rare" and "barely seen" keep grabbing my attention in these stories and again more questions than answers arise.

Rare whale dies at Morgan BayBuffalo City Municipality (BCM) amenities manager Willie Maritz, former chief of marine services at the East London Aquarium, yesterday said beaked whales were deep water creatures and were rarely found in such shallow waters.

“That’s why we know so little about them,” he said. “In the 18 years I’ve been involved in this line of work, this is the first time I’ve seen a beaked whale.”

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 12:15 PM
3rd whale dead in 3 weeks in waters off the Florida Coast and the cause of the whale deaths is still unknown.

Cause Of Whale Deaths Unknown
Another whale has turned up dead off the Florida coast.
It's the third dead whale found in three weeks, WESH 2 News reported.
A commercial fishing boat discovered the Right Whale calf off the coast of Jacksonville Beach.
The reason for the death of the whales is hard to tell and marine biologists said they don’t know the cause yet.

So far for possible causes:
geomagnetic activity triggered by solar flares

frequency activity triggered by military/govt projects and exercises

aquatic virus, such as red tide, etc

change in water temperature affecting sources of food and swimming patterns.

I'm not sure exactly what is causing all of this, it could be a combination of the above but whatever it is it is disturbing very sensitive creatures. The appearance of the Living Fossil Shark should also be mentioned in this thread even though its covered on the board as supporting evidence to the obvious changes taking place in the depths of our oceans.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher

So far for possible causes:
geomagnetic activity triggered by solar flares

frequency activity triggered by military/govt projects and exercises

aquatic virus, such as red tide, etc

change in water temperature affecting sources of food and swimming patterns.

I'm not sure exactly what is causing all of this, it could be a combination of the above but whatever it is it is disturbing very sensitive creatures.

it may be a combination of any or all of your list,
but i'm drawn to geomagnetic changes/fluxuations/
even 'blind' spots that might arise in the normally predictable state of the planet's magnetic field.

sunspots, CMEs, even HAARP frequencies in the stratosphere may be causing harm to the sensitive navigation senses in these animals & mammals. Birds, fish, salmon, bats, honey-bees, dolphins all use magnitite in their navigation & migration ?organs?/systems......

Human's too have a 'compass' center where magnitite is concentrated,
and probably has something to do with mans' awareness of direction, orientation, navigation...just like those instinctual driven animals.
The human's 'compass' center is the ethmoid bone [located between the eyes and behind the nose]

i see it, that right now, the earth's magnetic field disturbances are of low enough intensity to only affect those sensitive creatures which have a greater reliance on magnetic orientation (than human's are)

but, i suggest that when frequency disruptions are more charged & intensified, most likely via HAAP experiments...then even human's will become affected...dispondency & other disoriented behaviors will become even more pronounced in the human populations.

Whether this condition is caused from magnetic, solar or cosmic changes- -
or is a product of HAARP accidentally creating a harmful environmental event that can't resolve itself in a short time....i find it interesting that this malady is taking place at this moment of history, ie just when many claim these are the 'end times';
(Prophetically, this condition was foretold as being the period when a form of 'delusion' came over the Earth's inhabitants)

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:52 PM
St Udio
I'm pretty much in agreement with your opinion.

and it continues... not only dolphins now, but sea turtles too, not sure if there's an individual thread on this or not, but I felt it had enough connected to be added to this thread.

Sea turtles dying along Bangladesh coast
COX'S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - More than 200 turtles, some weighing 20 kg or more, have died in the Bay of Bengal along the Bangladesh coast over the past week, government officials and witnesses said on Monday.

"Around 140 turtles were found dead along a 4-km stretch of the beach," Mohammad Aminul Islam, deputy commissioner of Cox's Bazar district, said.

He said more turtles were dying on the shores of St. Martin island, 35 km off the country's southeastern tip, Teknaf.

Fishermen have reported that some dolphins have also died.

No one seems to know why the sea creatures are dying.

Islam said he believed the turtles died after being caught in fishing nets. But fishermen said they did not catch that many turtles to begin with, and when they do, they throw them back into the water.

Marine officials said the deaths could be caused by increased pollution in the bay, from waste disposal of ships or perhaps other unknown natural causes.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 11:43 PM
Unusual amount of strandings in Texas.

Feds step in as dead dolphins continue to wash ashore
60 washed ashore prompt worry for ocean's health; special probe launched

GALVESTON — An unusually high number of dead dolphins washed ashore in Galveston and Jefferson counties led federal officials Tuesday to issue a rare declaration, calling the deaths an "unusual mortality event."

At least 60 beached dolphin corpses were discovered in the two counties this month compared with nine during the same month last year, said Blair Mase, marine mammal stranding coordinator for the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, which has launched a special investigation into the matter.

A team of NOAA experts reviewed recorded dolphin deaths in Galveston and Jefferson counties — where nearly all of the dolphin bodies have been found — for the last five years and recommended that Bill Hogarth, assistant administrator for the National Marine Fisheries, declare an unusual mortality event, Mase said.

A sudden spike in dolphin deaths is a cause for concern because the mammals are a barometer for the health of the ocean, according to Chris Marshall, assistant professor of marine biology at Texas A&M University at Galveston.

and here's a rarity, could it be actual proof that military actions in our oceans are causing these deaths?

Whale beached days after sonar drill
A 15-foot female beaked whale stranded herself on the Outer Banks shore last week and died.
The whale, a nursing mother, had bleeding around both ears, but a scientist who performed an autopsy could not say what caused the mammal to strand.

Navy officials said Tuesday that they had been conducting sonar training exercises about 150 miles offshore of Virginia Beach, Va., about 10 days before the whale beached March 7. They declined to be more specific about the date, citing security reasons.

Sonar, which uses sound pulses to navigate under water, is a hazard to beaked whales, which live deep in the ocean off the continental shelf.

The technology worries many in North Carolina because the Navy wants to build a sonar training range about 50 miles off the coast. Environmentalists, fishermen and tourism promoters all fear that the sonar range would hurt their interests. But the potential harm to whales and marine mammals has generated the most pressure, especially after more than 30 whales beached near Oregon Inlet after a sonar exercise in 2005.

and we've heard the stories before, but again more possible ties to a military cause..

[edit on 1-30-2008 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 09:24 PM

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 11:57 AM
I thinking there has to be some sort of connection to the beached marine mammals and the timing of deaths. The following article written in April says there has been an increase in the past 14 weeks.. as I mentioned in my post above this thread started in January last year, I noticed an increase this January again and now it seems science is confirming something along those lines....strange..

'Baffling' rise in beached whales

WHALE and dolphin watchers are puzzled and alarmed at an unprecedented spike in the number of deep-water species being stranded and found dead on Irish beaches in the last 14 weeks.

There has been a similar worrying increase in the number of strandings on UK coasts -- especially in Scotland -- according to Mick O'Connell of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG).

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

and the following is an interesting article that attempts to answer why whales and dolphin beach themselves..
Probing question: Why do whales beach themselves?

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:04 PM
sorry for the late update, but I had to mention this because the time is close to other strandings of this year so far...

another story of mass strandings.... I also noticed a resurgence in current bird flu stories and incidents and again I have to wonder if there is a connection... some sort of virus that is similar and also seasonal as the bird flu seems to be???

Senegal stunned as 33 stranded long-finned pilot whales perish

DAKAR: Rescue efforts could not save more than 30 long-finned pilot whales stranded on a beach in the north of the Senegalese capital.

Environmental expert Haidar el Ali said the 81 whales on Dakar's Yoff-Thongor beach represented the biggest mass stranding for 30 years in the west African nation.

Thirty-three whales lay dead on the beach, but rescuers, aided by fishermen, sent 48 others back to the ocean. Many of the stranded whales were thought to have been pregnant.

Experts were at a loss to explain thestranding and some of the whalecarcasses were taken to a veterinary school to find answers, a marine official said.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:08 PM
leave it to me to find an article "after" I just posting my musings on the virus aspect.. Now who knows if this morbillivirus is related to the bird flu virus in anyway????

A morbillivirus is putting dolphins through hoops!

In 1990, a morbillivirus epidemic began in the seas off Spain, before spreading to the French Mediterranean coast. In all, 160 dead striped dolphins and white whales were found on French beaches. Altogether, more than a thousand were found around the Mediterranean. In the summer of 2007, the epidemic recurred, infecting more than 126 cetaceans, this time including the species known as bottlenose dolphins.

Marine mammal beachings along the French coast have been recorded by scientists since 1972. According to Nicolas Keck, a veterinary surgeon with the Herault Departmental Laboratory, 'beached dolphins are regularly found along the Mediterranean coast, for various reasons, primarily due to accidents and infections. The death rate is occasionally higher, generally as a result of the morbillivirus.'

and I also wonder if perhaps this morbillivirus has mutated and is spreading beyond the Mediterranean?

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 09:48 AM
Experts baffled as 26 stranded dolphins die in the UK

There was nothing to suggest that they'd gone ashore because they were feeling ill or because they were not healthy," Knight said. "Nothing on the first seven post-mortem gave us any idea what would have made them strand."

"This is an unusual event," Knight said. "This doesn't happen around the world, let alone the UK."

Wanted to add this to your post, as this seems a very strange event and I wonder what this means...


posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 09:14 PM
After seeing this thread
194 Pilot Whales with Dolphins Beached in Australia - Big Earthquake to Happen?

I knew I had to revive this one, not only to document this latest beaching and theory but to also ponder if there is some sort of correlation between the time frame of these types of events.

I started this thread January 2007 due to the number of beachings, then again in the beginning of 2008, we saw similar activity with a high number of beaching and now once again beginning of 2009 we also have mass beachings...could this be a pattern of some sort?

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher

I started this thread January 2007 due to the number of beachings, then again in the beginning of 2008, we saw similar activity with a high number of beaching and now once again beginning of 2009 we also have mass beachings...could this be a pattern of some sort?

Good catch.

Worth watching/investigating.

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