posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 10:38 AM
I predict that the mom is either going to run for a political office, start a PAC, or 501 -C3. This is sooo much PR going on here it's crazy. In
the news clip i saw he was walking the dog in the park and his cell phone in his pocket rang and the dog stopped him and "bonded" with the dogs by
bending down petting him and clearly saying "good dog" Is this weird to anyone else?? Why is he training his dog to hear a cell phone in his
pocket. Cell phone vibrate, why can hearing people feel the vibrate and the deaf kid can't??!!(Please don't give me, he might not always have it on
him.) Second and more important he had a CELL PHONE...a FLIP PHONE. How many people know a deaf person with a flip phone. Everyone i know has one
that is super text friendly (Envy, blackberry, etc)
He spoke clearly, in my experience, the clear the speech the more hearing the person has/had. Does anyone know what is the kids hearing range? Can he
hear the bells at school, a car horn, or whatever. The kid has at least one hearing aide. People don't ware a hearing aide to look cool, so the kid
can hear, but again what levels??
How much of this circus is for the kid's needs and how much is it for the Mom's motives?