posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 12:21 PM
Isnt this the same Pharoh Monch from the "Simon Says" days?
Maybe you recall that video. Ive never seen so many guns in a dance hall.
He seemed pretty happy to have them there and If Im not mistaken part of the chorus involved asking fellow party goers to brandish their firearms in a
less than responsable fashion.
Is this a real change for Monch or is he trying to make a living by appealing to all the kids who like Common, Black Star, and the like.
Anyway, Im tired of people blaming guns for accidents. Its like blaming a hammer for smashing your finger. Maybe, if youve watched the video, you
could blame angry, drunk, abusive, careless parents. But its just alot easier to take it out on a defenseless object than societal troubles and
problems individuals may have.