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2012??? The supposed date of contact??

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posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 08:32 AM
Good day,

I have written quite a few threads here but have not seen much on this topic.

So, I hear and read so much on the possiblity of both friendly and harmful intent and contact around 2012....what does anybody say about this?
Some say it is prophecy which I personally do not believe at all, but there has to be many thouhts out there and I now you will all throw in your ideas which I eagerly await!!

Peace, Mondo

**Please No supporting evidence from David Icke! It is my personal opinion that he and his information is not credible in any way and I just want the thread to continue with him being mentioned. Nothing mean intended, just the author's wish.**

[edit on 8-1-2007 by Mondogiwa]

[edit on 8-1-2007 by Mondogiwa]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 08:49 AM
Maybe you can enlighten us on your thoughts about 2012, would be interesting to shoot holes in, as you have done with David Icke.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 08:51 AM
anytime will do lets just get it over with!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:12 AM
Good day to you my friend....

So 2012, well, what would you like to discuss. What is it that YOU are aware of regarding 2012.

My info is wide and varied, for the last year i have been SUCKED in to the world of the strange perticularly with 2012, the ancient's take on it is a interesting read until you start looking into the SCIENCE thats starting to back up the ancient texts.

A few points.

we are aligning with galaxtic centre
we are moving into the photon belt
we are moving into a denser area of space which theoretically mean TIME will be condenced..(compress space, you compress time)
the shoeman resonance has be increasing exponentially, is likely to stop at 13Hz on 2012, its currently at 12.3(or 12.8) should be 7.3
the earths magnetic field strenth is only***5%*** that of what it was 6000yrs ago...some say this is proof that the inner core has ALREADY stopped turning and we're just waiting for the "bulk" of the earth to catch up......with this in mind......
on opposite sides of the globe there are ancient stories/beliefs etc that state the world stopped turning, the WIERD thing is that on one side of the globe, its the LONGEST DAY, and on the opposing side its THE LONGEST NIGHT. The Hopi indians have a legend saying that the sun rose twice in the same place and that when this happens it signifies the GREAT CHANGE.
even the Buddhists say that we weill be saved from our selves by "outside" help around twenty twelve. And this Buddhist kid that you might have read about says that he is living a life of devotion for the next 6 years....which brings us back to 2012

Buddist Kid

I'll leave it at that for now, no real info there, just some point to get the ball rolling on this thread.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Order Out Of Chaos
Maybe you can enlighten us on your thoughts about 2012, would be interesting to shoot holes in, as you have done with David Icke.

I really have no enlightenin thoughts yet, just curious.
You see, I knew I would get slammed over the David Icke thing...please just read the thread and contribute if you want to pertaining to the observed wishes of the author concerning David Icke.
If you do not agree and do not appreciate my opinion of David Icke, then do not really is that simple! I really want to know what others think about this supposed contact date but I want to filter out David Icke thoughts, that's all.
So, maybe we can now get back on topic and havin a sharing of info hereT

Thanks ahead of time, Mondo

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Anomic of Nihilism

I'll leave it at that for now, no real info there, just some point to get the ball rolling on this thread.

Thank you very much, this is exactly the sort of thing and info that I am trying to compile a list of.......much appreciated and thanks for the thread roll. Peace, Mondo

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:19 AM
Very informative and insightfull post "Anomic" ty ...will u post some refrences inks on this issue ..soem vids preferably !

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:22 AM
I think its all just hype, who knows your just gona hafta find out when 2012 comes!!

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:32 AM

Thank you very much

No problem at all.

A few Vids for a rainy day

2012 Doomsday clock


the link above is very importent, a MUST watch, the quality leaves alot to be desired but it is watchable, its only part one and there are 4 parts, you MUST find the rest, should all be on google vids, also available for DL

2012?? dont know, havent watched this yet

dont know if the above one is any good, but the way i approach things is ALL info is relevent, no matter what the source (with exeptions). if you avoid something because you dont like the person or beliefs presenting it you MAY just miss something that was verified and you'd wish you hadnt.

More stuff, 36min long peice on mayans and 2012

Ian Xel Lungold......find everything he's done, quite long and slow, but an interesting take on the Mayan calander

There's loads more a could add, but i dont wanna put all my eggs in one basket just yet.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:36 AM
I'm doanloading the .." EGGS" ty

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:37 AM

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:40 AM


you thinking of making an cake??

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:42 AM
Just kidding..anyway ty ..I'm gunna DN them all

[edit on 8-1-2007 by Cybernative]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:58 AM

and remember, SPREAD THE KNOWLEDGE!!

Im gonna post a few more vids soon, not all related to 2012, but i think its ALL relevent as they show that there was SOMETHING known that is now forgotten, lost or withheld.

Mytsery of the Sphinx.....some of you may have seen this...and some may have not

Sumerian origion of humans.....heh, now THEY KNEW some stuff

Graham Hancock's The Quest for Lost Civilisations....PART 1



And if you can, DL "William Shatner's- Mysteries of the gods", VERY interesting stuff

Ill leave it there for now. some good starting places for discussion on those vids


posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:10 AM
Cool stuff Anomic... Post's like this keep me coming back at least 3 times a day..

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:24 AM
There have been some very interesting links added to this thread. I can't wait to check them out!!! Thanks for all of the great posts guys and gals!!

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:28 AM
yeah awesome thread!!! everyone should post their 2012/lost civilization videos in here.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Mondogiwa
Good day,

I have written quite a few threads here but have not seen much on this topic.

So, I hear and read so much on the possiblity of both friendly and harmful intent and contact around 2012....what does anybody say about this?
Some say it is prophecy which I personally do not believe at all, but there has to be many thouhts out there and I now you will all throw in your ideas which I eagerly await!!

Peace, Mondo

**Please No supporting evidence from David Icke! It is my personal opinion that he and his information is not credible in any way and I just want the thread to continue with him being mentioned. Nothing mean intended, just the author's wish.**

[edit on 8-1-2007 by Mondogiwa]

[edit on 8-1-2007 by Mondogiwa]

I interpret your post as to thoughts pertaining to the possibility of contact in 2012. I would have to say I find the constant search for open contact a little frustrating.

There are reams of anecdotal evidence and photographic evidence that implies contact takes place on an almost daily basis. Paintings reflecting UFO's from centuries ago suggest contact took place then as well.

Plenty of religious text also reflects what could be considered contact. Mythology and folklore imply different aspects of experiencing the unknown and possible alien contact. Why is it the government must acknowledge contact in order for it to be accepted as part of the phenomena of life on earth?

I feel there is reticence to make open contact for the very reason it is sought. That to be truly a partner in the cosmos requires an individual autonomy and paradoxically an individual renouncement of autonomy.

Something that cannot be accomplished through validation via external sources but by individual attainment of certain spiritual goals.

Personally I have no idea whether of not aliens will make open contact in 2012. I would hope that when and if they do, it is to act as a catalyst for individual freedom and responsibility and not as conspirators in some NWO scheme.

When UFO phenomena first began making world-wide appearances because of the media age, the government sought to say it wasn't real. Alien life forms and the advanced technology and science they suggest present a serious threat to power structures on earth.

Since the media age made denial untenable, all the attention has been focused on making the denials of they're existence look like secret collusion with some powerful master race.

I like to think disclosure would reveal more dis and misinformation than collusion. If anything, those in power are as confused and inconclusive as the rest of us and just more eager to hide the fact.

2012 as a possible contact date? Why don't you ask for tomorrow for yourself and see what happens?

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:56 AM

Cool stuff Anomic... Post's like this keep me coming back at least 3 times a day..

HA! I know EXACTLY what you mean
i have the same addiction myself.

There is loads of stuff out there, unfortunately not available for video streaming. a STUPID amount for download though.

And as i dont want to get into trouble, i shall post the NAMES of these VERY INTERESTING vids, but its up to you people to go find them *torrents cough cough*. Conspiracy Central is BY FAR the GREATEST download site EVER, you'll find stuff on the that NEVER gets on the torrent sites. The only draw back is it costs £5 a month, BUT ITS UNBELIEVABLEY WORTH IT< TRUST ME ON THAT.

I'll post more tomorrow, so check back.

Glad to see ive pleased so many with those post, makes me happy


posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 01:38 PM
The Olympics in london, though i cant see how this will affect any celestial events, as for the prophecy i think they have been shown not be porphecies at all but writings that could apply to a lot of events depending on interpretation. Personally i wouldn't mind if some wise friendly aliens showed up in the sky to say hello but i dont think that will happen.

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