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The Disclosure Project -- Sergeant Clifford Earl Stone of the United States Army

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posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by CosmicVegeta100

Yes, I read some of that interview with CS too. Unfortunately, it knocked his credibility a bit in my mind. Where did "Jesus" and the "creator" come into it?
To introduce a religeous slant into this whole thing and a christian one at that, is incredible. I was almost convinced by Mr Stone's story until I read this interview.
If, and I mean IF, there is a link between ET visitors and earthly religeon, isnt it a bit too cosy that the chosen religeon just happens to be christianity! (I have no particular religeous axe to grind here. I was brought up as a Church of England christian who never really goes to church except weddings and funerals!)
Sorry for the anonymous message but I`ve only just found ATS and havent got round to registering yet.


posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by RiotComing
I implore you all to download and watch the recent Project Camelot video interview with Clifford Stone, to get a fuller picture on the man, his experiences and his credentials.

I notice a few people here are writing half-cocked nonsense about how he has been debunked, is a bit wacky. These people simply cannot handle the truth. In the interview he says it himself that people have preconceived ideas of ET and are not prepared to handle the truth because it doesn't fit with their worldview of what an alien should look like according to their preconceived norms, shaped by the media etc. They can't handle the fact that there are 57 different species and all humanoid - can't handle the fact that we all have a common bond between us all. He's refusing to tell people what they want to hear, he's telling the truth.

If you can't handle the truth, then don't post. You at least owe it to yourself to watch the video interview (runs for nearly an hour) and not take the word of a new member only been here 5 minutes saying that Clifford Stone has been debunked at ATS many times before. How the heck would they know? If you can't handle the fact he knows about underground bases and monorails under the Pentagon, then perhaps the ufo coverup conspiracy isn't your thing. Stick to Fox News and Time Magazine.

Um... How do you know its the truth then?

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:00 PM
Hi all, just joined because of this thread. Not sure if it was a good idea to bring up an old thread or not, didn't see the point in starting a new one on the same subject.

Anyway, I can actually prove that Sgt Clifford Stone is not really a Seargant at all and that his Disclosure Project testimony is fake. In fact, he has done himself no justice at all and has debunked himself by making a major slip-up.

In this video:

Cliff is very young and claims to be just a UFO expert, nothing more. He also states "In the films that I've seen there seems to be some kind of intelligence behind the phenomena" indicating that this is only his personal opinion and not factual knowledge.

No claims of being a Seargant, no claims of recovering craft and bodies and no claims of catalogued species. Also, I can't find a wiki on him.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by truthalert
Anyway, I can actually prove that Sgt Clifford Stone is not really a Seargant at all and that his Disclosure Project testimony is fake. In fact, he has done himself no justice at all and has debunked himself by making a major slip-up.

First: I don't believe Stone. The whole Project Camelot business is bogus. There's so much information out there on this that I certainly do not need to repeat it here.

However, you haven't "disproven" anything here. You say Stone is "much younger" here. He's clearly in his forties, which is plenty of time for an enlisted military career. The fact that this program does not identify him as such means very little. All we get is a few seconds of him talking. This program was obviously done a few years ago. Diletosso seems much younger as well, but it's just a pablum "Unexplored Mysteris" kind of program that bounces around all over the place without any focus. The program does not identify Stone as a Sergeant. It just doesn't say that he was. That's an omission, not "proof" that he was not.

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