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The Disclosure Project -- Sergeant Clifford Earl Stone of the United States Army

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posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 01:25 PM
I've seen the DP. I have the book, I'm almost done with it. It is very amazing testimony by all these professional witnesses. Whether or not all these people, including, Clifford Earl Stone, are working on a misinformation campaign, or they are truthful to their testimony, it still stands that the highest levels of the Government are keeping secrets that should not be kept, because they do not affect National Security at all. If the DP is misinformation, or is part of the plan since the beginning from these high levels, then I would like to think that some of the information revealed is truthful in the sense that maybe this is "official disclosure" but they have to put it in an "unofficial", questionable way as to not receive punishment, you now, let the truth "leak" out, little by little so that the people are not mad because it was hidden for so long, and Presidents lied to every body's face, not just once, but often. It just seems like a way to lead people on to the truth but shake them up a little with some nonsense so they become desensitized to the subject/reality of it, but still find it hard to believe. But in my honest opinion, I really do believe every word these people say, and I hope that Mr. Stone is lying, and that he is wrong, in fact that all of them are lying and they are wrong, because, I don't want my family to live through any of the things that seem to be headed our way. If it were just me by myself, F it, I don't care they can put me underground, torture me, force me to war, or like someone put it, "ride the Dulce train". But not my family.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by sweftl337
Do you guys remember the original 2 hour special a few years ago, in which there was this Jesuit (with the curly mop) who claimed he tried to get access to the Vatican library but could not?

If I am to understand correctly, the Jesuits are if anything more in control of the Vatican than the Catholics - although very much similar.

Didn't William Cooper warn us about some very sophisticated ufoologist's that were working for the Jesuits?

Maybe you're talking about Daniel Sheehan ? He is a DP witness. He was a lawyer for the Jesuit Society of America and tried to get access to the Vatican's UFO files and was denied. William Cooper is not someone I take seriously. From what I've read of him, it sounds like he had schizophrenia or other serious mental illness.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 03:55 PM

Have you seen this last article by William Cooper? IMO, there is no more reason to assume he was ill than that of Alex Jones or anyone else who exposes the NWO.

If you scroll almost half way down, you'll discover the actual CIA documents on Roswell.

The artificial extraterrestrial threat was thus implanted in the mind of the public.

Remember that Cooper was once the huge UFO-guy and then shortly before he was murdered (due to not paying income tax and a whole range of other items) he produced this Gem of information. I'm not claiming I totally agree with all of what Cooper wrote but please guys, check out those 2 documents and let me know what you think?

If these documents are indeed authentic, then much of the Roswell incident has already been explained and subsquently much of the UFO culture.


posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 12:36 PM
BUMP - would love hear your feedback.

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 12:57 PM
I have known Clifford Stone for 20 years. I have stayed in his home and met his family. I spent a week at Roswell with Cliffford and visited where he worked. I met a few of the people that he worked with.

In my opinion Clifford Stone has been totally honest about what he has said, and I believe everything he has said is true.


John Lear

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 04:32 PM
I just ordered a secondhand copy of Clifford Stone's book, hopefully there will be SOME DETAILED DRAWINGS in there to support his claims. I would love to sit and talk with this man and ask my own questions.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 04:43 PM
After watching the long 4 hour disclosure video I believe these stories do hold some weight. Like the spanish fellow apologizing before his story as he isn't accustomed to standing up in front of many people and he was nervous. Dr, Greer and the witnesses look and sound sincere in every way. I don't believe that they would all go out of their way to dress up in a suit to be up there for hours to tell a fabricated story. I admit some stories sound absolutely rediculous, but that is precisely why the truth still hasn't come out. People don't want to believe, so it continues to perpetuate the subject and that is how these Government agencies can continue to subside the truth and continue to hide it. As long as it sounds crazy then it is crazy! That isn't always the case. No need to ridicule everyone that comes forward and give them a overall "DEBUNKED" definition. Sadly some have been hoaxes which really muddies the water and everytime there is one it trashes the whole subject.

I have a story too and is absolutely true. During breaktime at work I was outside smoking a cig and everyone in the electrical engineering department saw a black line flipping through the air in the sky. On edge the stealth fighter is very hard to see. After watching it for a while we could all see that it was a stealth fighter by the shape. This is after the stealth has been widely know and declassified. I don't recall hearing any jet sounds and just noted that it was kind of strange. On the way home I have a 30 miles to drive and along the road is the main city Airport (coincidence)? Along the highway and off to the lefthand side out in a field I saw this same craft floating stationary approx 10-15 feet off the ground at a 15 degree angle and no noise. From looking at pictures of the stealth it looks the same maybe it is a hybrid with levitating technology?? I know it sounds crazy and people don't believe me. I know what I saw as it was in plain view in broad daylight. So now when I hear stories of some jets having this technology along side with jet powered makes sense cause that is exactly what I saw! I really wished I had a camera. I just know the government does all kinds of things that the general public have no clue about it. If you can think it then someone is making it.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
I have known Clifford Stone for 20 years. I have stayed in his home and met his family. I spent a week at Roswell with Cliffford and visited where he worked. I met a few of the people that he worked with.

In my opinion Clifford Stone has been totally honest about what he has said, and I believe everything he has said is true.


John Lear

Yeah and we all know how hard it is to convince you.

Sorry, John. You lost any and all credibility to many people on this site by backing Sleeper. So, just as your backing of Sleeper, your backing of Clifford Stone does more harm than good.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by MFtoombs

Yeah and we all know how hard it is to convince you.

Sorry, John. You lost any and all credibility to many people on this site by backing Sleeper. So, just as your backing of Sleeper, your backing of Clifford Stone does more harm than good.

Hello MFtoombs, thanks for the post. What about Billy Meier. Don't I get any credibility for backing Billy Meier?

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

Originally posted by MFtoombs

Yeah and we all know how hard it is to convince you.

Sorry, John. You lost any and all credibility to many people on this site by backing Sleeper. So, just as your backing of Sleeper, your backing of Clifford Stone does more harm than good.

Hello MFtoombs, thanks for the post. What about Billy Meier. Don't I get any credibility for backing Billy Meier?

Thanks, John.

I will research this person and get back to you. I really hope (even though I realize you don't care) that my faith can be restored in the trust I once held in your word.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

Hello MFtoombs, thanks for the post. What about Billy Meier. Don't I get any credibility for backing Billy Meier?

After further review, was the Billy Meier thing sarcasm?

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 05:07 PM
Originally posted by sweftl337

before he was murdered (due to not paying income tax and a whole range of other items)

Wow. Just, wow.
Care to elaborate on these claims, with some proof ?
Not some web-site. Actual proof.
Since when is someone murdered for not paying taxes ?
What are the range of the "other items" ?

Waiting as usual,

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
I have known Clifford Stone for 20 years. I have stayed in his home and met his family. I spent a week at Roswell with Cliffford and visited where he worked. I met a few of the people that he worked with.

In my opinion Clifford Stone has been totally honest about what he has said, and I believe everything he has said is true.


John Lear

I agree. All I needed to do was hear him speak, and knew he believes what he is saying, and truly wants to inform the people of his knowledge about the subject.

On another note, I freaken hate debunkers... Whats the point in spending all of your time trying to prove someone wrong or crazy...What have debunkers contributed at all, other than their biased negativity and close-mindedness. They try and find anything to discredit the person, yet what does that prove? I'm sure you could find something on anyone in this forum, and make them out to be a crack. As far as what the "debunkers" have to say, well I just don't even acknowledge them.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Freezer
What have debunkers contributed at all, other than their biased negativity and close-mindedness. They try and find anything to discredit the person, yet what does that prove?

UFO research needs debunkers. Debunkers keep us all honest. Without them, we may find that our standards fall, as to what we consider might contribute to evidence and proof.

Face it, when the debunkers CAN'T explain something unusual, after all of their 'attempts' at investigation, then a case has to be good.

Debunkers filter out the crap for us, so we only have to concentrate our efforts and interest on the credibile cases left behind.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 08:57 PM
Yes, I notice this quite often. They attack the person rather than the subject, attempt to raise credibility doubts on people, completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Just now, the same thing is happening over here. It's annoying and frustrating. Rather than actually discussing the interesting things Clifford Stone has to say, we end up discussing whether John Lear endoses Sleeper whilst the bunker has to Google-up Billy Meier. A thread ends up with several pages of derailment all because of ad hominem attacks that contribute ZERO value to the topic itself. Not good form.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 02:27 PM
Check out the new clifford stone interview from project camelot on google video!

Simply type in cliffords full name in the google video search engine or log onto!


posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 07:39 PM
Interesting, yet humorous moniker.

You wouldn't be here to discuss...nah...
Or, WOULD you ?
Trying to bring Serpo back onto ATS, or....trying to get newer ATS members to head over to the site you mentioned ?

Cheap shot, in my opinion.

Any mods looking ?


posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
or....trying to get newer ATS members to head over to the site you mentioned ? Cheap shot, in my opinion.

Thanks for the post Lexion. Is there a problem with trying to get any members of ATS over to look at the Project Camelot site featuring Clifford Stone or anybody else for that matter. Please let me know. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 08:55 PM
Sorry for possibly stepping on one of your publicity attempts.

I've viewed Camelot, and actually have it as a favorite site.

The interviews are interesting, to say the least.

Convincing ? To be quite honest, I believe some of the people interviewed
believe what they are saying.

Proof ? Zero.

Why do I discredit the site ?

Quite a while ago, when Serpo was big interest on this site, I actually
encouraged the OP. I wanted to see what "disclosure" info he was getting.

After getting questioned by members on this site (who are MUCH better at
the skeptic side, than I am ) he abrubtly left.

Personally, if I make a statement(s), I'll back them with proof.
That OP (Serpo) chose to run.

If you stand by him, that's fine by me.
But, please refrain from using ATS as an advertising medium.

Your past achievments, and credibility deserve much, much more.

Best regards,

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
If you stand by him, that's fine by me.

Sorry Lexion I lost you a ways back. Stand by him? Who's him? are you talking about Clifford Stone or Serpo? I thought we were talking about Clifford Stone and then you mention an OP. Does OP mean original poster? Is there an original poster about Clifford Stone? I didn't follow the Serpo thread so are we talking about Serpo the planet? I would respectfully request you enlighten me.

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