posted on May, 7 2007 @ 09:19 PM
Duncan, you misspelled my name, it is Rik. Everything will be released on my time frame and not yours. When I start releasing information and visual
proof who is going to look bad not me. Who is going to need a psychiatrist not me, guess who will. By the way you do not need a toilet paper spool
just cup your hand and look thru the tunnel made by your fingers at a specified anomolie, artifact, or lifeform on Mars photograph.
Instead of scientifically figuring out why I do this tunnel vision and bending the glass magnifier to see these anomolies much better you critisize
and try to make me look like a fool and I am sure this makes you feel real big on ATS. Yes I make statements about lifeforms, anomolies, water and
monuments just hold tight because my day is coming. Rik Riley
[edit on 7-5-2007 by rikriley]