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3 children hang themselves after seeing Saddam execution

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posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 01:13 PM

At least three children, having seen the Saddam hanging on television, have simulated the incident, resulting in their deaths.

A 10-year-old boy in Texas, Sergio Pelico, hanged himself after seeing the Saddam video. He had been asking questions about the Saddam execution. "We're theorising he tried to experiment or mimic the behaviour and it got out of control," local police captain Thomas Claunch said.

In Pakistan the Press Associated reported a similar incident involving a nine-year-old boy, Mubashar Ali, who also died after hanging himself. According to the boy's father, Mubashar and his sister, who is a year older, saw Saddam's hanging on television. They then tried to simulate the incident by tying a rope to a ceiling fan and then putting it around the boy's neck.

Elsewhere, in India a 15-year old girl, who her father said had become depressed at seeing Hussein's killing on television, said she wanted to feel the pain Saddam suffered before he died. She hung herself from a ceiling fan, said local Police superintendent Pravin Kumar.

Related News:
Three children die in copycat Saddam hangings
Texas Child Hangs Self After Seeing Saddam Video

Sad but True.

Power of Television today knows no limitations.

I don't like TV - so I say:


[edit on 6/1/07 by Souljah]

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 04:07 PM
Perhaps they should have had one of the executioners at Saddam's Hanging say out loud some kind of disclaimer for all the children who would be watching. Perhaps something like:
Please children, we are all proffesionals, and DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!

Just some thoughts i had concerning the subject matter.

Seriously though, good find, and good thread content.


posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 04:38 PM
Here we go again, blaming acts on one single element in a persons life.
How were these children raised ? What were there home lives like ?
Who tended to, cared for and instilled values in these children ?
Television ?

For shame, SHAME I say !!

Look to your own backyard before claiming an image on TV caused these obviously troubled children to attempt, and sadly imitate an event.

Parents have zero responsibility these days. Blame TV, video games, anything....anything at all except for what should be their largest influence.
The parents.

Just my pitiful 2 cents,

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 04:54 PM

Honestly. What retards. Especially the girl who killed her self to feel the pain.

Good ridence of you ask me, the world is better off without them contaminating the gene pool.

Am I supposed to feel bad some dumb kid (and YES a kid who hangs him self is DUMB - you cannot say other wise) hung himself because he say another man die? ... Nope, can't do it sorry.

However I will say the death of Saddam NEVER should have been aired, the men who taped it should be punished. The hanging of Saddam was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. The men who killed him where animals, nothing more then animals. Did he deserve to die? Yes, but the method and manor it occured was appaling and reflects horribly on Iraq and America. I also think there is way to much violent TV - ESPECIALY in the news. A 10 year old boy should never have to see a man die on TV. At 10 years old however you should no to hang is to die, and the kids in question are a special case, as only 3 have killed them selves not 3,000.

Sad event indeed. I personally would like to hear about their parents. I would imagine they are Parent of the Year material.

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

However I will say the death of Saddam NEVER should have been aired, the men who taped it should be punished. The hanging of Saddam was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.

Why punish those who taped it, and not those who wanted to watch it?

You say it is the most disgusting thing you have ever seen, yet you continued to watch it???

Have I chosen to watch the hanging?

Nope However, I did see the very beginning of it on the news, but i have made no effort to watch the entire "bootleg" copy from the camera-phone.

Just some thoughts i had.


posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 06:56 PM
Back on topic.
The parents of these children allowed them to see the execution.

No matter where you are from, parents are "supposed" to raise their children.

Obviously, this isn't the case, in these incidents.

Want the true reason these children did this ? Look to the progenitors, not the TV.


posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

Originally posted by Rockpuck

However I will say the death of Saddam NEVER should have been aired, the men who taped it should be punished. The hanging of Saddam was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.

Why punish those who taped it, and not those who wanted to watch it?

You say it is the most disgusting thing you have ever seen, yet you continued to watch it???

Have I chosen to watch the hanging?

Nope However, I did see the very beginning of it on the news, but i have made no effort to watch the entire "bootleg" copy from the camera-phone.

Just some thoughts i had.


Morbid curiosity?

Actually until I saw him really die I would not believe he was dead, as the video in the news was ... odd. He was relaxed, the whole fiasco seemed .. ackwardly done.

I did not see the entire thing, I went to the middle saw he was dieing and ended it. I am not one to watch a man suffer and die.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 08:01 AM
Pardone moi,

But all those who think that TV does not have an influence on a Child is severly mistaken. See the problem is, that most parents are NOT at home for their kids, when they need them - so they basicly watch TV all day or play video games. Which can only mean one thing - that the primary teaching role of family values has moved from parents to television. And we all know what kind of CRAP do we see on TV every single day.

Maybe the parents were not at home at that time, to forbid the children to watch this hanging, which "inspired them" to repeat it once again for themselves. And it is nothing new - when the Jacka$$ MTV series came out, everybody wanted to repeat those stunds that those crazy dudes did on TV - so naturally the next time, the WARNING! came in front of the show, which strictly forbids any kind of "imitating" of the stunts seen on Jacka$$.

Still - who can we blame?




Or all of them?

Well I don't think Children are to blame, since they are only a very young product of their evniroment, and if everything went smoothly and perfectly for them, they would not be dead right now.

I still am saying - TELEVISION!

Television The Drug Of The Nation

By Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy

One nation
under God
has turned into
one nation under the influence
of one drug

Television the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation

T.V. it
satellite links
our United States of Unconsciousness
Apathetic therapeutic and extremely addictive
The methadone metronome pumping out
150 channels 24 hours a day
you can flip through all of them
and still there's nothing worth watching
T.V. is the reason why less than 10 per cent of our
Nation reads books daily
Why most people think Central Amerika
means Kansas
Socialism means unamerican
and Apartheid is a new headache remedy
absorbed in it's world it's so hard to find us
It shapes our mind the most
maybe the mother of our Nation
should remind us
that we're sitting too close to...

T.V. is
the stomping ground for political candidates
Where bears in the woods
are chased by Grecian Formula'd
bald eagles
T.V. is mechanized politic's
remote control over the masses
co-sponsored by environmentally safe gases
watch for the PBS special
It's the perpetuation of the two party system
where image takes precedence over wisdom
Where sound bite politics are served to
the fastfood culture
Where straight teeth in your mouth
are more important than the words
that come out of it
Race baiting is the way to get selected
Willie Horton or
Will he not get elected on...

T.V., is it the reflector or the director ?
Does it imitate us
or do we imitate it
because a child watches 1500 murders before he's
twelve years old and we wonder why we've created
a Jason generation that learns to laugh
rather than to abhor the horror

T.V. is the place where
armchair generals and quarterbacks can
experience first hand
the excitement of warfare
as the theme song is sung in the background
Sugar sweet sitcoms
that leave us with a bad actor taste while
pop stars metamorphosize into soda pop stars
You saw the video
You heard the soundtrack
Well now go buy the soft drink
Well, the onla cola that I support
would be a union C.O.L.A.(Cost Of Living Allowance)
On television

Back again, "New and improved"
We return to our irregularly programmed schedule
hidden cleverly between heavy breasted
beer and car commercials
Where oxymoronic language like
"virtually spotless", "fresh frozen"
"light yet filling" and "military intelligence"
have become standard
T.V. is the place where phrases are redefined
like "recession" to "necessary downturn"
"Crude oil" on a beach to "mousse"
"Civilian death" to "collateral damages"
and being killed by your own Army
is now called "friendly fire"
T.V. is the place where the pursuit
of happiness has become the pursuit of trivia
Where toothpaste and cars have become sex objects
Where imagination is sucked out of children
by a cathode ray nipple
T.V. is the only wet nurse
that would create a cripple

Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 08:12 AM
I'll agree that the 15 year old girl who "wanted to feel the pain Saddam did before she died" was pretty rediculous. I don't believe we can blame TV for that one. She probably already had severe issues.

However, the children copying the actions on TV were probably not depressed or anything, they just didn't know any better. For that, I believe the parents should take some responsability. If the children are watching this stuff, the parents should be right there with them explaining the situation. I'm sure if they understood what was going on, they wouldn't have tried mimicking the hanging.

This is the very basics of parenting, and the problem with censorship. Children are curious, and soak up info like a sponge. The best way to protect them from the world is not to hide it away, because that will just make them more curious. The best way is to show it to them, explain it to them, and satisfy their curiosity. Otherwise, you'll have children who don't know what death is, so they'll find out for themselves. Or, you'll have children who are overly curious about what sex, or drugs are, and they will do the same.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:07 AM
The power of Saddam is reaching the west even after death.

Then people wonder why he could be made into a martyr.

There you have it people!!!!!!!

Are people in this earth that others will emulate . . . as in death by vulnerable children.

Our children.

However, is ok say the president to hang a leader of other country that just in the eighties was or friend. What a bs.

Now his execution was magically taped and put on the internet. For the enjoyment of the American people and others around the world.

Because our government wanted that way.

So what is the expected reaction? Well we have children going on rampant killings in schools in US with fire guns before committing suicide.

Now we have hangings, guess what back 30 years ago children were committing suicide by hanging, then they did it by taking drugs and sleeping pills, then by gun fire taking as many as they could.

Now hanging again, I guess is just take a good strong influence like evil Saddam to do that.

So here forget how our children has been committing suicide trough the years.

You see is always been suicide incidents on children but Saddams video just brought back the ole good hanging.

Children hanging themselves is not a laughing matter, it shows they sorry state of our society and the state of mind of our children.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:13 AM
I blame Saddam!

What I find most disturbing is that they were young.
I don't mean that 'it wasn't their time.'
What I mean is, did they even know who Saddam was? Or why he was hung?

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Gear
I blame Saddam!

He's responsible for even more deaths!!! Hang the Bastard!!...... oh wait.

What I find most disturbing is that they were young.
I don't mean that 'it wasn't their time.'
What I mean is, did they even know who Saddam was? Or why he was hung?

I don't think they even knew what hanging was, or what it did to you. Except for that wacky suicidal teenager. I think she just wanted attention.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
However, the children copying the actions on TV were probably not depressed or anything, they just didn't know any better. For that, I believe the parents should take some responsability. If the children are watching this stuff, the parents should be right there with them explaining the situation. I'm sure if they understood what was going on, they wouldn't have tried mimicking the hanging.

I think kids these days are far more smarter then their parents, and they certainly understand internet and technology better then their parents, and they will most certainly find a way around it, to get what they wish. You have to understand, that they are born in an techno age of panic and fear - and above all, they have unlimited access to almost anything they wish.

This is the very basics of parenting, and the problem with censorship. Children are curious, and soak up info like a sponge. The best way to protect them from the world is not to hide it away, because that will just make them more curious. The best way is to show it to them, explain it to them, and satisfy their curiosity. Otherwise, you'll have children who don't know what death is, so they'll find out for themselves. Or, you'll have children who are overly curious about what sex, or drugs are, and they will do the same.

The only way to protect your kids these days is to kill your television, disconnect the internet, throw away all the gaming consoles and move to live in a forest and start teaching them how to survive in a jungle, how to hunt for their own food, how to make a shelter out of branches and leaves, how to find water. But we all know nobody does that at all. Meaning only that most of the kids out there are left to discover stuff on their own. And they most certainly will. And I don't mean how to survive in a forest...

[edit on 8/1/07 by Souljah]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 02:38 PM
Souljah, I think you missed my point. You are right, there is no way to stop children from finding this info, short of moving to a hole in the ground. Instead of denying them access to this info, let them find it, and be comfortable enough with you to share it, and ask about it. As the responsible parent, it's up to you to help you child understand the world around them, not to hide them away from it.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
The parents of these children allowed them to see the execution.

Exactly. Geeeeze. What the heck kind of parents let children watch an execution? Any execution? Freak'n stupid parents. I bet they are blaming the USA and will sue ... instead of blaming their own bad (lack of good) parenting skills.

Poor kids had idiot parents.

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
that wacky suicidal teenager. I think she just wanted attention.

I agree. She probably had some major problems that were either missed, or ignored. She definately was wacky.

[edit on 1/8/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 02:42 PM
I agree. If their parents had helped them understand the situation, the context, the crime, and the punishment, the children could still be alive today.

Edit: Except for that wacky 15 y/o chick. She had mental issues and needed proffessional help.

[edit on 8-1-2007 by Rasobasi420]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 02:54 PM
May I ask how the parents can monitor what goes on in their houses when they aren't there? My kids(16, 12 and 11) are home an hour before I get home from work. My wife works until 9PM. What do you do? What CAN you do? TV is a powerful manipupulator and kids are impressionable. This wasn't TV related but I hung myself when I was 5 or 6, don't really remember, because a teacher told me that when I died I would be with Jesus. Thank God that Mom found me before it was too late.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
Souljah, I think you missed my point. You are right, there is no way to stop children from finding this info, short of moving to a hole in the ground. Instead of denying them access to this info, let them find it, and be comfortable enough with you to share it, and ask about it. As the responsible parent, it's up to you to help you child understand the world around them, not to hide them away from it.

And You my Friend missed My point;

Any SANE parent would NOT allow their kids to see an execution if he or she has any brain cells left - the problem in this case (and in many cases like this) is, that there actually IS not a parent present to forbid - or as you said - to show them and explain to them what the hell this is all about. And since there is not parent around, the young kids mind of exploration and experimentation does that for himself.

How can you blame the parents, if they are at work from 9 to 5, yet the execution of Saddam was all over all the news 24 hours a day?

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 03:00 PM
I don't think parents should be expected to monitor their children 24/7. Doing so would be nearly impossible. And, most attempts would cause a rift between parent and child. Rather than monitoring, maybe parents should try to instill trust in their children by allowing them to be curious, with the parental guidence.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
And You my Friend missed My point;
Any SANE parent would NOT allow their kids to see an execution if he or she has any brain cells left - the problem in this case (and in many cases like this) is, that there actually IS not a parent present to forbid - or as you said - to show them and explain to them what the hell this is all about. And since there is not parent around, the young kids mind of exploration and experimentation does that for himself.

How can you blame the parents, if they are at work from 9 to 5, yet the execution of Saddam was all over all the news 24 hours a day?

The ideal situation would be that after 5, when a parent gets home, for the parent to be available for questions. For the parent not to punish because of their child's curiosity, and to explain what is up. I'm not saying give children free reign of te house, and the world, but to deny children information when they are big info sponges is cruel, and destructive in itself.

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