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Volcano Watch 2007

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posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 01:14 PM

IG reported that during 17-18 April, Strombolian activity from Tungurahua was observed; incandescent material was ejected about 500 m above the summit and blocks descended down the flanks. Lahars carring large blocks NW down the
During 17-24 April, ash plumes rose to altitudes of 5.5-9 km (18,000-29,500 ft) a.s.l. and drifted W and N. Ashfall was reported from areas mainly to the N, NW, W, and SW during 17, 19, 21-22, and 24 April.
On 23 April, lahars were observed in several gorges to the NW. Clouds.

Source: Volcano Discovery

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 01:17 PM

Another brief, but intense eruption occured at Etna on April 11, 2007.
Lava fountains erupted from the SE crater and two lava flows emerged from the vent at the base of the SE cone at 3050 m, flowing into Valle del Bove.
The eruption lasted for 5 hrs and the most advanced lava flow front reached 1900 m elevation in the Valle del Bove.

Source: Volcano Discovery

I found Etna´s eruption interesting because I had been noticing in increase of quakes in the area, not strong ones, but showing that something was going on.

I think that this eruption can trigger others in Europe... Hope it does not.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 01:19 PM

On 18 of April, Nevado del Huila had a moderately strong ash eruption causing ash fall and lahars on its flancs due to melted snow and ice water. About 8000 people have been evacuated. After the explosion, seismic activity at the volcano has decreased again.

Source: Volcano Discovery

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 05:10 PM
According to Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanología Mount Etna has erupted again on April 29, 2007 Report - pdf (in Italian)

After an increase of seismic activity, a strong eruption started at the South-East Crater with emission of lava and ash plumes - because of the weak wind - ash plumes rose to high altitudes...

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 04:07 PM

Update source, YVO
Tuesday, May 1, 2007 11:37 MDT
Volcano Alert Level: NORMAL
Aviation Color Code: GREEN

April 2007 Yellowstone Seismicity Summary

During the month of April 2007, 53 earthquakes were located in the Yellowstone area. The largest of these shocks was a magnitude 2.1 on April 22, 2007 at 12:35 AM MDT, located about 7 miles southwest of West Thumb, Wyoming.

Earthquake activity in the Yellowstone region is at relatively low background levels. No earthquake swarms were identified in this report period.

Ground Deformation Summary: Through April 2007, continuous GPS data show that most of the Yellowstone caldera continued moving upward at similar to slightly lower rates as the past year. The maximum measured ground uplift over the past 32 months is ~15 cm at the White Lake GPS station. An example can be found at:

The general uplift of the Yellowstone caldera is scientifically interesting and will continue to be monitored closely by YVO staff.

An article on another recent uplift episode at Yellowstone and discussion of long-term ground deformation at Yellowstone and elsewhere can be found at:

There has just been about 10 quakes on the south edge of the caldera, within 3 miles of each other, biggest 2.3, smallest 0.9. depths from 0 to 3.2km.


[edit on 1-5-2007 by apex]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 01:03 PM
Thank you for the information.
Apex, I have been reading the information regarding the number of quakes that have taken place at Yellowstone and wonder...

Is this number real? I mean, can we trust the number given by the YVO?

We have both checked all the quakes that have occurred since a long time ago and I thought there were more... I might be wrong. How can we confirm this?

I am not sure on the extension of Yellowstone on a map and I honestly admit that I would not be able to determine each quake within the area or not, so may I suggest you to start a thread just to add all quakes taken place within Yellowstone park?

Of course, it is a lot of extra work and I am aware of it, so maybe someone can start this YELLOWSTONE QUAKE WATCH 2007

There has just been about 10 quakes on the south edge of the caldera, within 3 miles of each other, biggest 2.3, smallest 0.9. depths from 0 to 3.2km.

Do you mean today?

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 01:15 PM
Volcano Discovery News

The eruption ended abruptly shortly after midnight early on 1 May.

Will have to keep monitoring this event because it was quite a big eruption (or so it seemed) and it has stopped too abruptly in my opinion.

Maybe it is just a break (who knows?)

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Ptolomeo
Thank you for the information.
Apex, I have been reading the information regarding the number of quakes that have taken place at Yellowstone and wonder...
Is this number real? I mean, can we trust the number given by the YVO?

I would certainly trust the YVO pages, looking at it from this page it would generally seem the number is accurate. It gets more confusing when there are earthquake swarms, but generally it is possible to get a good number right on the YVO update.

We have both checked all the quakes that have occurred since a long time ago and I thought there were more... I might be wrong. How can we confirm this?
I don't think there are many more, in fact, I think the YVO occasionally show more on their monthly reports.

I am not sure on the extension of Yellowstone on a map and I honestly admit that I would not be able to determine each quake within the area or not, so may I suggest you to start a thread just to add all quakes taken place within Yellowstone park?
Of course, it is a lot of extra work and I am aware of it, so maybe someone can start this YELLOWSTONE QUAKE WATCH 2007

We could do that, but unless there were to be serious quakes, and more swarms there, I don't really think it necessary.

There has just been about 10 quakes on the south edge of the caldera, within 3 miles of each other, biggest 2.3, smallest 0.9. depths from 0 to 3.2km.

Do you mean today?

Well they were all on the 1st of May, if that clarifies it.

Edit, forgot to mention, the link I posted earlier in this post, has the caldera shown on it.

[edit on 2-5-2007 by apex]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 10:34 AM
Thank you Apex

That has clarified much for me. I will defitinely trust their information from now on.


posted on May, 8 2007 @ 01:08 PM
Mount etna, had a spill today,

And all caught on tape,

Mt Etna in Italy began erupting violently again last night, spewing lava fountains almost 500 feet in the air from the south-eastern crater.

So far there is no threat to inhabited areas. Lava also oozed from fissures at the base of the same crater towards the Valle del Bove.

0-0 another to keep an eye on,

[edit on 8-5-2007 by asala]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 12:44 PM
This months Yellowstone update:

Monday, June 4, 2007 10:09 MDT
Volcano Alert Level: NORMAL
Aviation Color Code: GREEN

May 2007 Yellowstone Seismicity Summary

During the month of May 2007, 59 earthquakes were located in the Yellowstone Region. The largest of these shocks was a magnitude 2.7 on May 1, 2007 at 3:09 AM MDT, located about 16 miles southwest of West Thumb, Wyoming. A small swarm of 14 earthquakes of magnitude 0.9 to 2.7, including the largest event, occurred on May 1st also about 16 miles southwest of West Thumb.

Earthquake activity in the Yellowstone region is at relatively low background levels.

Ground Deformation Summary: Through May 2007, continuous GPS data show that most of the Yellowstone caldera continued moving upward at similar to slightly lower rates as the past year. The maximum measured ground uplift over the past 33 months is ~15 cm at the White Lake GPS station. An example can be found at:

The general uplift of the Yellowstone caldera is scientifically interesting and will continue to be monitored closely by YVO staff.

An article on another recent uplift episode at Yellowstone and discussion of long-term ground deformation at Yellowstone and elsewhere can be found at:

Pretty low activity really.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 08:02 AM
Well at the risk of making this the yellowstone watch thread:

Monday, July 2, 2007 10:37 MDT
Volcano Alert Level: NORMAL
Aviation Color Code: GREEN

June 2007 Yellowstone Seismicity Summary

During the month of June 2007, 73 earthquakes were located in the Yellowstone Region. The largest of these shocks was a magnitude 1.5 on June 27, 2007 at 3:22 PM MDT, located about 5 miles south southwest of West Thumb, Wyoming. A small swarm of 26 earthquakes of magnitude -0.5 to 1.4, occured on June 20 about 6 miles west of Norris Junction, WY.

Earthquake activity in the Yellowstone region is at relatively low background levels

Ground Deformation Summary: Through June 2007, continuous GPS data show that most of the Yellowstone caldera continued moving upward at similar to slightly lower rates as the past year. The maximum measured ground uplift over the past 33 months is ~15 cm at the White Lake GPS station. An example can be found at:

The general uplift of the Yellowstone caldera is scientifically interesting and will continue to be monitored closely by YVO staff.

An article on another recent uplift episode at Yellowstone and discussion of long-term ground deformation at Yellowstone and elsewhere can be found at:

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 05:47 AM
Interestingly, Yellowstone's uplift has increased by two centimetres, and it used to be at 13, then 15 cm, and now it is on 17 cm. Obviously thats still not much, but the amount of magma pressure to do that probably isn't that small.

SEPTEMBER 2007 Yellowstone Seismicity Summary

During the month of September 2007, 54 earthquakes were located in the Yellowstone Region. The largest of these shocks was a magnitude 2.3 on September 10, 2007 at 4:30 PM MDT, located about 13 miles north northwest of Madison Junction, Wyoming.
No earthquakes were reported felt during September.

Earthquake activity in the Yellowstone region is at relatively low background levels.

Ground Deformation Summary: Through September 2007, continuous GPS data show that most of the Yellowstone caldera continued moving upward at similar to slightly lower rates as the past year. The maximum measured ground uplift over the past 36 months is ~17 cm at the White Lake GPS station. An example can be found at:

The general uplift of the Yellowstone caldera is scientifically interesting and will continue to be monitored closely by YVO staff.

An article on another recent uplift episode at Yellowstone and discussion of long-term ground deformation at Yellowstone and elsewhere can be found at:

Ground deformation looks something like this:

White Lake GPS station is a few miles north of the north end of Yellowstone Lake, for reference.
Edit: From this image it seems White Lake is near the north resurgent dome.

[edit on 9-10-2007 by apex]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 06:53 PM
Three volcanos in Indonesia are being looked at as there is heightened activity,

One is believe to be called the 'Child of Krakatau'

Activity at Anak Krakatau increased yesterday and there were several small eruptions," said Surono, a leading government volcanologist who, like many Indonesians, uses one name. "We have upgraded the alert level to the second highest."

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by asala

I am quite interested in this one, as there were quite a few earthquakes over a time recently in indonesia, there was speculation that a big one was coming, and that could stir up some volcanic activity in the region.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 11:33 AM
Mount Kelut on Java is now erupting. Tens of thousands have been evacuated but many are still there...

Indonesia's Mount Kelut erupts: volcanologist

Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from the fertile slopes of the historically deadly volcano, but an unknown number have refused to budge, evading patrolling police and soldiers.


"The first eruption was detected at 4:15 pm (0915 GMT)," Agus Budianto said, adding that this was based on seismic data that indicated continuous, escalating tremors that were too strong to be measured on their instruments.


One resident, Yono, was evacuating on his motorcycle with his wife and son, carrying a big bundle.

"We panicked, Kelut has erupted," he said as he rushed downhill.

Another local, Sumarni was also fleeing by bike with her husband and three children.

"My mother is left in our house up there. There was no space on our motorcycle," she said, adding that few trucks had picked up residents in their village.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

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