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Little Mosque on the Prairie

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posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 07:04 PM
Canadian comedy tv show. Muslim family life after 911. I would like to see it. Source

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 10:28 PM
I'm looking forward to this show. From the previews it looks pretty funny. It'll be interesting to see if there's any backlash.

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 01:02 AM
I just heard about this from a customer in my shop today. I thought he was making a bad joke. "No, seriously! It's a show! It's going to be on soon.", he says.

My response included language that isn't suitable for this site.

I hope it turns out to be taking a shot at our western culture and not full of Islam bashing. If so, it could be perty damned funny.


posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by BitRaiser
I hope it turns out to be taking a shot at our western culture and not full of Islam bashing. If so, it could be perty damned funny.

It's definitely not bashing Islam.. Something like that would never air on the CBC. Watch some of the clips on there official site or on youtube. It looks good tasteful and funny. Although I have no doubt there will be people who will complain about it regardless.

[edit on 7-1-2007 by jra]

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 11:22 AM
Well it looks like the standard " misunderstood Muslims and intolerant non-Muslims."message. source

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 11:39 AM
well, i'm always up for some good canadian humor
if they handle this like good parody sitcom instead of a good sitcom it will turn out perfectly

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