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time travel.......Donnie Darko

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posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 11:05 PM
If any of you people have not seen the movie, Donnie Darko, iy is a must see. For those who have seen it I was wondering if you thought the ideas of the portals and the things that come out of people's chest's could be there but we are just not able to see them. Just thoughts for a discussion...

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 03:57 PM
i've seen this movie. it's truely sci-fi the physics are way off and in short , no i dont' believe it could ever happen.

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 04:15 PM
I actually have that movie and thought it was one of the greatest films I've ever seen. It's very interesting to think about going along 'God's Channel' and things like that. Of course, every movie about time travel has to end in a paradox (the plane engine)... tisk tisk.

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 04:18 PM
The concept bugs me. Does it not follow that if at some point in the future we EVER master time travel, then we always had it? I suppose one may ascribe to a form of Prime Directive...but still.

Never seen that movie. What comes out of chests?

Sometimes I think I see aemoba-like "air fish" then they go away/ But of course, I'm crazy.

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 05:24 PM
yes, donnie is a great film, second only to fight club(yeah, yeah), and yeah i do believe a lot of the religious points presented in the film. most importantly, predestination. this is where the whole fate vs. freedom argument comes from, but richard kelly(the writer and director of DD) puts a standstill to the fight, and makes a very keen observartion. you are always predestined to something, and everything you do is leading to that(fate), but you can do what you want, a slong as it's in God's chosen path. the chest-things are just showing you your path, and you're going to do it anyway, but the only way to see this blobs, is by divine intervention. donnie is a very sophisticated, beautiful film, full of allegories, bunnies, and Patrick Swayze. a must see film

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 09:35 PM

and this one from the same site....

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 03:57 AM
I've seen the movie more than once, great movie! At this point, i wouldn't doubt it, anything is possible, and science has been wrong before. Always keep an open mind, that is where the truth can be found, within the impossible!

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 01:47 AM
Great movie, one of my favorites.. I think it has made me afraid to be on an airplane, too..

I think the theory of portals/wormholes is correct, i'd like to be able to see where people are going like Donnie Darko could.

The Manipulated Dead/Living thing is interesting, too. I don't know too much about it because I haven't read the Philosophy of Time Travel on the DVD.. but I think it's when dead people come back to manipulate the Living person who managed to stray from Gods Path, into the right path. It's all weird.

By the way, does anybody know of any other movies, indy or old, or whatever, that are like Donnie Darko, or have the same subject matter, as far as Time Travel/Wormholes/Manipulated Dead go? It would be appreciated if anyone can recommend some good movies like that.

[Edited on 19-12-2003 by Zodiac]

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 02:00 PM
I thought you would like to hear Carl Sagan�s comments on time travel. He is one of my favorites. If you click on the question NOVA asked him you will hear his response through RealAudio.

Sagan on Time Travel

Carl Sagan, the astronomer, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and legendary popularizer of science, gave this interview during the making of "Time Travel." True to form, he discusses arcane aspects of the field -- from how you define time to what it might look like inside a wormhole -- with flair and a refreshing dash of humor. Sagan was David Duncan Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences and director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University when he died in 1996.

NOVA: Let's start with the crux of the matter. What for you is time?

NOVA: Do you think that backwards time travel will ever be possible?

NOVA: Would you like it to be possible?

NOVA: On that note, can you describe the "grandfather paradox?"

NOVA: Do you find it easy to believe the world might work that way -- that is, self-consistently -- or do you think it's more likely that that there are parallel universes?

NOVA: As a physicist, what do you make of Stephen Hawking's chronological protection conjecture [which holds that the laws of physics disallow time machines]?

NOVA: Such as?

NOVA: How is the speed of light connected to time travel?

NOVA: In your novel Contact, your main character Eleanor Arroway travels through a wormhole. Can you describe a wormhole?

NOVA: What do you think it would be like to travel through a wormhole?

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 02:07 PM
here is a link to a list of films involving time travel.

some that I enjoyed are
millenium, frequency and twelve monkeys

Those paradoxes in time really screw your head up don't they

I've yet to read through it but there is an analysis of donnie darko on the site here

[Edited on 7-3-2004 by pantha]

posted on Mar, 8 2004 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by julianvstheworld
yes, donnie is a great film, second only to fight club

Funny you should say that as they are arranged next to one another on my video shelf.

The one thing that I never felt was properly explained in my discussions with other fans of the movie is why is Donnie laughing at the end of the film? Anyone know?

If you liked this one I would suggest a movie called Nowhere. It is a really psycho drug movie that has one of the best cult endings ever.

posted on Mar, 8 2004 @ 10:07 AM

He stays in that bed, laughing with the knowledge that the death he's about to meet is better than the misery of the month he would otherwise live, and dies;

this is a qoute from the analysis of donnie darko in the link that I gave

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