posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 07:03 PM
Probably could have done without the gastric bathroom unprofessional comment. Very good citing an unbiased response from the guy who was being
criticized. That is also disputed. And citing a web page that claimed an ice core "May" yield critical information was a nice touch. Lastly,
criticizing the President of the Statistical section of the National Acadamy of Science for bad statistics is at best suspect. Other blogs discredit
Michael from PA. The reference misses the point by the way. That's because the real point was indefensible. With regard to new information, you
probably aren't aware that that sword cuts both ways. As far as news coverage goes, it was discussed in the blogs but for at least two weeks after
the report came out, there was only one reference in an opinion blog. This is my last post on ATS. So say anything you want I won't be here to read
it. So if it makes you feel better have at it. Your cronies will love it. Scotty, beam me up. I've had about enough of pseudo intellectuals with foul