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The PR campaign to rid of us cash money

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posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 12:02 PM
The concept of this being an agenda of The-powers-that-be isnt hard to believe,

I use my Debit card alot, at the end of the month I get details of where I used it sent to my home in these details I get the date, time, location & the name of the machine or the person/shop receiving the transfer.

in essence this allows them to control you should they ever wish

1) You are easily found whenever you wish to purchase or buy something using your account.

2) If they wish to block you using it they just cancel your account.

3)If they ever wish to dig any dirt on you they need only to find something sustantial in your records.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by stumason

I guarantee that you will get your Gold in the UK and we are not "banned" from having it like you Yanks.

We aren't banned from having gold. We just can't buy bars/kilos of gold. But I could go out and buy gold right now if I wanted. Which I just did recently.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:44 PM
You can SO buy gold bullion in the US, in any coin shop, without having to sign anything. I have several months salary put back, and have never signed for it, or paid with anything besides US currency.

Any American Newspaper will cary NYMEX spot prices. That is, the cash price of gold as the New York Mercantile Exchange. Same With CBOT (Chicago) and KC (Kansas City) exchanges. The KC is the easiest for the little guy to use, since they buy and sell in the smallest lots.

But yes, you can legally buy and sell precious metals in the US. I do so, have done so for the past 15 years. I don't know where this came from. It was illegal from 1935 until 1973, under the term of price controls. But not now.


posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:50 PM
Kinda off topic, but I really hate that Visa ad, everyone going through the line in the restraunt swiping their cards, but did it show them signing for them? Did it show the credit machine sitting there waiting to verify? NO. Working at KFC, I know from experiance that it's faster to deal with people who pay with cash. Someone pays with a card, I have to swipe it, punch in the amount, then wait about 20 seconds for the credit machine to verify and make sure the card is okay, then I have to print out a receipt that the customer has to sign, print out a copy of their receipt for them to keep, and by this time I have a line formed and people are giving me nasty looks. I even said it one night when we were getting rushed, had a big line, and everyone was paying with a card. My partner asked, "Whats taking so long"? And I said, "Well it's not helping that everyone is paying with a card and slowing down the process". That wiped the snobbish nasty looks off most of the people waiting, even saw people start digging out cash. And it was good.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:53 PM
Slash...I worked at Walgreens, and credit cards are quickest for me.

It takes 20 seconds to verify?

Perhaps your machine is just realllly slow.

[edit on 3-1-2007 by RetinoidReceptor]

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:57 PM
It's a myth that Americans use less cash; we use more and more every year. The Federal Reserve has quit reporting M1-M5, the measures of exactly how much cash is circulating. Because it tells the TRUTH:

ATM's have increased the "CASH SOCIETY." The majority of peolpe don't use debit cards to pay for things directly; they go to the machine and get cash for the weekend.

I have talked to apartment managers who complain that up to half their tenants pay in cash every month, and they fear being robbed. One of them has a "runner" a nephew who makes a deposit every 3 hours for the first few days of the month during office hours, because of their fear of being robbed.

Debit card users tend to only use their cards for regular purchases; grocery, gas, etc. They are more likely to buy "impulse" like dinner, movies, etc. with cash.

Think about it. Why was the commercial (I've seen it, too) really trying to say? That cash is a no-no. But if it was, then the TV wouldn't waste time trying to convince you, would it?

The fact is, not nearly enough people are using VISA cards, and the overhead is killing the companies. I tried to pay at the dentist, and they couldn't get the stupid reader to work. One new girl had never used it (!), and the other didn't think the network had been up, or the owner had had it disconnected or something. I paid in . . . cash.

Of the last five unscheduled Dr./specialist visits for my family, We paid two with checks and 3 with cash---and none with plastic.


And I'll tell you a worse one.

I used to have an account with my employer's bank. But "direct deposit" never happened on the exact same day each month; meaning I couldn't be sure when we could pay bills, etc. And then my employer just started cutting me a check (they were having trouble with the bank, too.). But if I deposited my paycheck, it didn't clear the next day.

So now I go to the employer's bank, and CASH my paycheck. Then I drive down the street to my bank. Instead of 2-3 day delay, the money is in my account for immediate use.

Plus I hold out my gifts to charity, "mad money," survival fund, etc.


My point is this: in many ways, "the system" punishes you for trying to play by their rules. They punish you for using a card. They make computer mistakes, hold your money overnight, etc. And I get rewarded for using cash. So; which do you think has a troubled future ahead of it????


posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 03:02 PM
Have you ever been at the grocery, and the lines are backing up. Suddenly a manager comes to a vacant register, and says, "anyone paying cash, come right here" ?

I've seen it in just the last month, and there was a miniature stampede of people jumping into the cash line. Why? because they intuitively knew it would be faster than the "plastic" line.


posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

I've seen it in just the last month, and there was a miniature stampede of people jumping into the cash line. Why? because they intuitively knew it would be faster than the "plastic" line.


All I know, is that when I put the credit card through the machine, it is much faster. But debit and credit cards being used by the people themselves usually take a while because they cannot answer 2 simple questions "do you want cash back", "is this correct".

Of course if someone is using cash and the futse around with getting change and stuff (which happens all the time).

All in all I would rather be behind the card line.

And you are right, cash is not being rooted from our society. The original poster is no doubt one of the excitable type that so often makes things out of nothing.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 03:50 PM
I for one use cash a lot, and I don't want a debit card or any thing of that sort. I only use credit if I have too, like paying for college, but I would rather use cash if possible; I always thought that comercial was stupid.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 04:34 PM
the debit card is merely a transition until they get what they truly implant.

Based on polls and research, today's generation soundly rejects the idea of an implanted chip to use for banking transactions. However most americans are fine with the idea for medical info or just identification.

The bankers will simply wait a generation until my kids are grown. The same studies indicate they're more than willing to accept implants with just about everything possible in them.

In the future, your implant wil contain your social security number, driver info, credit rating, insurance data, medical history, bank account, and all credit cards imbedded in it. The chip will also have a gps tracking device. Everytime you enter a walmart you will be registered as having entered. When you leave, whatever is in your cart will automatically be deducted from yur account.

The danger of course is this allows total control to the banks. There will never be any possible way to fight back against them. You wont be able to go into hiding without cash. You will literally starve to death without a bank's approval. If the bank decides you are a terrorist because you post something they perceive as anti-govt, they could just turn off your lose all your money and cant buy anything. Its the ultimate form of control and something banks have sought for a long time.

Right now if I lose my job, I can decide okay im gonna pay my kid's college tuition first and to heck with the visa bill. my credit rating goes in the crapper but at least my kid gets an education. In the future, guess will just take the money from my account. total access is another thing that will result from this. Who am I gonna complain to ?

Read any leaked reports from the bilderburger meetings. Much of what is leaked out talks of their plans for a one-world money system (cashless) for control of the planet.

The implants are a reality. I have seen them being shown at my wife's medical conference in Las Vegas this past year. At the moment, they only hold medical data but that will change

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by stumason

Something quite different. The Gold standard is gone, that I know. But that doesn't stop you going down to the BoE and getting what you have been promised. The notes actually say on them "I promise to pay the bearere, on demand, the sum of X Pounds".

I guarantee that you will get your Gold in the UK and we are not "banned" from having it like you Yanks.

Obviously, with the current price, you may have to take down several thousand pounds in cash to get a worthwhile amount of actual Gold, otherwise you get back just coin.

As for your other points, I will come back to them..

EDIT: Also, it is not THE reason for inflation. There are many factors and anyone with a simple understanding of economics knows that.

No offense, but people like you scare me. Completely unaware that money is worthless paper. Completely unaware of the power these banking clans have over us.

What did I just say? I KNOW it is worthless paper. It is a cheque, a promise, to give you real money (ie, metal) on demand.

[edit on 3/1/07 by stumason]

I'm sorry but I think you are a bit misinformed. In America we CAN own gold. And what he's trying to say is that the money isn't backed by gold. When you trade in paper money for gold or silver it's like trading it for any other commodity. Currency that is backed by gold can't be printed to the fed's content because they can only print as much money as they have gold/ silver. They also tie a specific amount of gold/ silver to their currency and this weighs down currency inflation like what we have seen in the usa.


posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 04:42 PM
In the UK we have a thing called car boot sales, people drag out their unwanted stuff, stick it in a car and drive to a venue (a car park or field, whatever) then they sell their stuff for cash. It recycles unwanted stuff and makes you some money that doesnt get taxed or counted for. Thats one reason alone to keep cash.

Dealing in cash can mean the banks and gov dont know what you are up to all the time. Noone has records of your spending habbits. To me its privacy and choice.

Anyone else think of some more reasons to keep cash?

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 04:45 PM
I agree with you that their plans are nefarious, and greedy in the extreme.

Personally, I think they are doomed to fail. Accountants, most of the mediochre ones, fail to take into account human, all too human behavior.

you can't DEPEND on a chip, for a simple reason. It can be made fool-proof, but not burglar proof.

They've tried implants in cattle. And thieves will learn to make counterfeit RFID chips and implants. Because once the device goes beyond the understanding of the average cop or member of mall security, the enforcers have to trust. And that's where the thieves come in.

Picture me with an RFID "recorder." So I can record other people's chip signatures, and play them back as I leave the store. When you ask walmart security who just left with a basket full of pork rinds and ho-hos, the computer shows it's . . . Nelson Rockefeller! Gee, that's funny, because Nelson looked just like some fat, paranoid slob who walks around in public in his pajamas!

It's their pipe dream. I took one of my kids to a specialist, and he photographed the kid. The Dr. knows me, but so many people are faking medical fraud that his billing department makes him photograph and verify every patient he operates on!

So yeah, I know the human elite want things that are evil. But then, my kids want to eat Coco Pebbles in Chocolate milk for breakfast. But neither group is anywhere near getting its way.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 05:01 PM
If your every transfere was in an electronic means, there could be no more 'lend us a tenner till payday' going on, no more ' pay a mate in cash' for a quick ten minute plumbing / decorating job, no more car boot sales, no buying stuff in essence with out big business knowing your every move.

Once you accept the cashless society, you will start to see the pressure piling on for a chip inplant....

" Credit / debit cards are slow, get your chip and be done in seconds"

Its just the next step in the way of that advert ..


posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

I agree with you that their plans are nefarious, and greedy in the extreme.

Personally, I think they are doomed to fail. Accountants, most of the mediochre ones, fail to take into account human, all too human behavior.

you can't DEPEND on a chip, for a simple reason. It can be made fool-proof, but not burglar proof.

They've tried implants in cattle. And thieves will learn to make counterfeit RFID chips and implants. Because once the device goes beyond the understanding of the average cop or member of mall security, the enforcers have to trust. And that's where the thieves come in.

Picture me with an RFID "recorder." So I can record other people's chip signatures, and play them back as I leave the store. When you ask walmart security who just left with a basket full of pork rinds and ho-hos, the computer shows it's . . . Nelson Rockefeller! Gee, that's funny, because Nelson looked just like some fat, paranoid slob who walks around in public in his pajamas!

It's their pipe dream. I took one of my kids to a specialist, and he photographed the kid. The Dr. knows me, but so many people are faking medical fraud that his billing department makes him photograph and verify every patient he operates on!

So yeah, I know the human elite want things that are evil. But then, my kids want to eat Coco Pebbles in Chocolate milk for breakfast. But neither group is anywhere near getting its way.

The implants have already been hacked. A professor at Princeton found a way using a simple bar code reader (modified) to steal someone's medical data chip that walked by.

He also managed to steal Easy-Pass accounts at a Mobil Gas station.

Hackers will always find a way around the system.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by admriker444
1500 - 500 years ago you could take a 1 oz gold coin and buy a nice suit, attend a show, and get a great dinner.

2000 - present day, that very same 1 oz gold coin will also buy you a nice suit, attend a show, and get some dinner.

Now lets compare dollars for just the past 90 years...

1910 - a dollar will buy you dinner and a show at the local theater.

2000 - a dollar wont buy a dang thing lol.

Wait a minute your using gold coins to shop with? what store takes these? Seriously what stores do you shop in? Cause If I went into a store and handed them a gold coin the idiot behind the counter would look at me like I came from another planet. (then probably pocket the coin and demand other forms of payment)

But back on topic They can never ever ever do away with some form of barter medium. It just can't happen as long as there is a price on something someone will come up with the way to pay for it. Perhaps they would go back to using metals as a medium of currency, and remove paper. They could chip us all and make everyone go on the credit standard but then someone would come allong and come up with a more tangible way of buying products for those that would refuse the chip or needed something illegal.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 06:34 PM
Well, I think it is a conspiracy, but it's an Economic one, rather than a Political one.

As others have pointed out, using a Debit of Credit card involves paying a small transaction fee in one way or another, so naturally it's in the interest of Banks that we use them. They collect their little Tax on every transaction we make.

It's like Processed Food. There is an obvious push for us to buy food as packaged and preprocessed as possible, not because they want to put Mind Control Drugs in the food, but they want to be able to charge us extra for the processing, and cheat us with cheap quality produce.

Just needs a bit of self control and awareness to not be sucked into their moneymaking scams.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 07:05 PM
The banks / credit card issuers want you to use your VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVER, ad nauseum, and DEBIT CARDS to make purchases because the issuers receive a handsome % from the merchants on every purchase made. The % varies between 1 to 4%. That's a hefty source of revenue for the card issuers and it's on top of the annual fees, interest, late payments charges, overlimit charges, and the astronomical default interest rates thay impose at the slightest opportunity. It's just their way of encouraging you to move more money into their coffers. I doubt it has much to do with establishing the cashless society beyond that.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 07:05 PM
(deleted double post)

[edit on 1/3/2007 by dubiousone]

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 07:48 PM
I thought the same thing when I saw that commercial. Made me glad (again) that I have no credit cards. The other commercial thats been bugging me is one for Chase credit cards: the "Freedom" card. Can you believe that pile of dung? Use our credit card to have your purchases tracked, get deeper into debt, and pay an exorbitant interest charge....and this is "freedom"??? It's enough to put a man off his feed.

I have also heard the "gold-suit" story before (in a book called "The ABC's of Gold Investing" by Michael Kosares.) This story, while a pretty good illustration of the value of gold through the years, has a flaw. Subjectivity. Yes, I could buy what I consider a "nice suit" for an ounce of gold (value, not the actual metal). There are, however, lots of people who believe "nice suits" start at around $2500.00 and go up from there.

Maybe in a few years an ounce of gold will get you a $2500.00 suit, but not today.

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