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"Blood Diamonds" smear compaign maintains NWO global Monopoly.

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posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 04:10 PM
"Blood Diamonds" or "Conflict Diamonds" is a term used to refer to diamonds mined by rebels or insurgencies in diamond producing nations, for the purpose of financing rebellion. The argument goes that consumers who purchase these diamonds are financing conflict in Africa.

But the net result of this advertizing effort is to stigmatize diamonds that would otherwise be snapped up by the global retail market.

Here are the pertinent facts:

-As Wikipedia correctly points out, Debeers was, until the 80's the global monopoly on diamonds, owning roughly 80% of all diamonds mined world-wide. Their control has recently dropped to an estimated 60%, as diamond fields outside of Debeers control have begun selling on the open market.

-As this in-depth article in The Atlantic states, Debeers has created an artificial scarcity by carefully limiting its sales to "sight-holders," which are the only middle-men authorized to buy and sell debeers diamonds, and members of the "CSO," (Central Selling Organization) the wholly owned Debeers unit. The Debeers company single-handedly created the "tradition" that a diamond ring is the symbol of a wedding engagement. They also came up with the slogan, "a diamond is forever."

-Almost all of Debeers major holdings are in South Africa and Botswanna. Conflict diamonds are ones mined by rebels in states like Angola, Sierra Leone, and Liberia; in other words, they are mined outside the reach of Debeers' monopoly.

-When Zaire left the umbrella of Debeers' CSO umbrella, and began producing its own diamonds for public sale, Debeers retaliated by sowing political rebellion in that state, as well as dumping billions of dollars of "bort," the low grade diamonds of the type produced by Zaire, onto the general market. After several rounds of rebellion and civil war, the state, now The Democratic Republic of Congo, has rejoined the CSO.

-Other nations, beyond Debeers' reach, are punished for threatening to sell diamonds without going through CSO (Debeers). Currently, the US charges a 100% tariff on diamonds imported from the Ukraine. (Source: US customs and Border Patrol Pamphlet. Ukraine is not yet a major producer of quality diamonds, but Debeers isn't taking any chances.

-What's the NWO connection? Well, first, Debeers has created the largest "artificial scarcity in human history, they were founded by Cecil Rhodes, The perpetrator of most early NWO ideas.

Notice that other states have had rebel insurgencies---notably, South Africa---but those states didn't threaten the world diamond pricing structure. It is only in areas where rebels have threatened to sell diamonds, that the UN has branded as sources of "Conflict Diamonds". No one is even mentioning how generations of american engagement rings propped up aphartheid, or helped bankroll Israel right up into the 1980's (Incedentally, Israel only became a pariah after 1987, when it bucked the CSO/Debeers Syndicate!)

My future research will focus on the politics of CSO members, and whether Debeers has supported revolutions in the interest of its ongoing diamond monopoly.

[edit on 2-1-2007 by dr_strangecraft]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 04:35 PM
I do not think this is a NWO global Monopoly scheme. This has been a real problem for a long time. Warlords have been enslaving people to work these diamond mines and using the money received from them to buy guns and military equipment to kill and slaughter Innocent civilians. There are countless people in Africa that are amputees and that have lost their lives innocently due to these conflict diamonds. Since the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme it has calmed down a bit despite the fact that the system is not perfect.It is said that Conflict Diamonds have also financed terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda. IMO they have not done enough to stop this tragedy that is taking place in these countries.

Research by Global Witness and Amnesty International in 2004 revealed that conflict-free warranties are rarely available with diamond purchases, and in 2006 that some blood diamonds are certified as conflict-free. Governments and industry betrayed the public's trust, by failing to live up to their commitments.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality

. . . have been enslaving people to work these diamond mines and using the money received from them to buy guns and military equipment to kill and slaughter Innocent civilians. There are countless people in Africa that are amputees and that have lost their lives innocently . . .

Did you read my post, or just skim it?

I'm not saying that these things are not happening.

I AM SAYING that they also take place in Debeers mines, often with the assistance of the ruling government, FOR Debeers.

"Conflict Diamonds" is merely an intellectual category to make sure you buy diamonds from Debeers. Africans are still exploited, it's just that the money goes into the right (white) pockets.

Debeers is USING a genuine tragedy to enhance their market share.

This is what I'm saying.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
Since the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme it has calmed down a bit despite the fact that the system is not perfect.

To say the least.

The "Kimberly process" is a protocol that came from a November, 2002 meeting at the Kimberly mine (owned by Debeers, again) at which the signatories set up a certification committee, tasked with the following:

. . . Participants are required to implement national controls on production and trade, as outlined in the KPCS document. . . .

emphasis added

In other words, the member states will take responsibility for production quotas set for that nation---again, keeping world diamond production a strict monopoly.

So, who sits on the committee that oversees the Kimberly process?

The Working Group on Monitoring is composed as follows:

Chair: European Community

Assistant: Israel

Members: Canada, Central African Republic, India, People's Republic of China, Russian Federation, South Africa, United States, World Diamond Council, Global Witness/Partnership Africa Canada.

emphasis added by strangecraft

and so, who is on this world diamond council??? Basically, members of The World Federation of Diamond Bourses. A bourse is a private corporation that operates an auction house. And, as I pointed out earlier, diamond sales are controlled by the CSO, the unit of Debeers

This Article points out that Debeers was supported by both the Apartheid-era South African government, and the Soviet Union, even though it survived the passing of both regimes. The article remarks that Debeers even has its own intelligence service!


[edit on 2-1-2007 by dr_strangecraft]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 06:37 PM
Interesting thread...

How US Foreign Policy over decades was influenced by the Diamond Cartel

I have been told that a major reason for some of my difficulties is the fear publishers have of a certain Maurice Tempelsman, the former companion of Jackie Onassis who in 1998 was reported to be developing a romantic relationship with Secretary of State Albright. He is a leading international diamond merchant of unique power and influence - often he has helped shaped US foreign policy in directions that favour De Beers.

CorpWatch : Africa: U.S. Covert Action Exposed

Declassified memos and cables between former U.S. presidents and State Department officials over the last four decades named Mr. Tempelsman with direct input in the destabilization of Congo, Sierra Leone, Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Rwanda and Ghana.

emphasis mine

Wikipedia: Maurice Tempelsman

Last four decades!!

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 07:50 PM
Janine Roberts, an investigative journalist, has written Glitter and Greed, a history of the blood diamonds.

The book was originally supposed to be published by Doubleday, who changed their mind. The book now has a new publisher. Here's a quote from a review by Boyd Tonkin, that I found on this site:

Glitter and Greed

De Beers itself now stands at the forefront of the campaign against "conflict diamonds" sold to fund civil war. Roberts follows the refinement of the "Kimberly Process" designed to certify that the rocks on your ring come from a clean source. She decides, with a wealth of evidence, that a "Kimberly" stone offers no guarantee that the diamond "will not have been cult illegally by a child," or "mined by a miner breathing asbestos dust".


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 08:26 PM
The diamond industry is definitly a conspiricy against the world. Were the monopoly to be erased, the value of diamonds would plummet as the market got flooded with them.

There are many stones that are far more rare and should be far more valuable than they are, but the hype and contol of Debeers makes the diamond the staple stone of oppulance.

If you want to get a good diamond cheap and know it's not a blood diamond than come to Arkansas. Just a few hours drive from me is the only diamond mine in the world where you can pay a small day fee, work the mine and keep any diamond you find. In todays paper was the story of a man who found a 2.7 carat white diamond a few days ago.

As far as i'm concerned ALL of the others have blood on them.

Just my thoughts on it,

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 08:42 PM
Very interesting article.
I love diamonds, and was dismayed when I discovered not long ago the "blood" on them. I knew for a long time that the market was manipulated, but that was the extent.

Perhaps this is not part of your story, and I did NOT read all of your links, but where does Canada fit into this equation.
Canadian mines are said to be clean and I was wondering how DeBeers etal felt about this "encroachment" on their monopoly?

n addition to the many possibilities, Canada has also fundamentally altered the world diamond scenario — suddenly diamond mining is no longer the prerogative of the big companies. Dozens of small mining outfits have staked claims that have yielded some of the most promising of the literally hundreds of kimberlite pipes that have been discovered in Canada and proven to be diamond bearing. Any one of these kimberlites may turn out to be the big discovery of tomorrow. At the very least, the appearance of a dozen small but significant new mines would undermine the De Beers “sightholding” system.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 08:42 PM
Don't forget that Cecil Rhodes was financed by the Rotschild banking family. That's as NWO as you can get!

Check out my thread on the subject here: In that thread I discovered that the Rothschilds where the main financial backers of DeBeers from the beginning.

[edit on 2-1-2007 by TheBandit795]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Canadian mines are said to be clean and I was wondering how DeBeers etal felt about this "encroachment" on their monopoly?

I'm not sure how DeBeers feels about it, but Canada is now home to DeBeers diamond mines. One is at Snap Lake in the NWT and the other is near James Bay in Ontario. They are scheduled to go into production at the end of this year and are DeBeers only mines outside Africa.

I expect them to increase their presence here over the next decade - either through takeovers or new mineral claims. They have joint ventures with other companies and are doing prefeasibility studies for other claims they hold in Canada.

Activities to date, in some cases carried out with joint venture partners, have led to the discovery of more than 200 kimberlites in 12 different areas of Canada - well over half of these are diamondiferous. In 2004, over 30 percent of De Beers' global exploration budget was spent on the search for diamondiferous kimberlites in Canada.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 11:37 PM
This webpage points out that De Beers SA is actually owned by the following:

Anglo American: 45%

Oppenheimer Family: 40%

Government of Botswana: 15%

I have some personal history with Anglo American; they are an even creepier company than De Beers SA, if that's possible. The "American" is a total misnomer; it was a facade erected hide the apartheid-era nature of the South African company. Often, in international investing, when you see the word "Anglo" in a company name, it is a (white) South African company, usually with some tie to Anglo American.

As the above link shows, Anglo American has a minority stake in most global mining operations, particularly AngloGold/Ashanti, which was being probed for human rights violations in Congo. AngloGold/Ashanti admits to nothing worse than bribery of rebel factions . . .

Same song, different dance.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 05:00 PM
Main article: List of mines in Africa
Main article: List of mines in Angola

Catoca diamond mine
Fucauma diamond mine
Luarica diamond mine

Main article: List of mines in Botswana

Damtshaa diamond mine
Jwaneng diamond mine
Letlhakane diamond mine
Orapa diamond mine
Karowe diamond mine

South Africa
Main article: List of mines in South Africa

Baken diamond mine
Cullinan diamond mine (previously "Premier mine")
Finsch diamond mine
Kimberley, Northern Cape
Koffiefontein mine
Venetia diamond mine


Murowa diamond mine, Zimbabwe
Williamson diamond mine, Tanzania
Letseng diamond mine, Lesotho


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