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Sea Serpent Sightings near Norway?

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posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 10:41 AM
I heard that there were some sightings of sea serpents near the Scandanavia area. What do you think?

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 11:34 PM
Did you do a search? "Sea Serpents Norway" on Yahoo gave over 33,000 results, so yes, I believe there have been a few reports. How about this? Why Norway? The oceans of the world are all connected, wouldn't sea serpents be a rather worldwide phenomenon?


posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 03:44 AM
It may depend on what they eat - a particular type of fish or seaweed.
Ocean temperatures may also cause them to stay in the same area.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 04:12 AM
And here's a database of sea serpents in Norwegian lakes.

Sea serpents in Norwegian lakes

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by Dragonoligist Zac
I heard that there were some sightings of sea serpents near the Scandanavia area. What do you think?

I was researching this a couple of years back, and yes it seems like there's been lots and lots of these sightings up through the ages. Some are brushed off as myth and folklore, while some have been attributed to huge sea-eels. I saw some pictures of these and they do get very big! I'm from an island, and we have long fishing traditions, so I've heard a story or two to say the least. The huge eels are known and I remember my father telling me that if we ever catch one we were to cut it loose while it was still in the water and never ever drag it onto the boat. They grow to several meters and can easily drown people and capsize smaller boats. This is in saltwater though... I spent a year fishing eel and they are incredible creatures, being able to spend days on land while crossing from one lake/river to another. Very slippery things

Edited to add that my grandfather also told two stories of seeing huge, dark serpent-like creatures while out fishing, where one was collaborated by my grandmother. Hoever he told a lot of crazy stories, so I'm not putting that much into it. I'm just registering that it's a very common story among fishermen and others who live by seas or lakes.

[edit on 3-1-2007 by DrLeary]


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