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White SUV's

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posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 12:03 AM
Who are the people in the white suv's that follow people? I've heard of it before, and recently it has been heppening. My mom was fired from our firedepartment where she worked as a secretary, and yes, she found out something that could threatend the growth of the city and the job of the fire cheif, so they set her up, and fired her for incompatence. shortly after, she was evicted form her apartement (they refused to give a reason why) and shortly after noticed white suv's following her. I've even noticed them following me at some times.
And to further fuel a coverup, she went to court twice, once for her job, the other for her apartment. each time the people helping her mysteriously backed out, one of them said they were approched by someone who threatened them to back out.

So...any idea who they are?

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 12:06 AM
I think they're the offsprings of the Men in Black.

Seriously, i dont know. I'm sorry about your mom and i hope she will get employed someplace where she's appreciated.

There's lots of white vans around, though. Hard to tell.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 12:06 AM
Lol. Who "they" are?


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 12:08 AM
next time u see them try to get a number, or infact tell ur mother or even yourself to cary a camera, something small enough so we can actually see who is fallowing you. Maybe even try to find out were they go, have a freind able to come by and fallow the truck at whenever notice is possible.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 03:18 PM
Assuming she really is being followed and people actualy scared off her lawyers...

Rather then saying its "NSA/FBI/CIA" etc. all the regular scapegoats...

Sounds to me like someone with a lot of power in the city itself would be behind it. Maybe your mom stumbled upon something they had their hand in that shouldnt have been done. Again this is assuming all these events werent coincedences, its hard to say...however I doubt all the big 'security agencys' had anything to do with it.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 04:31 PM
There are a heck of lot of SUVs out there and I'd bet a good portion of those are white.

If I got anxious every time I was followed by an SUV, I'd have to stay home.

Hmm. Maybe you're on to something there.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 06:30 PM
I don't know if this has anything to do with the white SUVS, but there is a dirt road that leads to a clearing by my house. And in that clearing is about 75 white vans, all with Kansas license plates - this is in NY by the way. And they always drive around the town. I thought that was pretty strange. Could they be connected to the white SUVS?

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 02:01 AM
The question is this: WHAT DID YOUR MOM FIND OUT ABOUT? please i am interested, otherwise if you can't tell us it sounds like something you wrote because your bored and it sounds like a bad movie plot. Was the cheif banging someone on the side? Did the cheif siphon funds for his personal gain, what? Awaiting your reply

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 03:11 AM
That doesn't shock me at all. My neighbor used to work for Smith Barney. She had been there for years and was a model employee. After 9/11 she suddenly started having serious health issues seemingly out of nowhere. Chronic fatigue, memory loss, and siezures were the worst of it. Now she can't remember one day to the next and loud noises bring her to her knees. She never even leaves her house anymore. Before 9/11 she was a very outgoing person who was active in the church and the community. Her symptoms cannot be attributed to any specific illness, but her condition has really deteriorated and she looks to have aged 30 years. Nothing surprizes me anymore.


posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 01:01 AM
No luck getting a picture yet, and I have found out nothing new so far. She found out that the fire department was covering up their real response times. If the real response times were known by the city, or who ever deals with it, the fire department would have to build more stations and the city would have to stop new developments, meaning they lose alot of money. And there would probably be an investigation into the cover-up, which may threaten the chief’s job.
And yes, the chief may have had something going with the other secretary in the office. The other secretary set up my mom and did things that my mom got blamed for, which is what they say she was fired for, but I think it was an excuse to fire her.

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 06:08 PM
I seriously doubt the federal government is after your mom because she has some dirt on the local fire department. If there is a possibility of local authorities doing the harrassing, you may want to post the location where this is taking place, if you want us to help you research the matter.


posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 08:18 PM
I live in Hemet, California. I have been thinking of writing to editors of some local papers about what the fire cheif did, hopefully that will get some answers or atleast some attention.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by 56
I live in Hemet, California. I have been thinking of writing to editors of some local papers about what the fire cheif did, hopefully that will get some answers or atleast some attention.

Why not just post it on the internet?

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Great White Cheney
Lol. Who "they" are?


LOL, wallmart?

Well, they have the computer power to orchestrate it, that is for sure.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:08 PM
I am not belittling your concerns. I hope your mom finds a good job and a nice place to live and finds some peace.

That being said:

White SUVs are the most bought vehicles by companies. They get good deals on bids for lots from major car manufacturers.
The reason the vehicles are always white is because white is the cheapest car paint to produce. that is why most fleet vehicles are white. companies have to pay extra to get other colors. If a fleet has other colors, it is because a car company has made a bid, has to fill the order, and doesn't have enough vehicles, so they have to pull colors off the commercial lots.

So that being said, are you sure it is not someone delivering flowers or getting ready to clean someone's carpets?

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