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Alien Scenerio

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posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 11:53 AM
What if in the not to distant future lets say up to 6 years we make contact with aliens and all. Then it turns into a kinda ( EARTH FINAL CONFLICT) type scenerio I think this is the most paulsibe on considering its a great cover for what their true inttetions would be. They would be benevolent help us give us some technologie as a sign of peace and goodwill. What do you think.

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 12:02 PM
I think we've already played that game (just not publicly), and their true intentions were shown when they started abducting those not on the list. Then, there was an altercation, and eventually, a stalemate, and more terse business arrangement...

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 04:55 PM
I wouldnt say stalemate even with their advanced tech.. we outnumber them plus the human instict for survival.

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I think we've already played that game (just not publicly), and their true intentions were shown when they started abducting those not on the list. Then, there was an altercation, and eventually, a stalemate, and more terse business arrangement...

I would agree with you on this one Gazrok. I believe that arrangements have been made. But I also believe that there are MANY types of ET's around with varying intentions. There is also so much disinformation floating around that "truth" has someone lost its meaning in this area. I guess we'll just have to wait and take things as they come.



posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 05:27 PM
Don't give ET's human qualities. After all an ET may have no concept of war or killing. Taking over anothers home/land/planet by whatever means, is possibly only a human trate. Just because it's the norm on this # hole of a planet doesn't mean the rest of the universe is like that.
I tend to think that any ET's out there won't want a race like humans out there killing anything they don't understand.

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 06:07 PM
Britman has a point those are human qualities but maybe aliens dont think of destruction as we do maybe they think of it as survival or thier right as a speicies. Untill we can comprehend Alien psychology we can only guess, or we can take in what we see in movies such as alien where you have a spiecies bent on killing because that is its primal instict.

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 09:01 PM
Hello all;
I am new member to this site but have been a watcher for some time.
Great idea's & thoughts from alot of members plus a few wacky posts also.
Just my own thoughts but as many of you feal,I believe that the world,secret,whatever you want to call it government has had contact with a higher life form.Whatever deal was written or signed we will never know.
I really do think that perhaps this other life form may have intrests in this planet we call earth BUT I do believe that if they REALLY wanted it it would of been a done deal long ago.
With all the hard evidence that we can see & the "SO CALLED"experts cannot explain I cannot understand how some refuse to believe.
Take this senero;
Let's just say that these alien life forms want our planet for whatever reason & I am quite sure that they have a higher level of intellegence than ours with technologies far above any idea's that we could imagine.
Why wouldn't they just sit & wait for us to kill ourselves off?
Really,think about what's going on in the world ,I don't think I have to spell it all out for most of you with war's,overpopulation,AID's(you catch my drift)
If they are that far in advance they must have some kind of time information on earth that we don't know of.

Who's the worst enemy known to mankind?.......
that's right ! IT'S MANKIND...
So if you were the advanced alien race wouldn't you just sit back & wait ?

Just a thought.
sorry about spelling/grammar errors.

It's beena long day !

[Edited on 11-12-2003 by ubukate]

posted on Dec, 12 2003 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I think we've already played that game (just not publicly), and their true intentions were shown when they started abducting those not on the list. Then, there was an altercation, and eventually, a stalemate, and more terse business arrangement...

Not to jump to any conclusions, but being a fan of the show, that's almost verbatim the plot behind the X-Files.

Now maybe Chris Carter had this whole thing nailed DEAD ON when he wrote this. But more likely, I think our OWN impressions and ideas have been colored subconsciously by entertainment.

posted on Dec, 12 2003 @ 06:58 AM

a great point with overpopulation. AIDS a bio weapon that mutated a spread to the general population. SARS bio agent or etnobomb. But even higher forms of intelligence have their needs. Like we did for food when we nearly wiped out the buffulo.

posted on Dec, 12 2003 @ 11:48 PM
Yes KRISKAOS I do agree with your statement,for all we know it could be some kinda of sport for them(taking over other forms of life??) or perhaps they need a dump site for their waste,possibly just as curious as us & are looking for other forms of life themselves? The list could go on & on regarding reasons why......
I just cannot believe the amount of money that is being spent on secret projects & I know for a fact that the government isn't telling the civilan population .002 % of whats really going on or items that may have in their possession because of fear of mass hysteria.

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Kriskaos
What if in the not to distant future lets say up to 6 years we make contact with aliens and all. Then it turns into a kinda ( EARTH FINAL CONFLICT) type scenerio I think this is the most paulsibe on considering its a great cover for what their true inttetions would be. They would be benevolent help us give us some technologie as a sign of peace and goodwill. What do you think.
I think the alien intelligence is non-benevolent. With the type of technology they possess, I'm sure they would consider us as a "lower" species.

But, they are probably already operating alongside with clandestine groups in a 'business' fashion, hoping to gain control of the human race. I think the only thing holding them off is clandestine organizations, which could be why government denies alien intelligence. We know that the alien presence is on earth.

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 01:38 AM
There are many kinds of ETs visiting Earth. Each has its own agenda. It is impossible to tell what their psychology is like. It is probably very different from ours.
The Greys I am in touch with do not fear death. They simply relocate their souls to a different body. (We call it reincarnation.)
One thing IS FOR SURE:
If they wanted to wipe us out, they would have done it a LONG TIME ago.

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by Imzadi
There are many kinds of ETs visiting Earth. Each has its own agenda. It is impossible to tell what their psychology is like. It is probably very different from ours.
The Greys I am in touch with do not fear death. They simply relocate their souls to a different body. (We call it reincarnation.)
One thing IS FOR SURE:
If they wanted to wipe us out, they would have done it a LONG TIME ago.

I do get that strange feeling of Alien intelligence. I also believe there are many ET's of different types.
One thing they need to do is "show" themselves to the average citizen, and appear worldwide on the media. But, they probably see no benefit to that, and would rather operate "from above" the average people.

And if they appeared to someone like me, and I told the media, people would think I'm crazy--but, MJ-12 would zero in on me right away if they found out what someone was describing correlates to their records.

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 03:42 AM
If there were hostile aliens, we'd be screwed. Anything with the technology to travel interstellarly could also have weapons much more advanced than our own.

I've heard something from a few sources about a planned "alien" invasion within the next few years, where the government uses top secret aircraft to create the illusion that we are being attacked to control the citizens through fear. Like "War of the Worlds" on a larger, more elaborate scale. There would be no actual "alien" force attacking, but they would use classified technology to make it appear so. It would be engineered as a way to curb dissention between the citizens and the government, and as a way for the government to explain away massive expenditures in defense and so on.

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by worshipthemoon
If there were hostile aliens, we'd be screwed. Anything with the technology to travel interstellarly could also have weapons much more advanced than our own.

I've heard something from a few sources about a planned "alien" invasion within the next few years, where the government uses top secret aircraft to create the illusion that we are being attacked to control the citizens through fear. Like "War of the Worlds" on a larger, more elaborate scale. There would be no actual "alien" force attacking, but they would use classified technology to make it appear so. It would be engineered as a way to curb dissention between the citizens and the government, and as a way for the government to explain away massive expenditures in defense and so on.

According to my sources,there is a plan like this.However,I don't think 'they' will have the chance to impliment this plan,because the alien forces who are here to help us in our spiritual development,and our entry into the 4th.diminsion will not let this happen.They have already demontrated that they(aliens)can disable nuclear weapons at will,and I have been told that the aliens could transport every weapon on Earth up and away from man inside of 20 minutes.I guess we will have to wait and see.

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 06:59 PM
where is the proof for any of this? the only things that i have ever seen were the shuttle mission tapes, i found them interesting, i guess i will have to have a alien ship land in my front yard to belief this stuff,even then i will question it...hocus pocus


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