posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 07:41 PM
(I think this is good for a first post)
You have all heard of fate, the idea that your life is already planned for you and everything that happens happens because of a divine plan. I believe
the future cannot be foretold; however it can be predicted. If you knew someone was thinking horid and sick thoughts of murdering their wife, what
would you do? You would probably warn his wife. Your are making a prediction. However a prediction is not a prophecy.
I believe in fate, as a god. It can be Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim or Hindu, it doesn't matter, the fact is it is there. You call fate God,
then do so. If you can call fate Buddha then do so, I however shall call it fate.
Fate is up there my friends, but not the in the popular way most people believe. Fate can control our lives to an extent, |karma| also comes into
play as well. Our world has a set of rules governed by fate, without them the world would be utter chaos. Trust me it would be nothing like it is
today. Let me start this off with a personal experience. I have trouble remembering my experiences with fate, but they are so vivid when they happen.
One, however, I can remember real nicely. My friend and I were supposed to go to a party of a friend of mine. I invited this friend, we can call him
Jacob, and he was supposed to meet me at the intersection of two buses right next to his house. One bus, named the 5, went up and down town. The other
bus, named the 28, went across town.
So my friend talked to his parents and took an exuberantly long time. He finally said he could go and I reviewed the meeting place and time with him
and set off, leaving the house later than I had planned earlier that morning. So I wait for the bus a bit and it comes, this is the 5 by the way. I
get on the 5-bus and take it down to the intersection previously mentioned. My friend is not there, no worries he is always late. Then the bus we're
supposed to take, the 28 is coming in the distance. This bus would take us to the mall so I can buy my friend a birthday present (were going ot a
party remember.) And me without a cell phone I can do nothing but wait. The bus passes.
What am I supposed to do? I don't wanna ditch Jacob. Then a 5 goes by. That is the bus that would take me to my friend?s party. Aggravated I say Ill
wait till the next 5 comes and if he?s still not here yet I'll leave without him. Sure enough he doesn't show. So I see a 5 coming, I run after it
and it slows down and lets me on. I get on kind of depressed I had to ditch my friend.
I turn around, and guess who?s behind me? Jacob of course. Now that deserves a big :O
So I left my house at just the right time, waited just the right amount of time, and my friend was late just the right amount of time.
Fate my friend.
What would have happened if he wasn't late? Well we probably would have gone to the mall to get my friend a present. What if the bus we were on, had
a problem with it? What if 2 more people had gotten on that bus it would have exploded because of a crack in the casing?
No these conclusions aren't likely, however It did infact affect the course of our day. How? We can never know. However our being a little later
probably affected the course of our day. Good or Bad? No one will knows but fate. Was there a reason? Yes.
Almost everything happens for a reason, I don't believe that scratching your left testicle instead of your right has any effect on anything. However
almost everything else does. For example I've had a pretty sordid love life in the past (note I am 14) I've had about 5 unsuccessful relationships.
Also my social life wasn't very good either. (im not complaining). Now if my love life and social life was just as good as everyone elses, would I be
the same person I am today? Nope not at all. Back then I was an attention whoring little prat. But the toughness of my life shaped me and made me who
I am today. Corny as it sounds its true. Almost everything happens for a reason, and don't tell me otherwise.
Now as I mentioned not everything is certain. I could have hopped on that first 5 that went by, totally ditching my friend. I believe I could have.
However thats not how things were meant to be, or perhaps its an alternate wake of life. Perhaps my friend would not have accompanied me to the party,
perhaps he wouldn?t have met my friends, perhaps I would have never talked to Jacob again?
So if you make a bad decision, that?s were karma comes in. What goes around comes around. Do something bad you'll probably get it in return. Mom
tells you to finish eating in the kitchen; she turns around and goes down stairs. What do you do? You take your food into your room, then accidentally
spill soup all over yourself. Mom told you not to take it into your room and you got punished. Will mom ever know? Probably not.
What if I ditched my friend? What if I never saw him again? I'd miss him, and that would be a pretty bad punishment for ditching him.
Faulty priming. Have you ever had a coincidence happen that in know way affected anything? You most likely did, but didn't notice. Say you get a B on
one of your tests. Then you come home and the "B" key on your keyboard flies out of its place. Coincidence? Nope. I believe this to be a by-product
of fates working. It doesn't mean anything it just happens. I remember things like this happening. They don't mean much.
Fate is all around us, you just gotta keep your eyes open. When you are depressed its for a reason, and you'll see that later iny our life. I like to
believe that after we're done with this life we go to paradise. I can't stand the idea of whamped out of existence. What is paradise? A scientificly
different universe, a little like ours. Infinite borders, but with different rules.
Have you ever had a Fate-esque experience?
Witnessed faulty programming?
Other ideas?