posted on Nov, 15 2002 @ 09:13 PM
No there was trade between Germany and Japan.
Germany had some missionaries there in Hiroshima, catholics I believe...and the trade was interrupted by our Navy.
Germans also had a technology program in Japan, to try and boost the efficiency of the Japanese, but it was small, and there was little resources to
use, unlike back in the "fatherland".
So they attempted trade through submarine but this led to the I-51 incident, where the sub full of cargo was sunk somewhere near the phillipeans.
Also you have to remember the old....Divide and conquer strategy, we divided Japan and Germany, forcing them to fend for themselves.
Also Germany had no oil to give to Japan, as all their oil came from the U.S.
It wasn't until I think in late 1941 when Roosevelt learned that American companies were playing "both sides" that he forced them to stop selling
Germany Oil (through Spain, which was the middle man) this is seen through the drastic need to attack russia prematurely for its oil.
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