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Farm UFOs

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posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 08:07 AM
I don't know if anybody has talked about this before, I expect they have... So sorry if I a repeating a lot of stuff.

But I have found that around here (Wiltshire, UK) there are a lot of Army Bases and RAF Bases. Plus almost always there is a farm next to or very near them. Why? Lol.

I have read about a lot of cattle mutilations. And the places they took/take place are usually near Army/RAF Bases.

Could there be a connection? To either support the claim a lot of people have said about the government doing tests on animals?
Or to a more far fetched theory, that Aliens are help at these bases, and they are the cause for the mutilations.

I agree partly with the idea that a lot of the mutilations are done by satanists of some kind... But surely not all of them, and not the ones that showed precise presecion (sp?). Also what about Human Multilations?

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 07:36 PM
Any Crop Cirlces Around The Area?

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 07:45 PM

you may be on to something here. Is the location of the bases in what you would describe as farming areas? What I am trying to get at is the idea that a farm would not normally be seen in that region but just happens to exist and it is right beside a military installation.

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 08:43 PM
I dont think it would be doing tests on animlas but maybe hiding something.

[Edited on 09-12-2003 by ShadowMan]

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 07:01 AM
Any Crop Circles in my area? Your joking right? Lol.
Wiltshire is the biggest place on Earth for crop circles!

Well Wiltshire is countryside... So the bases are in the country, same with the farms. So it could just be coincidence.

But it just seems weird that wherever you see a military base, you usually see a damn farm next to it, lol.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 08:10 AM

Any Crop Circles in my area? Your joking right? Lol.
Wiltshire is the biggest place on Earth for crop circles!

Hehe...just thought that rather amusing....

I've just never bought the idea that aliens are travelling millions of miles just to use our wheat fields as Spirographs...or turn our cows inside out. I'm sure they could find much more effective methods to communicate, and they could clone cow parts if they really needed them for something (or simply farm their own)...

Yes, I've looked at the evidence. And it points more towards Satanists and fellow ranchers (mutilations), and pranksters (crop circles) to me....

I believe in alien visitation...of THAT there IS plenty of evidence...but so far, remain unconvinced on circles and cows....

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 01:54 PM
I Know That But Im Talking About Right Near The Farm The Vicinity Of It.

[Edited on 09-12-2003 by ShadowMan]

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 03:04 PM
Oh sorry ShadowMan...

Not that I know of... Though the farms that seem to be near the bases don't have wheat fields. So I think it would be hard to have crop circles in grass, lol. (wether Alien, pranksters, etc).

Yea I think a lot of crop circles are done by humans. The recent ones anyway. Not too sure about the ones that have supposed to have been found hundreds of years ago.
I have heard wild theories, that the crop is actually being 'talked' to by Aliens, and they are telling the crop to form certain shapes. Lol. Wild I know. I had some links on this somewhen, though I cannot find them now.

What bothers me though is that reports show that around the time crop circles are made, many lights are seen in the skies and that.

I think a lot of crop circles in Wiltshire especially are done by 'pranksters' (they may call themselves artists). As one of the most popular places crop circles appear in Wiltshire, we go to a lot.
And a few times we have seen groups (of around 3-4) of 'funny looking' people walking about the wheat fields there - Then the next day, there is a crop circle there. Lol.

Not sure about cattle mutilations though... Satanists possibly. But do they have the skills, or have access to equiptment that can cut the skin that perfectly, and remove all the blood??? This is why I have always thought that it was the government/military doing it.

Maybe crop circles are the same? Perhaps "Aliens" IS the coverup? And that their doing something even worse? Horrible thought.

[Edited on 10-12-2003 by MetalHead]

[Edited on 10-12-2003 by MetalHead]

[Edited on 10-12-2003 by MetalHead]

[Edited on 10-12-2003 by MetalHead]

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 04:13 PM
lol Its ok try to find out whats going on there


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