posted on Nov, 15 2002 @ 08:45 PM
"The [animal] instinct is basic to the human nature, and will always be so, no matter what the established religions may have to say on the matter --
or what present and future laws deem as proper.
"This...instinct belongs to the original animal being within man, and will exist as long as man has an animal body.
"Both the animal and the human must be in balance with each other. Just as too much animal impedes the progress of man, it is also true that too much
civilization creates a sickly animal."
-- Arthur King.
We move in silence, in the darkness.
We are your brothers, your sons, your husbands,
Your wives, your sisters, your daughters.
We wear your face, we live under your roof,
we move among you, but you do not see us.
We have no name.
We have no creed.
We are not a group.
A name imposes limits, where there are none.
A creed leads to factions, where we are one.
A group would mean you could join, that cannot be.
We move in the silent places,
We meet in the darkness,
Away from you.
We come together to Speak,
To Remember the Past,
To Prophecy the Future,
To Ponder the Moment.
We live among you, but make no mistake
We are not like you.
We were born of you, but we shall die
More than you.
You ask who we are, suffice it to say,
We are not you.