posted on Nov, 17 2002 @ 09:57 PM
People, follow god! Not religon. God wrote a ten commandments for every time. For today, we have what the Jews got, not Christians. The ten
commandments. Before that, what greek/romans had. Before that, what Egyptians had. All basically the same thing, just from different times.
Human have written a book for their religon. The new ones anyways. The old ones said love peace, and it was followed. The new ones write love
peace, then kill when someone else writes down same thing, for the same god, but with a different name. Allah and god are the same, just the Islam
call god Allah. They have the same things in their books, don't kill, steal, rape, so forth, just follow it differently. What it brings? War,
death, destruction.
That happens when humans try to take over what god gave us. But god gave us ten rules. The ten commandments. Doesn't matter what you call him(or
her) you still have those ten rules written by god, not by humans.