Tom Clancy has often evoked a "Damn! I told you it could play out like that" from people in the know, based on his astute attention to the science
and processes of the subject matter he writes on.
Given this yardstick, what are your choices for the best application of extrapolating out established science into some future state, in a novel or
As a starter, I was impressed with Virtuosity ( starring Washington & Crowe) and where they took nano computing.
now, its not the movies, but i like the books by Iain M. Banks. they are also have some very nice socio-political commentary, in particular regarding
the interaction of 'civilised beings' with technology.
Can you recommend a title(s)? I need something to immerse myself in besides business reading and Clancy is just depressing now days, with our global
state of affairs and all, you know?