posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 06:42 PM
I've just finished Angels & Demons the other day and am now on the hunt for my next read. I must say, A&D was much better than DaVinci and far
exceeded my expectations. I believe DaVinci had a much quicker start and dug its claws in early, while A&D was a steady progress from start to
finish. It took about 200 pages or so before I was enthralled into the book, but there was no stopping after that. I've been a huge fan of Dan
Brown thus far, and I think I will turn to him for my next choice.
I'm not sure how much Digital Fortress appeases my needs right now, but I am intrigued by Deception Point. I think it was BH that had said a few
months ago that she was reading it and found it tough in the beginning. Sometimes it can be frustrating when a book does not take a hold of us early,
but we try to work through it.
So to get to the purpose of this thread, I am looking for some thoughts and opinions on Dan Brown's novel Deception Point.
Have any members read it? Recommend it?
If not DP, what would you recommend? I'm looking to stay along the same lines of DaVinci and A&D. I enjoy fiction that is based on fact.