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Bigfoot Still in the Layton Utah Foothills

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posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 02:09 PM
After another trip to the Layton foothills after the recent fire I am sure there is still paranormal anamolous wildlife activity. However it is much less and I'm afraid it is becoming less and less common after the recent forest fire. I had my first (run-in) with this location the beginning of last summer with an unbelievable situation I experience hiking with my dog deep into what many are now calling the "Secret Canyon" area.
The first (run-in) I had was by far the most impressive upon my consciousness. I was able to photograph not only prints from the amazing "presence" there ( I hate to call it a creature). Footprint after Footprint leading up to and over a ridiculously rock laiden cliff and loose dirt area, where one could easily break a leg (or worse) if they were not paying complete attention to their surroundings and safety.
Besides being with earshot of the sounds associated with my following at an unreasonable distance, I also "Felt" an amazing sensation whenever Ineared an area where I knew I was close to the being. I felt ominous doom impending. I was equipped with a camera and have a shot of an area before I left scared which actually shows two "figures" One large and one small. I was horrified and knew that if I continued towards the "Grassy Overhang" I knew they were heading towards I would not be making it back safely. Unspoken but most certain.
In the following trips I have taken with an experienced Bigfoot researcher of over twenty years all activity seems to "Lead" to the same "Grassy Overhang" which is almost impossible to access. Especially in the winter. I will nevertheless continue to keep you all updated.
-Your loyal adventurist

After another trip to the Layton foothills after the recent fire I am sure there is still paranormal anamolous wildlife activity. However it is much less and I'm afraid it is becoming less and less common after the recent forest fire. I had my first (run-in) with this location the beginning of last summer with an unbelievable situation I experience hiking with my dog deep into what many are now calling the "Secret Canyon" area.
The first (run-in) I had was by far the most impressive upon my consciousness. I was able to photograph not only prints from the amazing "presence" there ( I hate to call it a creature). Footprint after Footprint leading up to and over a ridiculously rock laiden cliff and loose dirt area, where one could easily break a leg (or worse) if they were not paying complete attention to their surroundings and safety.
Besides being with earshot of the sounds associated with my following at an unreasonable distance, I also "Felt" an amazing sensation whenever Ineared an area where I knew I was close to the being. I felt ominous doom impending. I was equipped with a camera and have a shot of an area before I left scared which actually shows two "figures" One large and one small. I was horrified and knew that if I continued towards the "Grassy Overhang" I knew they were heading towards I would not be making it back safely. Unspoken but most certain.
In the following trips I have taken with an experienced Bigfoot researcher of over twenty years all activity seems to "Lead" to the same "Grassy Overhang" which is almost impossible to access. Especially in the winter. I will nevertheless continue to keep you all updated.

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[edit on 1-1-2007 by UM_Gazz]

[edit on 1-1-2007 by theutahbigfoothunter]


posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 05:18 PM
Hi there

A pity you didn't edit out the double paste.

Is this your account or is this something you pulled off the net?

Can we see the pictures?

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 10:20 AM
this was a personal account of course and not something I pulled off the net. I offer the web addresses only to offer background information.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 10:20 AM
this was a personal account of course and not something I pulled off the net. I offer the web addresses only to offer background information.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 06:10 PM
You stated in the Bigfoot topic that you had photos.

Are you going to share them?

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 12:18 PM
If there are so many people that see big foot, then why don't they try to catch him. All you really have to do is go to the las place you saw him. And scope the area. but do it ASAP in case big foot is the type to migrate or move around the country.

Then set up camp. then use a traq gun and put him to sleep then go to a news station and tell them you caught big foot. Then you can show them a medical review of big foot so that you could prove that it is not a person in a suit.

Then after the medical review is all finished then you can release him back into the wild.

It as simple as that.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by dalilamahammer
If there are so many people that see big foot, then why don't they try to catch him. All you really have to do is go to the las place you saw him. And scope the area. but do it ASAP in case big foot is the type to migrate or move around the country.

Then set up camp. then use a traq gun and put him to sleep then go to a news station and tell them you caught big foot. Then you can show them a medical review of big foot so that you could prove that it is not a person in a suit.

Then after the medical review is all finished then you can release him back into the wild.

It as simple as that.

You are funny.

How about you go and try to catch one. That is if you don't run in fear first.

The average person that spots 'bigfoot' aren't armed with a tranquilizer gun, nor trained in how to use one or able to acquire one.

There are genuine bigfoot hunters out there. How about you email some of them and ask the same question. The average person that has seen one has no desire to come in contact with one again.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 10:03 PM
First off its not that hard to get a traq dart gun, theres a gun store outside denver that sells them.

If I was old enough then i would stay out in the wild for at least a month. If you are a real big foot hunter then staying out for that long is nothing.

The reason I said this, is because i hate those that don't believe in stuff like this. they just don't think that something like this could exist in this world. So if someone was to catch him and take him to the news then it would prove to every one that he exist, or they as some believe.

Maybe I would e-mail them but i dont' know of or have never heard of a big foot hunter. So if you know any then that would be good.

So yeah.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 11:02 PM
Ummm, pics please.
You did promise them in another thread.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 11:02 PM
Well I'm an Aussie, and we have a national Yowie hunter.

Australian Yowie Research

Jodhi Meares, Yowie Hunter

I don't know about the US. Just Google 'bigfoot hunter' or something similar.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 11:20 PM
From now on I think that when ever people say that they see big foot that they should record the of the below so that we can compare the locations and maybe even find or catch big foot.

location (GPS location if person has one)

With this we could probably learn a bit about big foot and use it to get him or her or them.

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by dalilamahammer
From now on I think that when ever people say that they see big foot that they should record the of the below so that we can compare the locations and maybe even find or catch big foot.

location (GPS location if person has one)

With this we could probably learn a bit about big foot and use it to get him or her or them.

Although I can see you already have all the answers and why shouldn't you since you are at least 10, here is a place to register sightings:

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 10:50 PM
At this website are they trying to catch big foots, or are just trying to prove that they exist?

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 10:58 AM
It seems like utahbigfoothunter keeps telling us tall stories and thickens them with promises of photo's. But in the end he comes up with nothing.

I really don't trust this guy anymore...

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by dalilamahammer
At this website are they trying to catch big foots, or are just trying to prove that they exist?

You asked for data on sightings and they provide it. I gave you the site, go read it for yourself.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 05:54 PM
I posted the pics, but here's a link so you don'e have to search..

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 06:26 PM
Here we call them Florida Skunk Apes.. Every place you go they have a different name and story. While I admire your enthusastic posts and pictures about bigfoot and friends. I just feel bigfoot is a myth, and will remain in the hearts of people for a long time.

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 12:49 AM
Look, dudes, many of you are from the UK, it seems, and do not know squat about Bigfoot except whatoyu read in the Daily Mirror after the Page Three girl.

You can't just go out and catch one.

Photos are blurry because it is shapeshifting constantly, by the nanosecond.

It appears to be, like Nessie, a space-time being as discussed by


I have to post here, since it is almost impossibnle to post a reply to all the cr&p that is written about me.

Jon-Erik Beckjord

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 07:08 AM
okie dokie, let's address this shall we? firstly, america is not the world. secondly, believe it or not, we have access to exactly the same sources as you do on the subject. thirdly, i believe people would talk less 'crap' about you if you defended yourself with fact instead of anti-british slurs. seeing as you're proposing a theory, it is considered unwise to alienate and belittle any percentage of your potential audience.

another salient point, however picky, is that the majority of people who actually know what they're talking about do not type so fast and angrily that they post a message riddled with incredibly bad spelling.

if you would like to contest the opinions of those on this board, please do so calmly, and choose your language well to avoid misinterpretation. this is standard practice for anyone wishing to relay a theory onto the public.

on the topic of badly chosen wording, i would like to draw your attention to the following quote:
Photos are blurry because it is shapeshifting constantly, by the nanosecond.

until this has been proven, you should not address it as fact. it is merely a theory, and should be worded as such.

if you wish to reply to my post, please bear this in mind as i do not appreciate flaming. scientists - reputable ones - do not flame. and as a general rule of thumb, nobody who knows what they're talking about does either.

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by jbondo
Although I can see you already have all the answers and why shouldn't you since you are at least 10, here is a place to register sightings:

there seems to be an awful lot of bashing going on during this discussion.
once again i'm going to have to hold up your white flag for you and hope the firing stops. this thread is about everyone's views on this particular story, it is not about who is entitled to a view.
the fact that this person is on this forum shows that they have a fundamental interest in the topic; they have even volunteered a system for helping with the board's research into the subject. whether you agree with that system or not, and even if it has been done before, doesn't mean this person is stupid. in fact, devising a system that - unbeknownst to them - has already been established would make them just as intelligent as the person who did it first.
please respect other's opinions!

as for me, i have to say i'm coming from the total skeptic camp as far as bigfoot goes. but i still find the topic interesting and look forward to being proven wrong

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