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The Chemtrails and Orgonite

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posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 12:40 PM
I took pictures yesterday, these #^%&'s kept on spraying chemtrails near my house.

I solarized this chemtrail picture in photoshop. Here look at the nasty red. I don't know if that's just something else, but it looks like it might be revealing the color of the chemtrail.

Another solarize of this image

And a solarize of this one

Now the interesting thing about this, is that I willed these chemtrails to go away by the power of prayer and will. I know that sounds really wierd, but I thought I would try it. I got a black helicopter flying over my house, and two black planes went up to try and fix the chemtrails. Should have taken pictures of it. Well I will if it happens again.

Anyways, I kept on willing them to break appart and they did. But I did it iwith my orgonite, something that is suppossed to get rid of chemtrails, and negative energy. I visualized a powerful ray coming from the orgonite through me and destroying the chemtrails. I also asked angels to assist me and these sylphs appeared in the sky in cloud formation, whispy angel looking things. After they appeared, or dissappeared a small rainbow was left behind. Now this all happened yesterday and it was a beautiful day, I have heard of chemtrails turning skys grey, and today it is raining. The sky is completely grey, I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the chemtrails.

Well this happened about four times in a row, until no more jets came. Then I guess I was asking for it, because two hours later a whole flock of jets came by my house spraying chemtrails all over the place. I went outside and took picture as you see above. unbelieveable. As if the other ones weren't enough. Then to dramatize it this one jet flew over my house making a HUGE long ling, I mean HUGE LONG line that I couldn't even fit in the camera.

Wierd stuff guys, I don't know.


[edit on 1-1-2007 by Reptilianseerrr]

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 06:56 AM
Uhm, I know that such things as chemtrails do exsist, at least have exsisted but that just looks like an ordinary airliner passing by.
Those are crystalized exhaust fumes due to colder temperatures higher up in the atmosphere.

Hey, don't kill the messenger.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Reptilianseerrr
I took pictures yesterday, these #^%&'s kept on spraying chemtrails near my house.

how do you knpw they are " chemtrails" as you claim - they look like normal contrail to me .

I solarized this chemtrail picture in photoshop. Here look at the nasty red. I don't know if that's just something else, but it looks like it might be revealing the color of the chemtrail.

do you have any idea what the photographic technique of solarisation actually is , or did you just run the image through various PS filters till you got a garish colour that looked " scary " ???????

I got a black helicopter flying over my house, and two black planes went up to try and fix the chemtrails. Should have taken pictures of it. Well I will if it happens again.

yes you should , because so far you have only shpwn random slices of the sky , bisected by a single contrail which looks perfectly normal .

photos of you alledged black helicopters and " chemtrail repair " flights would have been far more usefull than your clueless attempts to use PS to make a photo apear sinister .

Well this happened about four times in a row, until no more jets came. Then I guess I was asking for it, because two hours later a whole flock of jets came by my house spraying chemtrails all over the place. I went outside and took picture as you see above. unbelieveable. As if the other ones weren't enough. Then to dramatize it this one jet flew over my house making a HUGE long ling, I mean HUGE LONG line that I couldn't even fit in the camera.

so why do none of your pictures show more than one trail ??????????

i have ignored the mystical clap trap - reading it made my head hurt

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 08:13 AM
Excuse me..

First of all, the chemtrail was a "chemtrail", they were coming from all directions.

Second, I was just experimenting with photoshop. Just thought I would put it in there, but never mind. It was just interesting how solarize worked any how.

Third, when I was taking pictures of the chemtrails, they were too huge to capture. As you know...normal contrails are left behind at 30,000ft altitude, however, the planes that I saw were about 20,000 ft altitude. They happened to be spraying chemtrails all over the place. From every single direction. And you know what? I have heard that the government is experimenting with the weather. Coincidentally, the next day it was raining and foggy outside. But that may not have anything to do with it.

Fourth, when I called on the angels for help, it worked. Later I found out that these "angels" are not angels. They are Sylphs, who get rid of the dangerous chemtrails in our skies. Then a small rainbow effect is left behind. Finally a wierd cloud formation, that is a continuous row of clouds.

Oh and there was a strange black object that flew into the sky, then shortly after a plane. And when I kept on trying to get rid of the chemtrails or breaking them up with the help of the Slyphs. A helicopter flew over my house. That's not a coincidence. It was red and black. I didn't take pictures of the wierd black thing, because I didn't think about it. I was too busy trying to figure out what it was and plus it was moving pretty fast.

The only thing I got were the chemtrails left behind.

Ohyeah the reason why I don't have more pictures is because I took two. And the reason is because my FUJI film camera was dying. I had to be quick about it. That's why you see only half of the picture is uploaded, see the break on the second image? Well everytime I would upload shortly after it would turn off. So it's not my fault. When a plane is spraying chemtrails again, I'll be sure to take a picture of it, because I charged the batteries and everything should be good to go.

I don't understand why some people on ATS have to be so hostile about everything. I better be careful about posting certain subject..

[edit on 4-1-2007 by Reptilianseerrr]

[edit on 4-1-2007 by Reptilianseerrr]

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 08:30 AM
let me start by saying that i am not going to attempt a debunk, as this is skunkworks. i am however going to point out your obvious mistakes.

Originally posted by Reptilianseerrr
Excuse me..

First of all, the chemtrail was a "chemtrail", they were coming from all directions.

funny, because i only see two different pictures of one contrail.

Third, when I was taking pictures of the chemtrails, they were too huge to capture. As you know...normal contrails are left behind at 30,000ft altitude, however, the planes that I saw were about 20,000 ft altitude.

first, the altitude a contrail is formed changes depending upon atmospheric conditions. second, how exactly can you tell that this aircraft is at 20,000ft not 30,000ft or higher? did you have some kind of a specialized radar unit that is reading his transponder? because i am a professional air traffic controller, and my eyes arent calibrated well enough to tell what altitude this guy is at....just that he's real high up there.

Ohyeah the reason why I don't have more pictures is because I took two. And the reason is because my FUJI film camera was dying. I had to be quick about it. That's why you see only half of the picture is uploaded, see the break on the second image? Well everytime I would upload shortly after it would turn off. So it's not my fault. When a plane is spraying chemtrails again, I'll be sure to take a picture of it, because I charged the batteries and everything should be good to go.

oh, right....gee, i've never heard that excuse before.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by snafu7700

oh, right....gee, i've never heard that excuse before.

Woah, woah, woah! Excuse me, but that kind of stuff upsets me a lot. I am not lying when I say that! I brought my camera home from Ringling school of art and design because I used it so much to takes picture of my stupid drawings and I had to take landscapes for the photography assignment, I wasted the battery ok!
I am not kidding when I say that my camera was dying. It had the flashing red battery on the front of the screen, and it did the ding ding sound when it died! So what I had to keep on doing was open and close it, the orange light was blinking and I had to wait for it to turn green so I could take a picture. As soon as it turned green I took the picture, and then I would have enough time to look at it, then it turns off.
I went outside of my house to take the pictures of both contrails. Fine, I don't know exactly if it was 30,00 ft or 20,000. No I'm not a radar, and no I am not totally sure. But they plane was flying pretty close.

I know I don't personally know you, and you don't personally know me, but I am not lying. And it always makes me really mad, I don't care WHO it is, but I can't stand when people say to me, "riggght" or "Sureee".

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 11:01 AM
well, i certainly didnt mean to offend you, but you have to look at it from my point of view. everytime i have asked for photographic evidence on one of these "chemtrail" threads, the response has always been either

a. "these pics are my proof" (those pics being obvious contrails)


b. "my camera quit working before i could get the pic".....which also seems to be the excuse for alot of ufo sightings with no or poor pics.

so i hope you understand why i would make that kind of a comment.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by snafu7700

so i hope you understand why i would make that kind of a comment.

I understand. In fact I am just beginning to learn about chemtrails, so it may be that what I took a picture of wasnt' one, but still they were all coming from different angles, and one even made an X in the sky. Then the slyph clouds appeared and after that the rainbow effect, can you explain that by any chance? Cause I can't, I have no clue.

Thanks for you input

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 11:13 AM
well, i'm not going to attempt to discuss the other metaphysical stuff in your post, because i'm not qualified and i personally dont believe it....not that you experienced it, but they were what you thought.

the pics you have presented, however, are normal contrails IMHO. what you have to understand is that planes navigate by airways in the skies. those airways are laid out by beacons called VORs. the airways have fixes on them made up of the radials from other VORs that may or may not be on the route of flight. to make a long story short, it is not anything remarkable to see crossing contrails, as most of the US (especially the eastern half) is crisscrossed with these airways. the stratum of the atmosphere in which the conditions are allowing for long, drawn out contrails like the one in your pic are usually thousands of feet vertically, so you could have one aircraft at 27000ft and another at 32000ft crossing each other causing what look to be contrails at the same altitude....but they are really thousands of feet apart.

hope that explanation makes sense. if you still disagree, that is your perogative....and since this is in skunkworks, i will be more than happy to leave the thread if you like.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by snafu7700
well, i'm not going to attempt to discuss the other metaphysical stuff in your post, because i'm not qualified and i personally dont believe it....not that you experienced it, but they were what you thought.

the pics you have presented, however, are normal contrails IMHO. what you have to understand is that planes navigate by airways in the skies. those airways are laid out by beacons called VORs. the airways have fixes on them made up of the radials from other VORs that may or may not be on the route of flight. to make a long story short, it is not anything remarkable to see crossing contrails, as most of the US (especially the eastern half) is crisscrossed with these airways. the stratum of the atmosphere in which the conditions are allowing for long, drawn out contrails like the one in your pic are usually thousands of feet vertically, so you could have one aircraft at 27000ft and another at 32000ft crossing each other causing what look to be contrails at the same altitude....but they are really thousands of feet apart.

hope that explanation makes sense. if you still disagree, that is your perogative....and since this is in skunkworks, i will be more than happy to leave the thread if you like.

Nope, I don't disagree with you. I think that your logic explains it all. The only thing I dont' understand is the rainbow and sylph thing. Could it be that some type of chemical was left over from the trail that caused this. Perhaps its the watervapor and because it was such a gorgeous sunny day with a bright blue sky, maybe the suns rays were shining at the water vapor, thus leaving behind a rainbow effect.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 11:42 AM
well, your explanation sounds reasonable to me....that is pretty much how rainbows form afterall. as for the sylph thing though, that's between you and whatever God you worship.....i dont really believe in beings that fly through the sky like angels.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 12:13 PM
Seeing the BBC has just aired a documentary exposing Chemtrails as fact, I'm surprised to find the Chemtrail-deniers are still peddling their 'normal contrail' garbage.

Maybe the chemtrail-deniers are hoping newbies and the uninformed can continue to be mislead, or at least for a few hours, days or weeks more ?

Any lurker or reader who has NOT heard of Chemtrails prior to browsing this thread would be advised to access the hundreds of Chemtrail sites online as soon as possible and to afterwards lead family, friends, workmates and neighbours in the same direction. Ignorance of the poisons being dumped on unaware civilians from the sky by the governments they pay, could cost the health and possibly life of the reader and his/her friends and family, etc.

As to Chemtrail photos, there are literally THOUSANDS online, submitted by thousands of ordinary members of the public, living in all corners of the planet.

As soon as I get around to it, I'll post pics of INDISPUTABLE Chemtrail activity that occurs here in Australia on daily basis. They WILL BE INDISPUTABLE and they will show Chemtrail GRIDS (cross hatching) that will DEFY any of the bought-and-paid-for Trolls, minor government drones and other Chemtrail deniers who apparently imagine they can STILL fool the innocent into accepting that POISONOUS CHEMTRAILS are mere ' normal contrails'.

In the meantime, Reptillianseer, please keep up the good work and try to keep your camera action-ready in order you can post further evidence of the criminals and murderers who're earning their living by poisoning the air, food and water etc. of those who're being deliberately distracted by 'Saddam Hung' and 'Britney Wears no pants' dramas on the whore media tv.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 12:30 PM
I still don't know what orgonite has to do with contrails other than the obvious Don Croft like interpretation of it's workings. Untill I see evidence otherwise, I'll consider chemtrails to be urban legend. Yes, cloudbusters can incluence clouds, but that's what the contrails are... H20.

Anyway, I would like to see that BBC program about chemtrails. That may or may not be the evidence..

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795

Anyway, I would like to see that BBC program about chemtrails. That may or may not be the evidence..

Hey Bandit. Here's the video you're looking for, I don't think it's BBC though. NBC shows it.

Oh another note about my pictures. A big apology to the photoshopped images. I was trying to show what a chemtrail would look like if you could see the chemicals in it. Of course solarize made it look cool looking and I thought I would post it on here.

Today I saw a normal contrail, a plane flying and leaving behind a small white trail. I'm not sure if I believe in the Sylphs either, but those things appear a lot when there is a real chemtrail which is why I know that was one.
And then afterwards a rainbow affect is left behind. It's really wierd.

I will definetely have my camera at the ready, and I'll make sure to get good pictures. I'm not a photography pro lol, but I'll see what I can do when I see it again. I'll also take a photo of the slyph thing when it appears.


[edit on 4-1-2007 by Reptilianseerrr]

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Dock6

As to Chemtrail photos, there are literally THOUSANDS online, submitted by thousands of ordinary members of the public, living in all corners of the planet.

As soon as I get around to it, I'll post pics of INDISPUTABLE Chemtrail activity that occurs here in Australia on daily basis. They WILL BE INDISPUTABLE and they will show Chemtrail GRIDS (cross hatching) that will DEFY any of the bought-and-paid-for Trolls, minor government drones and other Chemtrail deniers who apparently imagine they can STILL fool the innocent into accepting that POISONOUS CHEMTRAILS are mere ' normal contrails'.

ouch.....maybe a little less heat in the discussion would be appropriate?

as i said at the beginning, i have no desire to attempt debunking anything here, because it's SW. the only reason i went as in depth as i did was because he asked.

HOWEVER, i have never seen any pic that could be called anything other than a contrail, so please feel free to start another thread outside of SW with your supposed proof, and i'll be happy to explain to you exactly what is happening in said pic.....or if you would prefer to continue the discussion on u2u that's fine as well.....but try and keep it civil please.

[edit on 4-1-2007 by snafu7700]

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 05:52 PM
This summer, here in Oklahoma, we had heat and drought conditions that rivaled the dust bowl days. Brush fires that raged out of control for miles, etc. I had ordered some organite just to see if it COULD help (couldn't hurt). If they didn't work, I had sculpting art plans for the organite. When they came in I arranged the organite in a circle around my poor japanese maple that was looking pretty thirsty. The weatherman called for more 100+ heat and no rain in sight. It rained the next day and cooled off to a bearable 90+ degrees. Don't know if the organite was the cause but the timing was sure coincidental. Have kept the organite in the back yard and the weather has been tolerable ever since (at least in my area). We've had one ice this winter (which, admittedly, is far from over). Still observing and trying to see if any possible connection exists. If not, the sculpting project is still a viable one.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by whitewave
This summer, here in Oklahoma, we had heat and drought conditions that rivaled the dust bowl days. Brush fires that raged out of control for miles, etc. I had ordered some organite just to see if it COULD help (couldn't hurt).

i'm just curious, because this is the first time i've ever heard of "organite", i'm not trying to debunk anything....did you happen to check the weather forecast before you set it out? and what exactly is organite? i did a quick search, but all i can find is artwork made out of the stuff.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 06:25 PM
From what I researched on the subject, it seems to be made of resin (to hold it all together) and quartz crystals of various sizes. Rather expensive. And yes I did check the weather. All of Oklahoma sat watching every weather report this summer as it was broadcast. Our lives, livestock, crops, EVERYTHING depended on desparately needed rain. We are still suffering the effects of this summer's drought and heat. I don't anyone who had a decent garden this year even with watering everyday. My dog died in the heat and he had a shaded doghouse and a gallon water dispenser.
I don't know that the organite helped but, as I said, the timing was certainly coincidental. This spring I hope to make a dodecahedron sculpture out of it using copper pipes for the structure and the organite for the joints. It's been done before on a large scale and the geometric shape along with the organite made for a building (used as a museum in Canada, I think) that had it's own weather system. It rained INSIDE when it wasn't raining outside! Bizarre, I agree, but certainly worth investigating.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 06:31 PM
check out educate-yourself.Org... for info on the story about the structure I mentioned. Sorry for the long url. I'm still being dragged into the 21st century kicking and screaming and I don't know how to post links properly.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by whitewave
check out educate-yourself.Org... for info on the story about the structure I mentioned. Sorry for the long url. I'm still being dragged into the 21st century kicking and screaming and I don't know how to post links properly. problem. thanks for the info.

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