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Knowledge . . .

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posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 07:23 AM
The character "Jesus Christ" is fictitious and was stolen from some 18+ Pagan legends of a God hanging from a tree, such as Odin, then being resurrected, and is another description of the alchemical operation of transforming the soul- death and then resurrection. The nazarene is and has never been anything more than a tool to remove all true spiritual knowledge and disarm the populace of their spiritual powers. Humanity has paid to the tune of trillions upon trillions of dollars, and with sickness, misery, and suffering due to the removal of this knowledge. Spiritual knowledge was systematically destroyed, twisted, and corrupted to SPIRITUALLY AND FINANCIALLY ENSLAVE US ALL. Those at the top have maintained control and have reaped untold wealth and power.

There is a secret "priesthood" that goes back thousands of years. This "priesthood" controlled and always had a much higher level of knowledge way beyond anything the majority knew. They allowed the populace to work as in building the cathedrals and when new societies were established, this society of mages would hijack the positions of religious and political power and ensure that any advanced knowledge in circulation was removed from the public domain and into their secret schools and organizations. The ruling hierarchy of the Vatican are nothing more than organized crimminals who have caused humanity untold destruction, misery, suffering and grief. They are working with and controlled by others working for the same objectives. The ones who control all of the money.

At the upper levels, they know the true power of the sun, magnetics, the mind, the effects of planets on human behavior, how to manipulate time, energy, they have used their secret organizations to create institutions in the public arena such as religions and political parties to remove this advanced knowledge and keep it out of circulation. The Inquisition was a prime example, for even to speak of anything occult or esoteric was to sign one's own death warrant.

In order to maximize power for their agenda, xian churches were built upon Ley Lines. Ley Lines are areas within the earth that have ioncreased geo-magnetic energy. The human body is composed of and runs on bio-electricity. Our thoughts are made up of electrical impulses. Through meditation and working with our own energy centers, we can hone our thoughts to have a stronger electrical output and to affect our environment. When one who is knowledgable uses earth energy in addition to this directed thought energy, this greatly amplifies the power behind the thoughts and direction of the energy through the will. Pagan temples were destroyed and xian churches were erected in their place. Special rituals were also conducted at these energy crossings within the earth grid. Human/animal sacrifices and such produced extreme fear in the victim. This directed fear energy- what they use to control was pumped into these vortexes of earth energy. What happens is this energy, magnified thousands of times creates a vibrational state within the earth field in which we all live. From what I understand, it encircles the earth like a spider web. This is the reason why xianity has such a powerful hold on many. Fear is the four letter word that controls the world and it is very effective.

The Judeo/Christian Bible has always used extreme fear as a tool to keep people away from the occult, sorcery, "witchcraft,” and workings of the mind. Christianity goes in steps. Because it is fictitious, it is spiritually unreliable. Certain Christians have at times tapped into this energy vortex and obtained results. Prayer groups and such put forth psychic energy. Deluded Christians are told to "have faith." Having faith is necessary for any spell or directed working of the mind to succeed. With Christianity, it is hit and mostly misses. The few and far in-between hits keep the deluded believing, unknowing


posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by MorninG StaR 21
The character "Jesus Christ" is fictitious and was stolen from some 18+ Pagan legends of a God hanging from a tree, such as Odin, then being resurrected, ...

Kersey Graves, "Sixteen Crucified Saviors" -- the source of this -- is prefaced by this disclaimer on Internet Infidels:

Note: the scholarship of Kersey Graves has been questioned by numerous freethinkers; the inclusion of The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors in the Secular Web's Historical Library does not constitute endorsement by Internet Infidels, Inc. This document was included for historical purposes; readers should be extremely cautious in trusting anything in this book.

Even atheists -- a credulous bunch where their own convenience is concerned -- find this nonsense.

All the best,

Roger Pearse

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 11:09 AM
Many of the facts collated in his work were derived from Sir Godfrey Higgins. The work is the product of more than twenty years of research, during which Higgins tried to uncover "a most ancient and universal religion from which all later creeds and doctrines sprang."

The following is proof of the many different and diverse sources of which the authors of the Judeo/Christian Bible stole from:

The Enuma Elish predated the bible by a minimum of 1,000 years and is presumed to be much older. The tablets are now in the British Museum.

The Atrahasis Story predates the biblical Genisis account by over 1,000 years or more.

Both of these creation accounts predate Christianity and the Judeo/Christian Bible by centuries. Both reveal there were "GODS" not "One God."

Genisis Chapter 1, verse 26 reads: "And God said "let us make man in our image, after our likeness...."
This right here debunks the monotheistic Yaweh myth.

The Flood Story from Gilgamesh predates the Christian account by well over 1,000 years or more.

The Old Testament laws and the Ten Commandments were stolen from
The Code of Hammurabi

The praying hands were stolen as well. They are an ancient Yogic Mudra. There are statues of the Hindu Gods and also the Buddha with the praying hands known as the "NAMASTE MUDRA." The folded hands as well, a variation, is yet another mudra that was stolen. Mudras are used in meditation to connect the minor chakra circuits in the hands and fingers. Many Yoga asanas have these as well. Check any on-line images of Hatha Yoga postures. Yoga predates xianity.

The usual xtian mass/service makes use of the following:

The Bell
The Incense burner/Thurible
The Candles
The Host
The Book
The Chalice filled with wine
Yet, in spite of this, the xtian church murdered enmasse, those accused of being witches, sorcerers and those of Pagan religions.

[edit on 1-1-2007 by MorninG StaR 21]

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 11:49 AM
I am starting to agree with what you are saying, however the powers that be are following the christian bible but not in the manner you would expect, they are creating the events in revelations to occur and bring the west back under control the the Catholic church. While researching the legal system, common law versus maritime admiralty law, you can find all kinds of bizzarre esoteric references to banking, money, religion etc. This is why I think the Bohemian grove, skull & bones, middle east, chinese 200 million man army is put out there to whip everyone into a religious freny of fear of Satan to surrender their rights to the priesthood.

This guys really breaks it down into the previous matriarchal societal collapse, the rise of the patriarchal system which is now collpasing as well. This guys claims to have cracked the magi/priesthood's code and it ties every conspiracy all together.

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 05:09 PM
Statements have been retracted after some key events, i.e. i've begun to change my mind.

[edit on 1/1/2007 by 7Pan7cho7]

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 05:20 PM
There is a difference in all the following concepts:

actual person

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 05:37 PM
Im still only sixteen and have a lot more to learn. The religions have succeeded in preventing humanity from developing and evolving spiritually. develop your mind and the ability. When humanity bridges the gap with ancient spiritual knowledge, the human race will progress as a whole. Knowledge = Power


posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 06:07 PM
Do you think that "Ancient Spirituality" was any less restrictive and controlled as modern religion?

The Egyptians had a very defined, controlled, political religious system that was as much about the social hierarchy and providing legitimacy for the ruler, than as personal contact with the gods.

You will find pagan cultures, if you look close enough, were also largely about social structure and power bases.

Antiquity doesn't always mean wisdom. It just adds an aura of exotic mystery.

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 06:12 PM
MorninG StaR 21, religion in any organized sense is going to be nothing more than restrictive and oppressive

you'd be better off to just shun the idea of religion 100%

trust me, i was in the exact same spot with similar ideas when i was 16
i just realized that spirituality itself is flawed

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 07:24 PM
Many humans from Ancient Egypt, specially the Priesthood and the Pharaohs had immense spiritual knowledge and powers. To this day, atheistic scholars and scientists are at a loss to explain the megalithic structures and extremely advanced civilizations that existed in ancient times. These structures still stand today after thousands of years.

Emjoi Egypt goes back thousands of years, long before the emergence of Judeo-Christianity. Egypt has its roots in Ancient Sumeria. Most of the Egyptian God/esses can be traced all the way back.
Ancient Egyptian knowledge was suppressed which has been going on for thousands of years, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few. Spirituality and religion are two different things

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by MorninG StaR 21
Many humans from Ancient Egypt, specially the Priesthood and the Pharaohs had immense spiritual knowledge and powers. To this day, atheistic scholars and scientists are at a loss to explain the megalithic structures and extremely advanced civilizations that existed in ancient times. These structures still stand today after thousands of years.

i'm at a loss
i can't think of a single megalithic structure that was created that we cannot explain the construction of

and what "powers" do you speak of?

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 09:24 PM
There are 365.24 cubits in the pyramid's base. This corresponds exactly to the solar year. The sum of the base diagonals gives an approximation of the number of years in a total precession of the equinoxes. (Just short of 26,000). The pyramid's apex corresponds to the North Pole, the perimeter is equivalent to the equator, and its four plane surfaces accurately represent the four quadrants of the hemisphere. These measurements parallel the ley lines and magnetic fields of the Earth. Ancient temples, many that are still intact in Egypt are aligned with the constellations and stars.

The carvings and the hieroglyphics on the Temple walls and the pyramids still remain with us today. Evidence of truth for those who have enough spiritual knowledge to interpret them

The Mind madnessinmysoul

Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 09:51 PM
"365.24 cubits"
Okay... for starters a cubit is not a precise measurement. It's about 18 inches, but it's a human measurement. The tip of the finger to the elbow.
With that in mind it's unlikely the Pyramids were designed with such a measurement to 2 decimal places. 0.01 of a cubit is about .18 of an inch. The width of two of the characters in this post.

And how could anyone measure the Pyramids to a fraction of an inch anyway? They've eroded, and lost their original decorative limestone coating.

Just saying, if you'd said the Pyramids were about 365 cubits, I'd believe you, but that high precision number is silliness.

[edit on 1-1-2007 by emjoi]

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 10:18 PM

The length of a base side at the base socket level is 9 131 Pyramid Inches or 365.24 Pyramid Cubits.

365.24 Pyramids

[edit on 1-1-2007 by MorninG StaR 21]

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by MorninG StaR 21

365.24 Pyramids

that entire thing has been discussed and debunked in the ancient and lost civ forum already

a poster (now banned for abusive posts) named lastdayprophet started an entire thread on it

also, you posted a link to a google search...
that's hardly useful


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by MorninG StaR 21
In order to maximize power for their agenda, xian churches were built upon Ley Lines. Ley Lines are areas within the earth that have ioncreased geo-magnetic energy. The human body is composed of and runs on bio-electricity.

If some of you wonder what ley-lines means in your own language here is a picture from those old times MorninG StaR writes about.


The human body is composed of and runs on bio-electricity.

These two guys in the picture might be able to use that bio-electricity - and have knowlegde about it. In plain sight - using their hands instead of a wooden stick.
How could we know such things? weird huh?

They even took of their gloves before the ritual.

I read somwhere - that ortodoks monks had their hats shaped like mushrooms - because they went out to gather mushrooms - to be able to see these forces more clearly. And in this picture - we have the mushrooms beside the gloves. that I painted for you to see it. That is also illegal today - a crime. also weird stuff - huh?

And maybe you can imagine that the secret hand-signs in the masonic cults comes from this time-period.

Even Buddha had a thing with he's hands...
Just think about it.

Im currently translating this into Danish because I think this should be common knowlegde, and people should understand and be interrested in this. Because our world has gone mad.

Jim Morrison: The monk bought lunch - yes he bought a little.

also This :

they have used their secret organizations to create institutions in the public arena such as religions and political parties to remove this advanced knowledge and keep it out of circulation. The Inquisition was a prime example, for even to speak of anything occult or esoteric was to sign one's own death warrant

Burning people. is part of our history.

[edit on 2-1-2007 by Ram]


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 05:08 AM

Here I have drawn a picture of my human mind as it is at the moment - And the path to my inner self. And it proof's in a weird way. the things we have in common with nature - This is part of the energies I guess from reading this information in this thread - I could say that - I draw this from the Earth vortex/field filtered through my mind out through my hand onto the paper.

When I draw it - It feels like im only tapping into an energy already at work around me and inside me - these kinda drawings are made without me knowing where it ends or where it begins - and these drawings are always very complex symetrical patterns - that originate from the mathematical expression of nature. And the weird thing is - They always match up in the end.

I believe we originally are totally Bio-electric. And they can't have us know these things. And loose control by magic hands.

Good thread.

Im glad finally to understand a little more about how these drawings are created.

[edit on 2-1-2007 by Ram]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by MorninG StaR 21
The character "Jesus Christ" is fictitious and was stolen from some 18+ Pagan legends of a God hanging from a tree, such as Odin, then being resurrected, and is another description of the alchemical operation of transforming the soul- death and then resurrection.

Will you still back this line when your knee bows before him on that great day? None have lived before him. He is the Alpha and Omega.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 09:21 AM
people please don't confuse spirituality with religion they are not the same.

spirituality means behond reality.

the only way to acheive it is to look inside your self not outside sources.

Words do no justice to the experience...

[edit on 2-1-2007 by selfless]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 10:25 AM
You say that Jesus was plagerized from other ancient beliefs.

Well, if they are all talking about the same God and His Son Jesus, it is easy to see why we now think one was taken from another culture.

There has only been one God, one Jesus and there is only one Satan. It is humans, working with one of the groups, that has dreamed up so many differen't directions for a person to chose from, that it is almost impossible to find the truth about God and His plan for Salvation of the Human Race which is His Creation.

The bottom line is that there is one group of supernatural biengs (who are very jealous) trying to make us look like we are evil and can do no good. Then there is another group of supernatural biengs working to help us (like they were meant to) with a leader who was responsible for us being here and who is ultimately in charge.

The war in Heaven and the supernatural biengs fighting that war was more powerfull than you can ever imagine. What we are left with now is only a shadow of the power that the vanquished biengs once had. This reduced power is still enough to trick us into doing what is not good for humans.

It is because of our free will, that God so loves us, but it also makes us able to chose wrongly, if the wrong evidence is given. The world, without lies, would be a wonderfull place to live.

Where do you want to place your alliegence?

I believe in spirituality, not in the popular Religions dreamed up by the deceiver of humanity.

You can see it for yourself. You need to confess your sins and repent of them. Once you are fit to meet The Creator, you need to wrestle with the spirit of God, cling to His ankle (He may not acknowledge you at first, but you must try harder), in prayer asking for forgiveness, humble yourself and keep praying till He turns and acknowledges you. This is possible now, because we have Jesus as our Savior, through whom we can aproach the throne of God. It may take a bit of work to prepare yourself to meet your Creator.

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