The character "Jesus Christ" is fictitious and was stolen from some 18+ Pagan legends of a God hanging from a tree, such as Odin, then being
resurrected, and is another description of the alchemical operation of transforming the soul- death and then resurrection. The nazarene is and has
never been anything more than a tool to remove all true spiritual knowledge and disarm the populace of their spiritual powers. Humanity has paid to
the tune of trillions upon trillions of dollars, and with sickness, misery, and suffering due to the removal of this knowledge. Spiritual knowledge
was systematically destroyed, twisted, and corrupted to SPIRITUALLY AND FINANCIALLY ENSLAVE US ALL. Those at the top have maintained control and have
reaped untold wealth and power.
There is a secret "priesthood" that goes back thousands of years. This "priesthood" controlled and always had a much higher level of knowledge way
beyond anything the majority knew. They allowed the populace to work as in building the cathedrals and when new societies were established, this
society of mages would hijack the positions of religious and political power and ensure that any advanced knowledge in circulation was removed from
the public domain and into their secret schools and organizations. The ruling hierarchy of the Vatican are nothing more than organized crimminals who
have caused humanity untold destruction, misery, suffering and grief. They are working with and controlled by others working for the same objectives.
The ones who control all of the money.
At the upper levels, they know the true power of the sun, magnetics, the mind, the effects of planets on human behavior, how to manipulate time,
energy, they have used their secret organizations to create institutions in the public arena such as religions and political parties to remove this
advanced knowledge and keep it out of circulation. The Inquisition was a prime example, for even to speak of anything occult or esoteric was to sign
one's own death warrant.
In order to maximize power for their agenda, xian churches were built upon Ley Lines. Ley Lines are areas within the earth that have ioncreased
geo-magnetic energy. The human body is composed of and runs on bio-electricity. Our thoughts are made up of electrical impulses. Through meditation
and working with our own energy centers, we can hone our thoughts to have a stronger electrical output and to affect our environment. When one who is
knowledgable uses earth energy in addition to this directed thought energy, this greatly amplifies the power behind the thoughts and direction of the
energy through the will. Pagan temples were destroyed and xian churches were erected in their place. Special rituals were also conducted at these
energy crossings within the earth grid. Human/animal sacrifices and such produced extreme fear in the victim. This directed fear energy- what they use
to control was pumped into these vortexes of earth energy. What happens is this energy, magnified thousands of times creates a vibrational state
within the earth field in which we all live. From what I understand, it encircles the earth like a spider web. This is the reason why xianity has such
a powerful hold on many. Fear is the four letter word that controls the world and it is very effective.
The Judeo/Christian Bible has always used extreme fear as a tool to keep people away from the occult, sorcery, "witchcraft,” and workings of the
mind. Christianity goes in steps. Because it is fictitious, it is spiritually unreliable. Certain Christians have at times tapped into this energy
vortex and obtained results. Prayer groups and such put forth psychic energy. Deluded Christians are told to "have faith." Having faith is necessary
for any spell or directed working of the mind to succeed. With Christianity, it is hit and mostly misses. The few and far in-between hits keep the
deluded believing, unknowing