posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 02:14 AM
By Michael Learmonth
NEW YORK(Reuters) - The truth is out there, and the SCI FI Channel is determined to find it, even if that means suing NASA, the Department of Defense,
the U.S. Army and Air Force for documents related to unidentified flying objects.
SCI FI, a cable channel that airs fictional programming such as Battlestar Galactica, as well as documentaries that explore the line between fact and
science fiction, is part of a group pressuring the federal government to de-classify UFO information.
Last year SCI FI joined forces with an investigative journalist, a Washington, DC law firm, and former President Clinton chief of staff John Podesta,
to gain release of documents relating to an incident it calls "the new Roswell," a UFO sighting in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965.
Apparently the Sci-Fi channel is quite sure that the government is covering up information on UFOs. I highly doubt if anything will come of this, but
maybe it will raise enough awareness that other people will join in on getting the government to release classsified UFO information.
Apparently this is old news, but I saw it today on the CNN news ticker, so maybe there are some new developments.