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another H.A.A.R.P post for the weather climate apocyalipticgreen'es

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posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 05:19 AM
youve probabbly all heard DR nick begich hes an interesting guy a greenie
and a comunist for enviromental technology were all playing dice with the weather sum more than others it doesnt really so mutch matter about o zone holes and tempretures that might rize by ten in elnio areas becauce the earth aparently is in it 70 000 years cycle of a polar flip basically the ice flipps around witch is probablly good for alaska seings as its falling of the map since the start of the late 80's any way this guys campped out near HAARP reasearch centre his old man was sum sort of state govenenor for alaska so hes got a brown nosie for whats happin in alaska haarp is basically a funny sort of looking power station based on good old nick teslas invents its ambitions are to electro charge ions in the atmoshpere and manipulate them in alsorts of ways as surveiling equiptment like the new hypervista group for suveing under water oil a land minerals and make telecomunications world accesablie in super speeds and doest harm whales with sonar becauce this is all posible on 6 hrts the same frequency as bio organs but get this he reckons its posible and goes into detail about repairing o zone holes with this tech its sum sort of super signal that builds up speed around the atmosphere in a virtually
unlimited source of power and its shot back down to earth for what ever reason but o yeah ratheon owns the trades and it could posibly be the most dangerouse pin point weapon of mas destruction easly capable of explosives 3 times as bad as nuclear any way you buffs have probabbly all heard it b4

thats a link to to the dvd's of his informinate dvds there torrents dont ask me how to use them that would be adding and baiting me as a crimnal


posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 07:16 AM
Grimnal: have you never heard of punctuation?

I've never head of Nick Begich, but there's an interview with him about his HAARP theories here

Amongst other things, he demonstrates his clear lack of understanding of the upper atmosphere:-

The problem is that when you create a hole [in the ionosphere] , even if it is only 30 miles in diameter or 250 miles in diameter (which is the range the military have been talking about) at 250 miles high what happens is that the lower atmosphere rushes in to fill this empty space, and as a result wind patterns in the area underneath change.

He does know that the various layers of the ionosphere vary in height and density depending on time of day and time of year, doesn't he?

[edit on 30-12-2006 by Essan]

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 08:04 AM
yer he states allot about damages from rockets leaving holes im not in a smarty pants convo it was meant to be sum basic gander for people who put up with my literacy and eat veg sticks

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 08:05 AM
yer he states allot about damages from rockets leaving holes im not in a smarty pants convo it was meant to be sum basic gander for people who put up with my literacy and eat veg sticks

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