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dna of the world reference nat geo ibm reply to sum one saying aborignals were sea farers

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posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 04:17 AM
this is a documentory on sum good sources seing that you guys want to throw bones at each other nat geo people who have been digging bones for thong than you have had hairs on your balls ibm people with good money and computers made for algorithams in dna and specialise in bio contract

because i live in australia its pritty mutch known that abororiginals are from india and alot of there dances are the same like indian satue poses and there coboraie is gender based the dingo a australian dog was introduced by them there were no major settlments of aboriginals whom set sail long distance to get here compaired to there distant pollinesian rello's the timor sea was lower and more viable its now oil feilds we australians sort of stole it jhon howard prime minister and went to war with east timor because so many thousand years ago it was accesable jhonny keep's the diamonds uranium gas and oil weel use ur sea and your neighbours as trainning feilds for terroism trainning you might realise australia is a #ing big place and its easy to die in a desert on the other hand pollinesia these were sum very sophisticated boating people whos dna has manged to travel from new zealand next to australia to vanawatoo fiji solomon I's and there dna is scattered over the pacific Rapa Nui or the easter is

a good story of of sum stange people whom landed in remote ocean has been inhabited 2 millenium bc is closer to chille than tarhiti and acording to ibm and nat geo they have sum dna trates australia has no cocnut trees pollinesian never brought them here with if you watched cast away u know to take coconuts on a sea voage and cocnunts never washed up and made theown vouage partially due to coaral sea and a massive current that runs down the east side of my country new caladonia 2 hour flight from sydney does have coconuts so its probablly say 3-400 ks from us still possible that cocnuts could have made it but they never did this is a small breif on the the documentory it explains how europe was a big battle for migration remember were sum thing like 40k years old since engineered or mutated this is a link i didnt read it because ive heard it the documentory states that were are all of african dna and that man was first probably african another interisting show i saw on pyramids was that they found a map of the antartic ant the tip of tazmania was on it it was ground breaking becauce when archiologist found it was more sophisticated than western maps taz is a small I.s territory off aus and had tazmanian tigers extinct now maby egpytians brought it there aus mainland is marsupial emu's coupple of crocks and sand cats like dingo's would have thrived and probably eatin the dingo fars as ive never heard of tiger foisl or feline on the mainland feral cats now eat all our wild life white man killed all the tazmanian natives and i dont think they have mutch dna in sum shallow gravels 200 years old they also reckon the digged up sum flamingo fossils in a creek bed sum years back and i just read that taz tigers are marsupials just like koala bears any way ripp my statements up have fun and see if you can get the dna race video nat geo and ibm made i give it a 4-5 ceya

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 04:19 AM
the easter is people also died out because they used all the wood on the land to constuct the cheifs heads had no boats and became caniballs oops

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 04:52 AM
What language do you speak?


posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
What language do you speak?


posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 02:45 AM
I really wish that I could read what the OP wrote, but the strange spelling and lack of puncuation and capitalization are making really difficult. Maybe the OP can rewrite it the post in standard english or maybe someone can rewrite it for him/her so that's it's easier to read?

At the very least this has gotten to want to research aboriginal people a bit. So, I thank the OP for that.


posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 04:40 AM
Just passing my time. I hope this is more understandable than the original text. It's actually almost eyebleeding to see text like that, no hard feelings.

Originally posted by Grimnal
DNA of the world reference ........reply to someone saying aboriginals were sea travelers.

Because I live in Australia, it's pretty much known that aboriginals are from India and a lot of their dances are the same like indian statue poses, and their "coboraie"? is gender based. The dingo is a Australian dog which was introduced by them them. There wre no major settlements of aboriginals whom set sail long distance to get here compared to their distant polynesian. "rello's"?. The timor sea was lower and more ciable, it's now oil fields. We australians sort of stole it, John Howard, Prime minister went to war with east Timor because so many thousands of years ago it was accesible. Johnny keeps tghe diamonds, uranium gas and oil.

Cool, we'll use your sea and your neighbours as training field for terrorism training. You might realize Australia is a big place and it's easy to die in a desert. On the other hand polynesians, these were some very sophisticated boating people who's DNA has managed to travel from New Zealand next to Australia to "vanawatoo fiji solomon I's"? and their DNA is scattered over the Pacific Rapa Nui or the easter "is"?

A good story of some strange people whom landed in the remote ocean has ben inhabited 2 millenium BC is closer to Chile than Thaiti, and according to him that that geo, they have some DNA traits. Australia has no coconut trees. polynesians never brought 'em here. If you watched movie "Cast Away", you know to taje coral sea and massive current that runs down the east side of my country, new Caladonia,
2 hours flight from Sydney does have coconuts, so it's probably say 3-400 km from us.

There is still possible that coconuts could have made it but they never did this, it's a small brief on the documentary, it explains how Europe was a big battle for migration. Remember there were some thing like 4000 years old, since engineered or mutated, this link.

I didn't read it because I've heard in that the documentary states that were are all of african DNA, and that the first man came from Africa. Another interesting show I was on about pyramids. Was that they found a map of the antarctic and the top of Tazmania was on it. It was ground breaking because when archeologists found it was more sophisticated tan western maps, Taz is a small Island territory off Australia and had tazmanian tihers extinct.

Now maybe egyptians brought it there as marsupilams, emu's, couple of crocs and sand cats. Like dingo's would have thrived and probably eatening the dingo far as I've never heard of tiger "foisl or feline"?
On the mainland feral cats now eat all our wild life, white men killed all the tazmanian natives and I don't think they have much DNA. In some shallow graves, 200 years old, they also reckon of digging up some flamingo fossils in a creek bed some years back. I just read that tazmanian tigers are marsupilams, just like koala to bears. Anyway, rip my statement up, havefun and see if you can get the DNA race video that "geo and ibm"? made. I give it a 4-5 "ceya"?

[edit on 5-1-2007 by Gin]

[edit on 5-1-2007 by Gin]

[edit on 5-1-2007 by Gin]

[edit on 5-1-2007 by Gin]

posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 10:47 PM
Have you ever considered the possibility that Australia was once connected to Asia long ago. The thinking here is that there was once a land joining the two together and then one day it submerged, hence trapping all non-flying creatures on the newly formed giant island.

posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by lostinspace
Have you ever considered the possibility that Australia was once connected to Asia long ago. The thinking here is that there was once a land joining the two together and then one day it submerged, hence trapping all non-flying creatures on the newly formed giant island.

Australia was connected to Asia and Antarctica a long time ago, but drifted apart due to platetectonic movement, not the sinking of a land bridge. This separation took place millions of years ago, a long time before humans or even placental mammals had evolved.

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