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Saddamn's Hanging In A Few Hour's...Some Last Thought's

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posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 07:07 PM
Well I didn't really know where to put this, But I thought might as well put this here...

What If in the next few hour's as we know are pal Saddamn's gonna be hangin as dead as a dummy, Well would if this is faked...

What if saddamn is actually alive and well, and this will all be a faked mis repersentation? Maybe him and Bush cut a deal or something...

I don't belive it my self, but hey I just though for some last thought's before he dies,Because im sure in the next few month's they'l be some theorie's on his execution, there always is on everything...

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 07:16 PM
when I first heard he will be hanged in just hours, the 1st thing that poped in my head is "oh, the conspiracy theorists will be all over this...they will say it was faked". and I look here, and lo and behold, a thread just suggesting this kind of thing. (I hear he will be hanged with a bag over his head, standard routine, but the CTers will play all over this detail: "why did they put a bag over his head if they want to show the world Hussein is being hanged...blah blah")

The conspiracy theorists are too predictable, this really hurts there credibility becuase it shows they arent seeking truth, they are seeking ways to make the U.S. government look bad. They are seeking stories that will fit with valid observations that make the U.S. government look bad. Its clear they have no intentions to find truth, but to damage the U.S. government.

THe conspiracy theorists should really consider working for Al Qaida, terrorist groups in Iraq, Hezbollah etc. THey would absolutely love you. You have alot in common, you hate america and you look for ways to make the US look bad. hmmm, Im wondering if the conspirac theorists would actually take part in killing innocent life if it meant making the U.S. look bad in some way.

hmmmm, heres a good theory. I wonder if the major brains that are heading the Conspiracy theory movements are actually being funded and covertly supported by Iranian intelligence agents and any hardcore american hating foreign parties.

[edit on 29-12-2006 by bob2000]

[edit on 29-12-2006 by bob2000]

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 07:21 PM
Some last thoughts are there are several existing threads on this and we're looking into closing most of them down and routing discussions to the first ones posted.

Thread closed.


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