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Girl with wings in India

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posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Simulacra
I dont understand how everyone can't see that it's staged and not only staged but horrible acting. Words are forced, emotions are stagnant...people, there are very, very strange things occuring on this earth. This video is not evidence of one of them.

Agreed. And it's cut and edited. The girl is a prop, and may not be life sized.

Now, seriously, how freaky is it to see a human with wings AFTER you've been told, "Hey there's a human with wings in there"? It might be weird, it might be unusual, it might startle you... but having visual confirmation of someting is not going to cause you to have hysterics.

The "hysterical camera movement" by the unseen camera person is also not believable.

[edit on 29-12-2006 by Byrd]

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by reaganero
i like how the "winged indian girl" is wearing a shirt. they must sell those at the indian gap.

I hope that doesnt mean that you think that they dont have t-shirts in India. If yes then you REALLY must think again...

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Umm... the video title says "Angel in India", but they don't look like angel wings to me...

Anyway, the set up seems improbable, this girl with "wings" is being kept in this dark room where anyone can come and enter? And everyone, including the tourists know about her? Don't think so. Due to the local males in there and their reaction to the camera me thinks this was a, how do you say, underage prostitute joint? "Wings" added on later...

You're right - definitely a fake, But I think the two guys at the end and the girl are also just actors in this fiction film, along with the "tourists". The Wings don't look CG, as much as they look like a cloth-covered wire frame.

The best part about this was the wife/girlfriend - she's pretty hot.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 10:53 AM
What im wondering is when they enter you can see an indian guy in the coner c overing his face...and the light clearly goes across him why,...if he is so concerned about people seeing the "winged" girl would he react straight away rather than waiting till the camera man gets a chance to look and even zoom??
And why the hell would he be in the corner facing the wall anyways????


posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by finallianstallion
I hope that doesnt mean that you think that they dont have t-shirts in India. If yes then you REALLY must think again...

I think the poster meant that they don't sell shirts with wing holes in India, or anywhere else for that matter. More than that, if there was an isolated winged girl, she probably wouldn't feel the same sense of "shame" in going around topless since it wasn't necesserily instilled in her.

All beside the point anyway. It's fake, and known.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 11:01 AM
Yeah, the girl/wings part doesn't even figure into it, I knew this was fake the minute the first actor started talking. I've done a lot of casting for web videos (I'm in advertising), and those are exactly the kind of low-budget, non-union models that turn up. Too pretty, completely clueless, acceptable for a 'viral campaign' but otherwise forget it.

Think about the actual conversation these people are supposed to be having. Think about what they're supposed to be considering. Think about how we got from 'hurried introduction to concept' all the way to 'full reveal' within a minute and a half. Why are they running?

This was produced specifically for web video, and pretty poorly. It looks like it will become a part of a larger campaign (like the SciFi spots), otherwise who would bother paying the actors?

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 11:02 AM

Thats what iam talking about

...Jesus...looks like batman got jiggy round india again haha

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 11:08 AM
That video is simply a cozenage

Question: I don't understand why the natives directed them the location and thereafter they came to take them away.

Answer: It was part of their fake video footage

Question: What's the reason for the girl to start screaming before the ''one winged angel'' 's sight? She decided to enter the room and i know from personal experience that when girls decide a thing they feel very confident to start yelling

Answer: In many movies we see women to scream when danger approaches, so if the same would happen here it would be more convincing

Question: How the locals arrived the right moment the girl started screaming

Answer: They knew they should be near to excuse a camera turn towards them, since the ''one winged girl'' was fake and had nothing more to show

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 11:34 AM
Ain't no feathers on those leathery wings - I say that little bat-girls the DEVIL.

Let's round up a posse and hunt the little demon down. Hehehehehehe

Probably could convince some Jesus camp graduates of the righteousness of the cause.

Looks like a joke to me.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 12:01 PM
Yep this is so so fake. I will never get those 2 minutes (4 if you including replying to this thread) of my life back.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 12:05 PM
The dialogue at the beginning sounded fake, it didn't sound natural to me.

Also it went too fast for me to make out anything at the end.

I say this is fake.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 01:12 PM
I guess that I shouldn't be shocked by how easy it is to fool people but I always am. Many of my friends work in hollywood doing FX and they create stuff like this all the time and people buy it hook, line and sinker. And for future reference there are lots of new bigfoot and alien videos being worked on as we speak. lol I guess that old saying, "There is a sucker born every minute" still holds true.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 01:30 PM

it doesn't make sense for the people to be so confident about walking into anyone's houses and then to become frightened and run away so easily simply because of a girl and some babbling men.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 01:46 PM
The video looks very much like a production, not an actual ameteur video, but one trying to appear like an ameteur video. The begining especially smacks of people acting.

Besides that, and the fact that people aren't born with wings, and that you wouldn't post such a video on you tube for free, who in the world just dashes down some alleyway in a foreign country, and through a series of doors deep into a dark unknown building??? It was all done for effect and atmosphere. Also, the girl was sitting there with her wings up, for full view, but its presented as if they just happened upon these people and snuck into their house.

It will be interesting to see if this ends up being an add for a show, it will be nice to see what it is. Consider that there was a little bit of story in that video. The girl is hunched over and I think you can hear her crying. Its almost like the tourists walked into the middle of a scene from what will be the larger movie, or tv show, or even video game.

they must sell those at the indian gap

There are gaps in india. And there are places to get t-shirts other than the gap.

Due to the local males in there and their reaction to the camera me thinks this was a, how do you say, underage prostitute joint?

They wouldn't let you take a video camera into a brothel. And especially not sneak in, start screaming, and then run out.
The whole thing was staged. There isn't even any reason to think that it was actually staged in india either.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 01:47 PM
A poorly coinceived fake. It's broad daylight outside and pitch black in this place occupied by a girl and some adults. No source of light inside except the intruders' flashlight? Where are the light bulbs, lanterns, or candles? And how about knocking and getting permission to enter before intruding into someone's private space? Or don't those social rules apply in India? That behavior, trespasssing into someone's home without warning, as these two did, can evoke a deadly response. These two had more to fear from that than from a kid with wings too small to take flight. Definitely a fake.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by krax
I was just watching videos on you tube when I came across this, i'm not sure whether i believe this or not, the reaction and wings seem real, so please tell me what you think.


Very convincing video. I have seen many of the current movies produced by professionals in Hollywood with special digital effects that show dragons and demons with wings, but I have never seen anything that compares with the winged girl in this video. Her wings are very real looking and move in a very realistic natural manner.

It was very interesting to see the way the girl held her hands over her face. If this had been a fake she probably would have wanted to show her face instead of hide it to gain notoriety. Also, if this had been a fake, then the perpetrators would probably have used feathery wings to make the girl seem more angelic. Instead we see she has leathery wings.

There are more things in Heaven and Earth... This is why many people want to believe it is fake and imagine evidence of fakery that isn't there. Reality is strong medicine and can be too shocking for some people to take.

[edit on 29-12-2006 by SkyWay]

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 02:05 PM

It was very interesting to see the way the girl held her hands over her face. If this had been a fake she probably would have wanted to show her face instead of hide it to gain notoriety

Nope, it should be the opposite

If the girl was to expect her patron to give her food or water she wouldn't have her hands before her eyes. She was downstairs so, logicaly, she shouldn't know who is comin' down.

The point is that she knew a cameraman was walking down the stairs so she had her ''hands up'' not to reveil her face.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by SkyWay
Her wings are very real looking and move in a very realistic natural manner.

They were breifly seen, and she was specifically in a position that allowed the wings to be see, rather than a natural position.
There is nothing indicating that they were real, as you noted, movie special effects artists can create absolutely convincing things like this, there is no reason to think that this was a fake produced by an amaetur. The very good quality of the footage itself indicates that its not a normal tourists video camera too.

If this had been a fake she probably would have wanted to show her face instead of hide it to gain notoriety.

I don't think it was intended to be put on the news or major media outlets or anything like that. The girl hid her face because thats what the script called for, for whatever reason.

Also, if this had been a fake, then the perpetrators would probably have used feathery wings to make the girl seem more angelic.

Humans don't grow feathers, so its a little more convincing that it'd be projections of skin, rather than white feathery angel wings.

This is why many people want to believe it is fake

I don't want to beleive its a fake, I don't think any of us want to beleive its a fake. When you just look at the video, you can tell that its a scripted commercial production.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 02:11 PM

This is why many people want to believe it is fake and imagine evidence of fakery that isn't there.

Do you think i haven't ever wished to see an angel?
A real one, not a hoax

[edit on 29-12-2006 by Dragonlike]

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 02:18 PM
i dont know im pretty skeptical about this video. i want to believe (which is usually always the case), but it looks like bad acting and almost scripted. does anybody know of any previous legends about a winged girl in india, recent or ancient? also towards the end of the video, when the two men are coming down the stairs i paused it and noticed that the man in the back appears to be grinning. if this we're real he'd be pretty pissed off.

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