posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 08:13 PM
I think your post is a little to simplistic. The fact of the matter is neither side of the immigration debate seems to recognize these fundamental
1. Illegal aliens can both hurt and benefit US society.
Illegal aliens benefit US Society by providing cheap labor that will perform jobs virtually all Americans will not do. At the same time they hurt
American society because *SOME* of the jobs they take are jobs that Americans are willing to perform. While many illegal aliens are for the most part
good, honest, hard working people who contribute to society, *SOME* of them are criminals or are here to mooch of are wellfare system. There is also
an ideal number of illegal aliens our society should have. Deporting every illegal alien would be disastrous, and similarly allowing 500 million
illegal aliens into the country would be disastrous. Immigration policy should be crafted to maximize the benefits to America, and America only,
while minimizing the harms to America, and America only.
2. The current law does not reflect the facts on the ground.
The fact is there are millions of people in the US breaking the law by being here. The law must closely reflect the facts on the ground if the law is
to maintain any integrity. This means that either the facts on the ground must change through government actions like roundups and deportations, or
the law must change to reflect the fact millions of people have come across the border. The anti-illegal alien side wants to round up all the
illegals, build walls, etc. to change the facts on the ground, and keep the law intact. The pro-illegal alien side wants to get rid of the law by
allowing anybody or anything acros the border. Perhaps there is a sensible middle ground, where the law allows limited numbers of people to come here
to work, while at the same time only those that are allowed to come here will actually be here.