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posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 02:24 PM
some matter on mars is stumping scietists here is a link with the full story

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 05:41 PM
interesting, what could it be i wonder.

and how public is this info, not seen anything on news about this.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 05:46 PM
why well to deny exsistence thats why like that story with that comet and the bateria from mars that died down real quick

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 06:09 PM
Maybe that "Mars Base" is doing some construction!

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 09:37 PM
I am guessing some material that we don't know about yet or something we overlooked.
Interesing find.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 10:48 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I don't see it.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 11:44 AM
maybe life on mars has formed an is evolving at a fast rate?

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by MrJingles
I don't know about you guys, but I don't see it.

I don't see anything either. Nothing obvious, anyway.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 02:33 PM
It appears to be unnatural deposits of material that is erroding in a manner not typically known by geologists.

On one side we have what appear to be holes or depressions and on the other flattened mounds of unusual shape.

Interesting, but unfortunately not enough evidence yet.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 02:48 PM
Huh, interesting! Those are some cool pictures too..I hope they find out what it is, keep us posted


posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 04:51 AM
I think that any advanced form of life on Mars is long since dead. Otherwise we wouldn't be going there.

The one thing that has vexed me has been the difference between the Mars missions and the Jupiter mission. NASA seemed exceedingly careful in destroying it's Galileo probe to Jupiter - even stating that this was done to avoid impact and possible contamination of Europa where there is a strong possibility of life. I think that if NASA believed there to be life on Mars we wouldn't be landing there.

Arthur C Clarke has a lot to answer for!!!

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 10:08 AM
I think your partly right.

EDIT: No need to quote the entire post ABOVE.

[Edited on 18-12-2003 by Kano]

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 10:18 AM
I don't see it, but then again...

Arizona State has some nutty stuff online. I got lost in a link once, and found a site I used for my tatoos, then never was able to find it again.

Like most colleges, the Admins and students that run the place have a good sense of humor, and way too much time on their hands. I just wish I could find the "pictures of real men in black" site again.

Some good candids of Boris Badenoff.

[Speaking of university servers: Does anyone know about the Tulane porn site? It was HUGE in the 90's... your tax dollars at work!]

[Edited on 18-12-2003 by RANT]


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