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posted by xpert11
I can see a third party candidate splitting the Conservative vote in 2012. IF the Conservative vote is split the election would be gifted to the Dems. The other obstacle a third party faces is the perception that a vote for a third party is a wasted vote. This perception exists primarily in countries where the political system is geared up for winner take all and not for equal representation - proportional - so that gives an idea of how hard the perception is to change. [Edited by Don W]
Originally posted by donwhite
Whereas Perot’s 18 million votes had no effect on the outcome of the 1992 election,
posted by djohnsto77
posted by donwhite
Whereas Perot’s 18 million votes had no effect on the outcome of the 1992 election,
How can you say that for sure? Not to disagree, but I was always of the impression that GHWB might have won reelection if Perot wasn't on the ballot, but I haven't done any serious research into it. [Edited by Don W]
Originally posted by djohnsto77
How can you say that for sure? Not to disagree, but I was always of the impression that GHWB might have won reelection if Perot wasn't on the ballot, but I haven't done any serious research into it.
posted by Justin Oldham
posted by djohnsto77: How can [DW] say for sure that [Perot did not effect the election outcome]? I hold B41 might have won reelection if Perot wasn't on the ballot, but I haven't done any serious research into it. [Edited by Don W]
My impression of George H W Bush at that time was that he really didn't want to be re-elected. My sense of the man is that he was going through the motions to pay off some of his political debts. [Edited by Don W]
posted by Xpert11
One question springs to mind: What happens if both a Liberal and Conservative third party candidate run in the same election and both split their respective voting block?
Any third party Conservative candidates who are looking to make a run in 2012 or 2016 need to improve over what Ron Paul is doing now but under a different flag. Now would be time Ron to leave the Republican party because he could take some of the Conservative voters who are unhappy with the party in future elections.
One of Bloomberg’s friends needs to start a media outlet who's sole purpose is to counter Fox News biases. I'm no fan of media bias in any form but this would be a case of "don't hate the player, hate the game." [Edited by Don W]
posted by Justin Oldham
Hello to all. I've been busy this week, I haven't had much time for ATS. In regards to Michael Bloomberg, I'm doubtful that he'll actually make the leap. Here's why. A) He's going to decide it's just not worth trying to follow in the wake of George W. Bush while competing against Hillary and Obama. B) He doesn't have the network of political operators in place that any serious candidate would need.
Those who like Ron Paul better enjoy him while he lasts. He's done. Aside from the fact that he lacks the network of political operators and money, he's about to be smeared by every competing candidate with a pulse. If you really like him write your letters and send your money now before its too late. Make your arguments count.
You can bet that every political war room in the country is busy crunching the details of Bush's immigration deal. Democrats will be able to get more positive PR out of the thing, but smart GOP Presidential candidates can make this work for them, too. As a purely practical matter, I would like to point out one thing. From now, immigration and border security will now be "fashionable" to talk about out in the open. Remember that when the Real ID laws kick in. [Edited by Don W]
posted by Justin Oldham
Hello, Don. I can see that your vacation is energizing you. Good. As a trained political scientist, I understand that certain conditions must exist before there can be a viable third party. I'll let you know when I see those events converging. In the mean time, we are left to ponder the impact of Bush's immigration deal. What says the rest of you?
posted by xpert11
Don I not so much selling the idea of a third party rather I am just putting forward ideas on how a platform would be created for a run in 2012 or 2016. If American voters reject a third party that is there choice.
As for Ron Paul - why does he remain in the Republican party ? I can’t understand why Ron even made a run this time round little alone remains in a party whose policies are so alien in comparison to his.
The immigration deal is neither here nor there . . it is good to see bipartisanship . . the deal will make it a hard sell on both sides of the political fence. Politically GOP candidates are struck between a rock and a hard place. If they come out in favor of an amnesty they will alienate there supporters who want zero tolerance to illegal aliens . . if a candidate puts the interests of the USA first they will make an enemy of the South American [Latinos] voting block. [Edited by Don W]
Originally posted by donwhite
[I understand all that except a “commodity based currency.” Can anyone help me?]
posted by LostSailor
posted by donwhite: I understand all that except a “commodity based currency.” Can anyone help me?
We have a fiat dollar right now backed by nothing but debt. He wants to return to a gold or silver or both backed dollar. I'm about 99% sure that is what he means . .
posted by LostSailor
Yes Don, But, we shouldn't have to live with inflation. It is in fact nothing but a hidden tax on the poorer people of this country. [Edited by Don W]
Also, we left the gold standard in 1971 and since then the dollar has decreased considerably in value.
We borrow billions from other countries to keep the dollar viable.
Of course, if you are a fan of the Amero [US slang for Euro?] this will not worry you one bit.
I however, am concerned about our nations sovereignty. I would like to take the power back from the private banks and give it back to the people via Congress.
Also, not every nation on Earth uses it. This is actually a concern for the World Bankers.
You can bet that if we ever do win this debacle in Iraq the first thing done will be the establishment of a central bank giving these world bankers the power in Iraq. I am not a fan of 'globalization' if you cannot tell.
Originally posted by RANT
Is that really all there is? Who do you think KR supports? Has McCain sold enough soul already? Or is there more on the table? I think the freaky Marketplace walk says a lot.