posted on May, 30 2007 @ 01:22 AM
I've always believed this shows a UFO crash that is extremly similar to what actually happened in roswell, only this was a much smaller scale.
I remember hearing a report from a whitness who said he and his father had seen what they thought was a meteor landing in the desert. When they went
out the next day they only found a large sheet of solid sand basically melted into glass.
I've developed the beleif that what happened in roswell was that a large craft came down, bounced on this spot creating so much heat that it melted
the sand. Following the bounce the occupants attempted to get into a smaller escape craft. This craft was also significantly damaged durring the
bounce and ended up crashing into a mountain a few miles down. The origional larger craft then hit the ground and shattered like this video shows,
which is what created the large debreis field...
Granted I've zero evidence to support this. But this is what I always thougt had happened and this video in a sence confirmed it for me when I did
see it the first time...