posted on Dec, 23 2006 @ 07:53 PM
Hi FL, Hello Arius, Have you really thought about the statement you made. The perpatrators of a great crime are told are told that they will be
prosecuted and jailed if they talk about it. Can you imagine that in any other situation, a murderer is told he/she cannot talk of their crime because
the law forbids it.
No its simply this, we know the Germans committed terrible crimes against humanity and so have others, but the perps of the Holocaust have never faced
justice and I dont mean the Nazis.
I have German friends and Germany is one of my favourite places to visit and yes some will talk about the war and what went on. Most of the population
did know what was going on but what do you do when the lunatics are in charge of the asylum. Most were carried along on the wave of promise of a
better and safer world, a German world and people fell for it. But this nirvana could only be achieved by those who would provide the funds to do so,
so who are they and what was their price.
Can you see the parallels in the US today, people blindly believing in 9/11 and the WOT, patriots who think they and their country have the right to
invade anyone's country they see as a threat or wont play ball with the US.
So the wheel turns again, who is providing a bankrupt country, the US with the means to wage war on others, who will profit from this and who will
suffer and loose, well I know who will suffer and loose but do you know who controls it. When you have the answer all will make sense, smart people
pay others to fight and die for them, so who are the smart people?