posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 04:53 PM
Mark McGuire
Strike one: An obvious juicer.
Strike two: His grand jury testimony.
Strike three: A career .263 average.
He's OUT.
Rafael Palmeiro
Without his roid-bloated power numbers from '98 to '03 he wouldn't be in the 500 HR club and, without that on his resume, I don't think his
vehement lies and .288 career average are enough.
He's OUT.
Sammy Sosa
In my mind, the most pathetic of the juicers. I mean, the bulking up of Barry Bonds is comedic, but the transformation of a lithe Sosa into the human
bowling ball was insulting.
His rise to greatness and fall to mediocrity is more reminiscent of a crack high than a steroid rush.
He's OUT.
Barry Bonds
One of the most despicable characters in sports. An arrogant ball of roid-raging self-centered [curse word] who simply doesn't care what people
think of him.
The thing that stinks the most about Barry is that he was so damn good before he started getting poked, creamed, and cleared. If he was a poser like
McGuire or Sosa he could be easily dismissed. As it is, I vote no on him for the first few times he's on the ballot...but in the end,
He's IN.
Pete Rose
I am dumbfounded at the amount of people who say that Bonds and McGuire will be in the hall someday, but that Rose has no place. Rose is not the
smartest fella in the world, but I dare you to find one single game that he played in where he wasn't intent on CRUSHING the other team. The guy
plowed over a catcher in the ALL-STAR game for goodness' sake.
There is a HUGE difference between betting on a game and fixing a game. Rose might have done the former but never, ever, could someone accuse him of
the latter.
The Hall of Fame is a sham until it includes the man who hit the ball more times than any other. Resoundingly:
He's IN.