posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 10:13 PM
I was 12 years old and it was the summer of 1978. I was home alone and it was around 6PM, so there was plenty of daylight left. I'd finished mowing
and was retrieving the basketball from the neighbor's back yard. That's when I saw a bunch of weird lights illuminating the property about five
houses down at the bottom of a hill. But these lights were unlike any I had ever seen, almost 3-D looking and all working in tandem much like the legs
of a spider...10-20 of them efficiently searching every inch of ground and working their way outward from the point of origin, which was blocked from
my view.
I lived at the top of a hill and I needed to walk diagonally down the hill closer to the lights for an unobstructed line of sight. I was spooked on a
primal level so I ran to the back of the the neighbor's yard and started easing down the hill. Then my eyes acquired a most unimaginable visual...
all those swiveling search lights were eminating from the bottom of a massive round metallic object (was reflecting sunlight) hovering silently about
fifty feet off the ground. It looked to be about five times bigger than my home with fixed white lights and small windows equally spaced all along the
outer edge.
Almost immediately, as if sensing my movement or body heat, one of the beams of light affixed itself directly on me. I shielded my eyes with my hands
and sensed a state of suspended animation, of sorts. The next thing I know, I'm back in my driveway standing beside some type of EBE... shoulder to
shoulder.... unafraid ....and looking down. My attention was focused on a device that the EBE was holding (which seemed very similar to "ziggy" on
'Quantum Leap', as I would be reminded of years later when this TV show first aired). All communication was telepathic and I did not look at the
EBE's face, nor did I have the urge to.
At one point I was instructed to interact with this device, which resulted in a weird but pronounced sense of accomplishment. At the same moment, the
EBE just vanished into thin air, along with the UFO. About 90 minutes had gone by the best I could tell. The strange thing is that I didn't tell
anyone about my encounter. It was the most spiritual experience of my life and I considered it very personal.
About 8 years later, my best friend and I had a UFO encounter while driving along a highway on New Years Eve. On the way down the road I told my
friend about my experience in 1978, and was the first time I'd mentioned this to anyone. Later in the evening, about 3 1/2 hours of time was
discovered to be missing along with our pissed off dates.
As strange as it all sounds, it's all true. Actually, I would be more descript if I could find the words.
[edit on 12/22/2006 by HaveSeen4Myself]