it is also funny that we do look very similar,,,,,,,,,,,but your arms are about as big around as my body,,,,,,,,it is a bit eary,,,,,,,,must be a
scotish/irish native american thing,,,,,,,,,it also makes sense thati would be smaller and trained not only in the programing but also in my normal
life,,,,,,,,,i spent many years teaching and performing cerimony as well as helping in cerimony,,,,,,,,,,,,my role was as helper and fill in for every
cerimony,,,,,,i had a very strange set of responsobilitys and authority,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what i found later was whati was doing in the lakota cerimonys
was very simlar to my celtic ansestory then after several years learning and doing over 150 sweats yearly and other cerimonymy great aunt passed and i
was told who she was,,,,,,,,,,,then a few years ago i found an intersting no solicitation stamp on my birth certificate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,as it happens my
cousin the same age as i was adoptedout ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he or i am yankton grandchildof sitting bull,,,,,,,,,,,,to my knowledge i am just abit apache
or iraqui(white mountain reservation is all i was told) on dads side.
But then just the Celtic side is a family from myth and legend not known to exist for sure until 1997,,,,the family itself only knew of kinship to
some unknown king that shakespeare used his name in a fictional story and that was all that was known, then i found out around 2002-2003 after
serveral not so nice attempts by others to covertly solicit information,,,,,,,,i only could pay attention to what they were doing after all it was
dangerous,,,,,,all i knew is they treated me like i was either an enemy or manchurian canidate then when it got bad the only thing i could do was warn
them as say im not what you think i am im differnt, what i am is far more dangerous trust me, my gifts only protect yet they can become weapons please
dont cause it to become war.
I kept saying i can heal and that can become something else just as potent yet destructive,,,,,,,,,,,,like i said i come from what some would call
mythical or even magical people from every side and it is funneled right down to me and i have to accept it weather i want to or not, it was also said
my people could provide a spiritual protection for there warriors and they were protected themselves by even a coutner attack when attacked and there
is no telling what form it may take yet after several thousands of years it is noticible, and when its noticible in ones own life time ya get a bit
skitish and what to wear a sing saying just dont mess with me and all will be well,,,,,it is exhausting to absorbe all of the energy of attacks being
sent back, like i said i have to channel it away, doesnt matter if its spiritual, emotional or physical, even finacial as ive found out, but when im
attacked if i dont go into what if bin programed to do then it can get bad,,so in a way ive not only bin slowly breaking my programing but ive also
bin weening those from the attacks, because when i channel it away it als obenifits them just as the celestine prophecy storys talk about,,,,,,,,,,but
ive also seen what happens when get realy focused and such,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sorry to write so much it is just that there is much to be explored and set
in motion.
So there you have it and maybe that is why after the towers were hit i just kept thinking all i have is talent(eerie),and my spiritual training and
knowledge then i began to realize it was allot more than i thought,,,,as well as i came more and more out of iti was also doing what i could to help
on the war on terror of which i had allot of success but then again someone in the know took advantage and began the memorie erase procedures,,,funny
thing though it was in the same house that i think it happend in earleir in my early 20's or late teens,but there was also my own writting next to
someones graphity where i rememberd being drugged and prepped for a procedure of pain, heck it was my bedroom the last time i was there,proof i had to
stare at it.