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Rape in Oslo

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posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 12:46 PM
This is a quick but interesting article.

The number of rapes in the Norwegian capital Oslo is six times as high as in New York City. Most of these rape charges involve an immigrant, and most of those immigrants are muslims. The article said 'rape charges' and not 'rape convictions'.

THIS is the part that has me really ticked off -

According to Unni Wikan, a professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo,

“Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes” because Muslim men found their manner of dress provocative. The professor’s conclusion was not that Muslim men living in the West needed to adjust to Western norms, but the exact opposite: “Norwegian women must realize that we live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it”

Once again, women and rape victims are just uncovered meat and are asking for it.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 12:51 PM
any rape charity will tell you you cannot blame the victim in a rape (even though its a standard tactic for a kind of lawyer).

This kinda thing is just stupid. I've lived in Norway and its cold man! real cold. Women dont, CANT dress THAT provocatively in the street compared to shall we say more temperate european nations.

There is only one person responsible for rape and that is the rapist.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 12:51 PM
Yeah we also have that sort of things in Quebec

At school many girls were dressed in a provocative way, should I have raped every single of them?

Don't they have any selfcontrol

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 01:28 PM
That's ridiculous...

Women should be able to dress how they please without fear of rapists.

All convicted rapists should be killed. Skim these turds off the top of the gene pool. End of story.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 03:36 PM
Were these Muslim men wearing their dresses? Like they are supposed too under muslim law?

Why not rape them, let them feel how it is to be raped repeatedly by many people.

Of course it will probably remind them of their childhoods anyway.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 03:44 PM
I wonder what kind of gun laws they have in Norway. I just had a great idea. I'm thinking of moving to Norway and opening up a pistol range and gun dealership. Teach these women how to defend themselves and sell them the weapons to do it with, then sit back and watch what happens.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 03:58 PM
Many rapes are not reported because the women are afraid of being branded as rascists if they do (if the rapist is not an ethnic norwegian). I know it sounds crazy, but this is unfortunately the case. I've heard about people being robbed in the streets (wallet, cellphone, etc) and not reported it, because of fear of being branded as rascists (Yes, I didn't believe it the first time I heard it either). And this behaviour is of course fueling support for extremist groups like neo-nazis, etc. Sad, but true...
Why can't people be judged as individuals and not by religion/race? This is misunderstood "anti-rascism" and it actually creates rascism. A criminal is a criminal, imo.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 04:02 PM
aaahhhh again can you not see the trend?

We all have to bow scrape and change our ways to appease the islamic immigrants...

If that happend to any one I knew, I'd gather a group up, and make the streets safe again for the women.

This is a slippery slope for the european nations to be travelling down - appeasement at all costs, and blame the rape and murder victims because they were not in line with islamic teachings.

I agree with the above poster. Rapists should be castrated then gang raped to let them see if they like it, then hung with electric flex.

Maybe then these islamic scum will see that we won't tolerate their backwards women hating freedom oppresing ways.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 04:14 PM
Rape is a nasty thing no matter who is committing it. I wonder if this would have made it to ATS if it wasn't for this:

"Most of these rape charges involve an immigrant, and most of those immigrants are muslims."

That statement is pretty skewed imo. "most rape charges involve an immigrant". OK, that may very well be. NOW add the second part, "and most of those immigrants are muslims."

This smack of propaganda. See?

There has been an explosive increase in the number of rape charges in the city of Oslo, but both the media and the authorities consistently refuse to tell us why. They did do so, however, in 2001, when two out of Norway's three largest newspapers, Aftenposten and Dagbladet, reported that most of these rape charges involve an immigrant perp, which again mostly means Muslims.

BTW, Google is not always a good thing, especially if you aren't looking for facts, just something to back up your own preconceptions.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by 2stepsfromtop
Were these Muslim men wearing their dresses? Like they are supposed too under muslim law?

You know, it's shocking how hypocritical Muslim men can be.

They dress how they please, but their women need to cover up? The concept of Hijab applies to both men and women, but does not require a full body covering, such as a Burkha or Nijab. In fact, it is very much similar to 19th/early 20th century western practices of covering from neck to ankles.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
That's ridiculous...

Women should be able to dress how they please without fear of rapists.

That's all true and well in theory and in theory only. The reality of the matter is, dressing a certain way can provoke a man to rape another woman. Its not right, it shouldn't be that way. But unfortunately, it is.

I think most people need a big dose of reality. Its not what you think should be the case, its what really is the case. And the case is, we live in a very dangerous world. And we need to protect our integrity, no matter how much it violates our own individualism and our own happiness. It won't matter when something bad happens to you.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
That's ridiculous...

Women should be able to dress how they please without fear of rapists.

That's all true and well in theory and in theory only. The reality of the matter is, dressing a certain way can provoke a man to rape another woman. Its not right, it shouldn't be that way. But unfortunately, it is.

That is a really arse about face way of looking at something. It may very well be the case where women "looks" sexy. After all, she may well have set out to do that, but that does not excuse a man raping her.

The men should learn to control their urges, if not, then they should be punished to the full extent of the law.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
That's all true and well in theory and in theory only. The reality of the matter is, dressing a certain way can provoke a man to rape another woman. Its not right, it shouldn't be that way. But unfortunately, it is.

And statements like that provoke me to beat people of a similiar mindset with sacks of hammers. Or, better yet, just the hammers.

But see, I don't. Because there is provocation, then there is following through on the action. When you commit the crime, regardless of provocation, it DOES NOT mitigate the fact that you committed said crime. They did something wrong, so it is their fault. I couldn't care less where they're from, or what the norm is there. You just don't do that # here.


posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 05:31 PM
This drove my BP up more than a few points:

“Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes” because Muslim men found their manner of dress provocative. The professor’s conclusion was not that Muslim men living in the West needed to adjust to Western norms, but the exact opposite: “Norwegian women must realize that we live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it”

And this jackass is a professor? Tell me, professor, who was there first, the Norwegian women or the immigrant rapists? As what exactlly is the responsibility of the immigrants to adapt to a multicultural society? None? Just act out their animalistic urges?

The punishment for rape should be death. And not for the woman, as some cultures propose - but for the rapist.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 05:38 PM
Was I the only one that took the time to look at the author of this source?

Check it out before you go any further. I'm sure many here will like what he has to say.

I'll go and iron my sheet now in preperation. :shk:

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 05:43 PM
i love how the original post implies the idea that it's the fault of islam...

just like all those rapes that were supposedly committed by african americans meant that african americans were more likely to rape people....

and i did look at the author of the article
intrepid, you're right, wow
just wow

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 07:31 PM
Interesting. Blaming the victim for rape happens in every society although I've never been able to figure that one out. Rape no matter who commits it is wrong. However, what hasn't been addressed is the fact that rape is a crime of violence not passion. It is about control and frankly it wouldn't matter how the victim dresses after all how provocative is an 80 year old women and they get raped too. Wake up people it's a violent crime not a crime of passion.

I also must agree with Intepid the source is questionable.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by gallopinghordes
Wake up people it's a violent crime not a crime of passion.

Could it be a violent crime of passion?

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by gallopinghordes
Wake up people it's a violent crime not a crime of passion.

Could it be a violent crime of passion?

No, it isn't. It's about power and subjugation.

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 10:17 PM
The human race isnt all that's cut out to be.

Some beasts still exist- in quite a few places. :shk:

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